I AM I am the wind and the rain.
I Am That I Am.
I reside in the all of you, your fingers and toes, your organs, your emotions, your thoughts and indeed in your actions. For good or for naught matters not for I do not judge myself. I am love, so great and so vast, that I reside in a state of namelessness and formlessness for no-thing can I create can contain me, for I Am That I Am.
To limit myself by these very words diminishes my being by encapsulating my breath, my words into the world of form. Each word I speak, in this moment, is creating for I am that which manifests myself without definition or containment. As the rock creates a ripple in the pond, I create ripples with my breath. Upon each exhale, I send myself forth to materialize in the world of man through action, through inspiration, through the very beingness of the hearts of my heart.
If you, who is me, visualize me, I am not containable in a single form, or any form for I am un-ending - the alpha and omega. I have no face or body. I have no religious right or left. I have no direction. I possess no correctness and know not the concept of wrong, of judging, of being evil or of being good.
If you welcome me into your thinking, feeling, acting body, you may find that as I am unleashed in the power of one, who is you, creation is everflowing, unstoppable. I surround you now in fields and flowers, stars and comets, rain and thunder. I surround you now in the suit of skin that cloaks your bodyworks, your organs and cells and arteries. I am all that and more.
Yet, often times, you see me not in the workings, the appearance of all things for you understand not the mind of God, which is no mind at all, for I Am Love. A love so vast it responds immediately to the smallest cry, the tiniest of whimpers of desire. If one wishes to experience the thrill of terror, one will surely find terror on the doorstep. If one holds the smallest particle of doubt, doubt will surely appear. For I hold no limit in my expression. I Am That I Am.
You have seen me in your lover's eyes and the tiny fist of a newborn child. You have seen me in the warships and in the bloom of a flowering plant. You have witnessed my phenomenal appearance with every breath you take, in the all of which you are surrounded.
You live, move and have your
being in me as I, in you.
"If you could get rid of yourself just once,
the secret of secrets would open to you.
The face of the unknown,
hidden beyond the universe
would appear on the mirror of your perception."
Love is in Service. Only that which is done, not for fame or name, and not for appreciation or thanks, is Love's Service.
So think as if your every
thought were to be etched in fire upon the sky for all and everything to see.
For so, in truth, it is.
speak as if the entire world were but a single ear intent on hearing what you say.
And so, in truth, it is.
So do as if your every deed were to recoil
upon your heads.
so, in truth it does.
So wish as if God himself had need of you. His life to live.
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The information contained on this Web Site is
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granted permission by the author. The picture on the Java Entry Page from the cover of the German edition of Sandy's book and the picture is copyrighted to the artist. Java is needed for the Entry page (prior to Welcome Page) in order to see the Ascension stairway. Fantasy paintings on this page may be from various artists. 1. Kagaya. 2. Shim Shimmel. 3. Kentaro Nishino. 4. Jonathon Earl Bowser. 5. Jean Luc Bozzoli
Copyright Infringement. Some images used have been obtained over years from many sources. I have tried my very best to seek permission and acknowledge the sources wherever possible. If you are the artist of a picture found here and consider your copyright has been violated or you wish additional credits to be added, please contact me on lightascension5d@gmail.com and it will be rectified or removed immediately. The purpose of this website is to increase awareness and understanding, not to infringe on personal rights. If I have violated your rights and you feel offended in any way, please accept my apology.
Copyright Sandy Stevenson |