The love between twin flames cannot be
described in the language of Earth. It is an absolute state of
unconditional love, and beyond the capability of any being whilst
incarnated to envisage or experience this incredible level of love in
its fullest capacity. After incarnating here for an extensive period it
is sometimes hard to conceive of that magnitude of love. There is
absolute love present. As well as this, imagine a situation where you
know and understand a person so completely, that there is nothing they
could say or do, that would ever upset you. This is because you clearly
see the infinite path that has led you both to this point.

Twin Flame Meditation
Music CD
A Twin Flame is our Beloved
Eternal Mate, a complete union of unconditional love. To achieve
spiritual wisdom, at times we separate from our Twin Flame. When these
separations occur in 3rd and 4th dimensions, the partings are
emotional and we bury much of the associated feelings of loss, pain,
fear and need. The memory of this tremendous sadness can prevent us
re-connecting. This emotion will need to be released, bringing the
balance necessary to make your Ascension.
This special and
beautiful music is a gift from Archangel Michael, a Dispensation to
the Lightworkers of Earth - to assist Twin Flames to re-unite and
remain connected until their completion on Earth. The music contains a
sequence of notes designed to match the energy vibration of unwanted
old buried emotions of loss, fear, pain or sadness connected with your
Twin Flame and to bring about a wonderful and joyful re-union. It also
assists with greater balance, harmony and love in your life and
assists you to complete your Earth goals. It will not interfere with
any current or future relationships.
Many of our soul mates are now incarnated, but it
is less common for our Twin Flames to be incarnated at the same time
as us. Whether your Twin Flame is incarnated or not, the connection is
designed to take place on a spiritual level and is very real. In
accordance with this special time, all Old Souls on Earth will then
remain connected for all eternity.
Listen to the music as
often as necessary, until all past trauma is released and the
connection with your beloved Twin Flame takes place. It takes as long as
you personally need to release everything. Once you have made the connection, if at
any time you lose it just regain your centre and balance once more. Move out of
the mind/story and into the intuition/heart place of spirit, in a
loving and non judgmental way.
Music, cover and messages all
channelled by Archangel Michael. Music created, recorded and produced by Sally Brown. Twin Flame
cover painting by Keith English. Cover and tape message channelled by Sandy
Stevenson (spoken by Sally Brown).
beautiful music was composed by Sally (working with Archangel Michael) and is her gift to you.
Brown, the Composer, Musician and Producer of the Twin Flame Music.
Note: Sally also has beautiful music available that releases the trauma of
Atlantis. See 'Announcement Page Two'.

Keith English -
the wonderful UK Artist of Twin Flame Cover (now Ascended)

A few of many letters received:
first connection
I made was quite incredible. My head was caressed
as a swirl of loving energy poured over me.
It was like being kissed by the cosmos. I was cradled in total
support. A most incredible experience. I had no expectations, just
hope! L S. UK
music has filled me
with so much joy and love that my simple words
cannot possibly describe it. I felt myself lifted to a world of
wonderment and loved as never before. B. H. UK
stopped it happening for weeks,
only allowing little bits to
release. Then I finally surrendered and up it came. It was
uncomfortable, because I had buried a lot of pain. But the bliss and
the joy that followed and continues now with me in each day is
sublime. I walk as one with the greatest love of my life, filling me
with joy and contentment. I do my work with excitement and fun and we
know we are together now forever. K. J. UK
had played it
for several weeks and loved the beautiful music, but
felt that it was not triggering any releasing process. I had almost
given up, when suddenly without warning, a floodgate opened. I sobbed
for hours - something I had never done before. A huge releasing took
place and I grew lighter and lighter. Relief flooded through me and I
knew that a major breakthrough had occurred. A huge layer has gone.
Soon it will all be gone and I will make that re-unification with my
Twin Flame - I can feel it in my heart. P. C. Europe
a beautiful real episode? I was told by someone who bought the
Twin Flame tape that she lent it to a friend and that person was
playing it while driving. He was stopped by a traffic policeman for
exceeding the speed by 40 km. But instead of penalising the driver the
cop stood transfixed and for half an hour listened to the music. That
happened on a countryside road. Then he was very eager to have the
cassette saying it was just what he needed. He added, "No
wonder you failed to notice a road sign for reducing the speed -
with such music on. There was no fine to pay!. Lilije T Lithuania
I LOVE your twin flame meditation, it is THE
BEST meditation on the planet. Narelle. Australia
I am Tania from Malaysia. Recently I attended a healing where your
tape was played and I love it!
I have just listened to your tape "Twin Flame
Meditation." It is Brilliant. Paul Green UK
I often play your tape
as background music and
every time a
calmness, contentment and peace befalls
me. I get all goosy. This inspirational music is real
powerful. Not only do I feel the healing power flow
through me
but my Crown Chakra opens wide whenever Archangel Michael’s special
music fills the air. Many heartfelt thanks, Sandy
for enriching
my life
without even having met you personally yet.

Link to Twin Flame message from Archangel Michael
on CD
Details: The Twin Flame CD consists of 20 minutes of really exquisite music
that removes blocks to Twin flame connection.
It contains just
a brief explanation from Archangel Michael in the beginning. It has a colour cover
of the Twin Flame picture shown at top of page with the same picture
on the CD. There is a paper inset with information you will need to read before listening
to the music.
For Twin Flame CD orders:
World Orders
stock as at 29th April 2023 = 47
Twin Flame CD
are available in Scotland. They can post it. Please contact:
PRICE: £8.17 Sterling - plus
post and packing.
US $25 or AUST $20
P&P costs. UK £2.00 Europe
£4.95 Rest of world. £6.95
29th April 2023 A few CD's available in
Australia. Please contact Sandy at

