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                                                            For a moment in eternity

                                                                           Time stands still

                                                                      And what was

                                                                         And will be

                                                                             Is now









Sandy Stevenson


The highest truth is now being sought as the reality of our existing world is shaken up and humanity begins seeking discovery of its true self. This book brings together the highest truths as experienced personally by the author, in a simple and easy to understand way, in one location for easy access. It offers around 500 higher truths about source, the universe, how to transcend this 3D plane, who we are, how the universe came about, how to align to higher truth and helps makes sense of everything now occurring on Earth. Chapters include: Our journey home; Source; The physical universe; The soul; Advancing to higher dimensions; Current position of humanity on Earth; The soul's journey from source; If the universe disappears for you, etc.

The Earth is experiencing a unique universal change as this sector of the galaxy undergoes a major cosmic transition to higher frequencies of light. A higher divine picture overlays everything occurring on Earth. A world is pushing itself past limited thinking and opening up in a magnificent realization of incredible interactions of differing realities and timelines and synchronicities as the veils of unseen worlds of wave lengths and dimensions begin to appear, as everything that is light becomes one. We see perfection beyond physical senses that reveals sacred geometry, stretching across infinity of what is and is not. As each new section of the jigsaw falls into place, we begin to understand our relationship with source and the universe.

We are taking a world into golden light to shine in brilliance and magnificence forever - a reflection of what can be achieved when a dedicated, diverse mix of beings from across the galaxies, come together in one voice, one strength, one united power, with immense compassion and an invincible determination in the pursuit of one united goal - to Create a New World of Love, Light and Harmony for all humanity.

We know deep in our heart we are on the most exciting and wondrous adventure possible. Worlds we never even dreamed existed unravel before our eyes and we know we will never be the same. We find serenity in the core of infinite brilliance of a universal masterpiece. There is no doubt of the outcome for Earth. It is blazoned in gold across the universe, embedded in mathematics and written in the stars by the hand of Infinite Creation, recorded for all Eternity. 


EBOOK $3.00 USA. Seekers of Higher Truth is currently available through the following: Barnes and Noble; Apple iBookstore; Smashwords; Kobo; Stanza; Tolino; OverDrive; Bibliotheca; Everand; Amazon/Kindle eBook; Baker & Taylor; Aldiko; Hoopla; Gardiners, etc. All eBooks can be purchased and downloaded to all eReaders and computers, e.g. all Kindle readers, IPad, iPhone, PC, Sony Reader and Mac.

THE PAPERBACK print is now available across the world.  Although it is not physically on book shelves, it can be ordered through more than 40,000 global bookstores and libraries, on line. The author set low prices in all countries, keeping to the minimum required by the publisher to cover their print costs and profit. The author is not taking royalties.  However, different sellers choose their own price.  Amazon is charging above the set price in all countries. Note: In the USA, Barnes and Noble price is currently cheaper.








(Seekers of Higher Truth is already in print form)



Note: To keep book prices as low as possible, I don't take commission. Most eBooks are US $3.50.

Publishers require the price set for print books to cover their print and distribiution costs plus some profit , so  minumum prices apply. Where i can,  I have set the lowest price.

Amazon charge to make a good profit, so you may like to look around.


Books are printed on Demand. That means the publisher prints and posts a book as soon as it is ordered. No delay. Books are not on the shelves in a bookstore but can be ordered from any bookstore. Books can be ordered direct on line from the following companies.

Books are currently available through the following: Amazon/Kindle eBook; Barnes and Noble; Apple iBookstore; Smashwords; Kobo; Stanza; Tolino; OverDrive; Bibliotheca; Everand; Baker & Taylor; Aldiko; Hoopla; Vivlio; Borrowbox; Odilo; Palace Marketplace and Gardiners.


1.       'The Awakener' (bestseller) available as an eBook for all computers and Readers. US $3.50. Issued originally as a print in 1997, it then became an eBook. It has been reissued again as a print book with a new cover in 2025.



2.      'All That Is Love'  NOTE: 'All That Is Love' is the eBook version of   he original paperback called 'I Am Here, now with a new cover and title. It does not contain any new material, so if you read I Am Here, you've done it.  Available as Ebook and Print book.


3.      'Awakener Articles 1995-2021' USA Contains all Sandy's written and channelled articles since the publication of The Awakener  - up to mid 2021. Ebook and Print book.


4.      'Q and A - Spirit Way'  2019  The book contains questions and answers regarding many aspects of the Ascension of Earth and the role of the Lightworkers and Starseeds who came to help.  It contains a compilation of questions asked over many years and is updated every 6 months.  Ebook and Print book.


5.     'Ascension Awakening Articles 2022 -2024' Contains all Sandy's written and channelled articles SINCE the publication 'Awakener Articles 1995-2021. Ebook and Print book.


6.   'Seekers of Higher Truth' issued March 2024. Based on the author's expererience, hundreds of higher truths, written in an easy to understand way. Ebook and Print book.






                                                English edition       German edition     Lithuanian edition            EBook                         New cover         Back cover


'The Awakener' is available as an e-Book. It can be downloaded to various e-readers including Amazon Kindle, IPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, PC and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others.   

The English edition of The Awakener was first published 21 years ago in the UK. It had a long and successful run, being read by hundreds of thousands of people and became a best seller. Hard copy publication has now ceased. The original price for the printed book was £7 or US$12. New copies can still be found on USA www.amazon.com or other Amazon sites, but Amazon often increases the price considerably when they only have one copy left. The good news is they also sell very cheap second hand copies.

The  German edition is also now out of print but is also available second hand on www.amazon.com

The Lithuanian edition was published in August 2011 and can be obtained through Amazon or from the Lithuanian publisher - MIJALBA (code 134889283) Birzisku 5 – 34, Kaunas, 51457, Lithuania. Email info@mijalba.com



This book is dedicated to all those throughout the Universe who had the incredible love, courage and absolute determination to implement the Divine plan on Earth.

This book succeeds in giving a clear, easily understood, overall picture of the Divine Plan for Earth and of personal and planetary Ascension. Written in ‘normal’ down-to-earth language, it contains everything the Lightworkers will need to know until they leave here. It details the original plan and contracts, as agreed to by the Lightworkers. The information in it will not become outdated.

The Dawning of the New Age on Earth, the Seventh Universal Golden Age is upon us. A wonderful new world spans the horizon as the magnificent splendour of the Gold Ray of Christ permeates the consciousness of every man, woman and child on Earth, bringing recognition of the Divinity within all life. The old gives way to a new dimension of Unconditional Love and Peaceful Co-existence.

Earth is attaining Sacred Planet status, rising from the deepest density ever experienced in the Universe into a dimension of full Light. This will bring all pain and suffering to an end. All the learning that has been attained upon Earth now passes into the Universal Consciousness, creating a new pattern for the entire Universe.

Across the Universe, millions watch in and awe and excitement as this massive transformation takes place. Earth begins to emanate a violet hue and a great wall of light extending beyond 100 miles becomes visible across galaxies.

The amazing dedication by the Starseed and Lightworker Rainbow Warriors on Earth and the unswerving love and help from the Ascended realms has brought this plan in all its perfection and glory into full reality as Earth moves steadily, positively and unfailingly into her new role in the fifth dimension.

As the last energy grid patterns and blueprints are anchored into position, the Earth is in readiness for her final shift into a new dimension. Upon completion of their individual mission tasks, the Rainbow Warriors - Caretakers of Earth, will re-unite with their Twin Flames and return Home.

An exciting, positive and complete overview of Earth’s long predicted transformation to a new state of existence. This best selling book is clearly written in a ‘down to earth’ detailed manner; describing the role of personal and planetary ascension. It also tells of the agreements originally made by those committed to bringing about these changes - the Lightworkers and Starseeds - when they undertook their missions. The author speaks of Ascended Masters, Twin Flames and soul mates, the use of universal law, testing the sources of guidance and the steps needed to be undertaken towards initiation and ascension. A wonderful reference book for people wishing to play an active role in creating a peaceful and unified existence on Earth.




"Everything you ever wanted to know about All That Is, and more! Beautifully written".   Da Vid   Founder of The Light Party USA

'For all those wishing to partake in a new and uplifting vision for mankind and our planet, this book is essential reading'.   Horoscope magazine UK

This book gives a remarkable insight into Earth’s destined transformation in the new millennium. Easy to understand, it describes the role of personal and planetary ascension. It is designed to help those people who wish to play an active role in creating a peaceful and unified existence on Earth. "Everything you ever wanted to know about All That Is, and more! Beautifully written". Da Vid Founder of The Light Party USA

'For all those wishing to partake in a new and uplifting vision for mankind and our planet, this book is essential reading'. Horoscope magazine UK to partake in a new and uplifting vision for mankind and our planet, this book is essential reading'. Horoscope magazine UK

Since 1993, when I received what I refer to as my first "wake up call", I have been reading literally everything I could get my hands on regarding spirituality (in all its forms) and, before reading your fine book, I was getting to the stage of being already aware of the material in new books I was trying to read. However, when I started to read The Awakener, I found it to be a very valuable revision of knowledge I had already remembered as well as a fresh source of stirring for many of those areas of my being that were still "sleeping."

The "Awakener" popped out at me at the library. I shivered with joy and excitement every time I picked it up to read! Your message has played like celestial flute notes on my inner being! The perfect book for me at the perfect time! I live in the "country" taking care of animals at a place sacred to the American Indians. I am thrilled that I can help Mother Earth, by sending out light and love even way out here! I feel so soulfully connected to your work/play and you and I am so grateful that such as you are illuminating this sphere! Yours in Light and Love, Karen

Just re-read your amazing The Awakener again....brilliant work and very enlightening! Jools (Wales, UK)

The Awakener is a fabulous book packed with the most astounding information written in the most accessible way. I have read it many times and I have been recommending it to everybody, beginners and veterans alike. The book has a magical quality: it is a little booklet, but every time you read it you discover things that you had not noticed before. A "new energy" must for the new millennium. A wonderful guide for Lightworkers. Catherine G London UK

Sandy's book was the perfect follow-up to her workshop. No matter how well we understand things, it is always great to have a practical reference. Was the perfect follow-up to her workshop. No matter how well we understand things, it is always great to have a practical reference. A reader from Byron Bay, Australia

This book was remarkable for three reasons: 1. It was unusually down-to-Earth and easy to understand. 2. It answered every question I had and lots more. 3. You can use it in a practical manual to handle 101 problems. It should be listed under 'Works of Art.'

The Awakener was so exciting and so easy to read, I actually read it through three times straight off - each time with a deeper understanding. Every word rang true and life's questions I had wondered about, were clearly answered. I am not a super intellectual, so I really appreciated the ability of the author to approach such high level concepts, in such a clear and simple way. It wasn't all dressed up. Even the book cover is a joy. It reminds me of something beautiful I once knew to be true, and believe with the help of this book - I am reaching again. Thank you A reader from Australia

In this book, I found all the answers I needed. It may sound far-fetched, but it turned my life around. At last I understand what I am doing here and how easy it can all be made to run smoothly. This information has helped me immensely. I am content, productive and happy.

I am in the process of healing MS and have been instructed to read "The Awakener" daily which has been a wonderful source of inspiration. Blessings, WI.

I have already ‘devoured’ “The Awakener” and I am half way through your book “I AM HERE”.  

I am an ardent reader and I am quite spoilt in regard to the quality of spiritual books I lay my hands on, however, your  book “The Awakener” is not only an eye-opener put it also puts everything into perspective which I was unsure of before.  These days there are so many New Age people who try to impose their ideas on or convey to the reader or student and, in the end, you are more confused than ever and don’t know what is right or wrong, although supposedly there is no such thing as “wrong”.

“The Awakener” is a book or better said ‘Spiritual Encyclopedia’ or ‘Spiritual First Aid Book’ which every person who follows their spiritual path should always keep close by for further reference. Re your other book “I AM HERE”.  The contents of the book is equally gripping and educating as “The Awakener”.  

The Awakener is fabulous, unputdownable, so clear and succinct and pulls together so many strands of information, as you wrote, if it’s complicated…it doesn’t need to be. FJ

 I wanted to thank you for the book "Budintojai" (The Awakener). It gave me a lot of knowledge, perception. For some time now I am interested in spiritual things, I see a past life, subtle levels. Your book helped me a lot to understand. VR Lithuania.

I can't even tell you how I got to your book "The Awakener", but the most important is that I did. I was guided to it by a series of events and I am deeply grateful for it. CE. Poland

I thank you so much for the help this book has given me.  GJ Australia

I read the book in one weekend and just couldn't put it down when I finally got into it. While a lot is referred to, "The I AM " series for instance there was no further reading or reference section. I had a problem with the ET section and references, but as I live in Glastonbury a lot of other strange things happen so I keep an open mind. I think there is a lot of thought provoking stuff and reading it was worth the effort. I just wish there was something to follow it up with. Angela P W

Have enjoyed your book. You have summarized much of the history of why we are here as well a provided many strategies for our behavior. Thank you for your spiritual work and we will all be wishing you a beautiful Christmas and a fruitful, exciting 2015. Love and Light.

I just read The Awakener and I just wanted to say a big Thank you! Absolutely Fantastic and mind blowing book. It put me on such a high. Thank you Michelle

Just a few lines to express how much I enjoyed your book The Awakener. Ascension has been so much a part of my life and so many books have come into circulation on this subject. Your book is so refreshing in its clarity and I am so happy to recommend it to all. Ann B Ireland

I read your book The Awakener some 4 years ago and it had a profound effect on me and I knew I would never go back again.

I just finished The Awakener. Though I have read many books of similar themes, yours touched me in  a very profound manner that resonated with my soul’s intention. It was refreshing to indulge in a transmission that lovingly facilitated I AM remembrance. Your book ignited an inner fire and  I was blessed with your radiant account of taking responsibility for self, global and universal community. B S

I have read The Awakener. I feel extremely moved and elated by the content of the book. I realised lots of things while reading. I was either crying, laughing or getting excited over parts of the book. Sometimes I had a feeling I was reading about myself. I am so, so grateful to you for the gift of all the words written. For all the knowledge and for the love and power they convey. It is so soothing I am so exciting to know, to find confirmation of all these things I knew inside me. I have changed so much, I feel excited and happy. I want to open my heart. I want to feel unconditional love and compassion. I now feel trust and faith in Divine order. Thanks for the love and joy I gained from it. Poland

Thank you for your book The Awakener. It saved my sanity. Much love S

Thank you for all you are doing to share the Light. And thank you for your book. It is a splendid contribution to the Whole. B and E Canada

You cannot imagine how delighted I am to write this letter to you after reading The Awakener book in April. This book is actually the first book I have ever read that spoke to my soul as much as yours. The clarity and unbelievably accurate truth touched every cell in my body. Sascha

                                                        PURCHASE DETAILS ARE AT END OF THE PAGE         


                      CHAPTERS - click here for excerpts from the following chapters

                      1. Earth Mission

                      2. The Original Agreements

                      3. The Pattern of Evolution and Learning on Earth

                      4. Ascension and the Birth into a New Dimension

                      5. The Creation of Reality

                      6. The Masters and the Rays

                      7. The Path of Initiation and Testing

                      8. Discernment and the Power Within


                      9. The Right To Decree and Universal Law

                     10. Channelling, Protection and the Universal Challenge

                     11. Twin Flames, Soul Mates and Going Home

                     12. Ten Steps To God

                     13. Let us be the Light



All That Is Love




(IMPORTANT  - This book was previously printed as 'I Am Here'  with a different cover)   



  Listening to the world with your heart opens a window to the soul. In this place you are able to see that truth is everywhere. It flows through the rivers and the oceans. It sings through the wind in the trees and in the cry of a newly born child. It comes to our hearts through Light as seen in the beauty of a rainbow. 

It reaches us in every breath we take and whispers I AM ALL THAT IS.

May the Golden Way lead your heart dancing to a truth you have always known.

A magical, life-changing story about a special group of nine travellers who set out to create a better world by offering a different and exciting way to look at life.

If you’ve ever wondered if life has a deeper meaning, but thought it may be too complicated to understand, you will be delighted with this book. Written in a simple, easy-to-read style, this enlightening tale presents a fascinating look at who we are and why we are here.

As the story of the Golden Way unfolds, we are given a positive view of life; gaining greater insight into the subjects of love, truth, death, birth, illness, families, work, nature, relationships, religion, problems and much more. We find answers to many puzzling aspects of life; such as why one person lives a trouble free life and another suffers great hardship.

This wonderful story will leave you with a more loving and optimistic view of the future; for yourself, your family and the world.


Original cover - leaf gold and violet cover



REVIEW - Sydney's largest esoteric bookshop 

At Adyar, we see too many books being promoted as ‘destined to be as popular as The Celestine prophesy’ and then disappearing without trace. The publishers of this book have made no such claim, yet it has the right balance of immediacy and accessibility, though without the ‘Goodies and Baddies’ plot, that could see it being as popular as Redfield's book! It is up to you to discover how special it is for yourself!  Dec. 2000   Book Review from Adyar Bookshop – 230 Clarence St., Sydney Australia 


A BOOK IN ITS RIGHT TIME  I have just finished reading your new book 'I AM HERE' and I felt I had to contact you to say how wonderful the book is and how important it is going to be to people who are just awakening. I teach a course on Spiritual Awareness through my local adult education center and I shall certainly be recommending the book to the people on my course as it fits in perfectly with what we are covering each week. Louise…. Cornwall UK


The book is brilliant and I'm going to give it to lots of people for Christmas. I believe in miracles and perhaps this is the one to do it!! The book was well worth waiting for and all you said about it was true... it will be a big, big, seller. C Q  Ireland  


I am currently using this book as a basis for the meditation courses I run. Trying to find a suitable book for people just beginning to explore their spiritual journey was quite difficult. This book was absolutely right and I could not have chosen better than I AM HERE. I am currently developing a course which in effect will be an ‘Experiential Guide’ to the book.

Ideas are presented succinctly, in the format of talks by a group of young enlightened people who are living the ‘Golden Way’. It is simply written, and very easy to understand by people of all levels of spiritual ‘development’ It is also a very wise read for those people who occasionally need to go back to their own first steps on the path in order to understand how difficult the early stages of awareness can be.

Living this ‘Golden Way is certainly the way forward in the 21st century, as we go through a very powerful time in Earth’s history. An exceptionally well timed book, and a very useful and stimulating gift for anyone with an enquiring mind on the first steps of their spiritual path. SL. Southampton UK


Thank you for writing this book. It is brilliant and very helpful, even to me for whom this is already a reality, at least intellectually, but not all yet fully integrated or lived at all levels. JQ Yorks.


I wanted to thank you for your new book. I thoroughly enjoyed it, as did the other 15 in my class. I am running a 10 week course and we discuss one chapter a week using the key points. We all read the entire book first and this has helped a lot, as we found most of our questions were answered as we read on. What we are able to do now is take these ideas a step further with our discussions. It has been a wonderful basis on which to run a course that is both stimulating, enlightening and enjoyable. We have lots of laughs. We all feel it presents a very positive and logical sense to life. I will no doubt run a further course to take in the remaining chapters. SJ  Derby, UK


The first few chapters brought tears as the pain in my soul released. What can I say - it is all so complete. V.D. Northants, UK


Great book – easy to read, informative and a good base for teaching.  OL UK


A life-enhancing story that will leave you with a wonderful and optimistic view of the future. Delightful.   First Peace Magazine  Staffs, UK 


I really enjoyed your book. It is so much easier to learn from stories than from straight forward instruction.  E. L. UK


In trying to find an important feature to mention about this book, I realise the entire book is important. Despite its deceptive simplicity, it provides answers to puzzling questions we ask all our life, such as why one baby dies at birth and another lives to be 100, or why one person lives a trouble free life and another suffers great hardship.

Moving from Atlantis to modern times, a group of nine special travellers reveal a different and optimistic view of life. As the story unfolds, greater clarity is offered about our purpose on Earth. Confronted with new ideas, we are forced to examine our own deep-seated beliefs, but the outcome cannot help but be of benefit.

Because it covers so many different aspects of life, a few ideas may be familiar to us, but overall the understanding given is quite new and different than our mainstream beliefs. This comprehensive and clear picture gives a purpose to all the events of our life. Life becomes a clever plan and not the hit and miss affair we so often feel it is. It appears we may all be wiser and more capable than we realise. Most importantly, we are left feeling a greater love and tolerance for ourselves and our fellow human beings.

Life, often perceived as a jigsaw of confusion, suddenly starts to make a great deal of sense. Although addressing deep subjects, such as what occurs after death, the authors down-to-earth approach and use of examples and simple words make reading both easy and a pleasure.


'I am here' is such a treasure of a book, it showed me what I always knew since I could toddle, but denial made me ignore! You wrote it in such a beautiful way that I was able to accept what I feel but cannot touch. Mum keeps telling me to look at your website and now that I'm finally here and glad I got there. Keep up the wonderful work. Brightest Blessings,  Jennifer G Australia.


A BOOK IN ITS RIGHT TIME   A timely book for the new millennium, I AM HERE presents a new and simple understanding of all areas of life. It involves an intriguing story about nine travellers who provide answers to life’s mysteries. An explanation is given of such diverse subjects as birth, problems, work, love, illness, animals, God, dreams, ghosts and nature, as well as what occurs after death. The author’s basic approach and use of examples and simple words make reading for both adult and child, easy and a pleasure.


I’ve just started reading your new book – lots of tears, a moving experience – thank you.   Karl S.   Sydney, Australia


I'm halfway through 'I AM HERE' - and thoroughly enjoying it! - I've been raving on to friends about it, and urging them to order it. I've put a book promotion on page 3 of the Nov. Issue, and have also mentioned it in my Editorial. I will be doing a review on the book soon as well. I'm sure it will sell well!    Universal Mind Magazine Australia


"I AM HERE" by Sandy Stevenson is an extraordinary book: simplistically structured it contains profound metaphysical truths and pearls of wisdom, presented in a form of lively lectures which are delivered by nine very attractive people. They are so attractive that that the reader becomes more and more interested in what they have to say. It is remarkable that written without any intriguing plot the book manages to grasp and hold the reader's attention and curiosity to the very end by the mere power of going straight to the heart and making it hum with joy" true, true, true ..." The power of the book stems up from an undeniable authenticity, knowledge and understanding of metaphysical truths, otherwise it would not be able to stir the chords of our own in-depths remembrance the way it does. I truly hope many people read it, for the better our world will become. Lilije T. Lithuania. Lecturer/Translator and a long-standing seeker of self-knowledge.


I AM HERE is an enjoyable, easy to read code for Lightworkers to live the 'Golden Way'. For those just 'waking up', or to remind ourselves why we are here.   Shimara Kumara   Academy of Eternal Light.


This book give you history & idea about Atlantis & its secrets. Same time give you valuable lessons about path of awakening & life!!! rei alchemist Author of Divine Alchemy Healing.


I have been using this book (first published as "I AM Here") as the basis for the meditation courses I ran for a number of years. Having attended Sandy's inspiring (and great fun) workshops for the past 20 years or so, I enjoyed her first book The Awakener very much. However - trying to find a suitable book for people just beginning to explore their spiritual journey was quite difficult. This book was absolutely right, and I could not have chosen better than I Am Here. I am currently developing a course which in effect will be an 'Experiential Guide' to the book.  Bellami-Barker


What a lovely gentle journey this story took me on. So many pearls of wisdom within. Interesting subjects covered. Easy to read, never preachy rather I felt empowered to remember and find my own higher truth through the unfolding story (about life and so much more).Seems written with a love and appreciation for all; for people, animals, nature, crystals, the earth, Astrology. A book clearly written without ego. Very refreshing. I enjoyed the gentle humour flowing through the story and appreciated the chapters clearly defined, simply written, concise and uplifting. Over the years I have referred back to various chapters in this book for clarity on particular subjects covered (illness, choice, truth, work, sleep and dreams, etc.)The chapter titled 'Choice' contains a lovely meditation, very relaxing. So inspiring are the words of 'Unconditional Love' at the front of the book. Truly beautiful. There is a wonderful list of affirmations at the back of this book. Very helpful. Simply a lovely book and I highly recommend it. Thank you Sandy Stevenson. Gina


'All that is love' is a magical story of 9 highly evolved youngsters who go out into the World sharing their knowledge and wisdom and reminding everyone that we all have the same knowledge and wisdom inside of ourselves. It's one those 'unputdownable' books. Because it's positive and uplifting. Through the 9 characters we see life from an empowering and exciting view point. The book reminds us of our magical intuitive knowing. An ability we all have, that when applied consistently transforms our humdrum lives into the exciting adventure they were meant to be. I always feel better after delving into it. I have a 'light bulb' moment virtually every line because the writer has such an inspiring and positive twist on everything. It's a fun, fascinating and therapeutic read. The wisdom pouring out of this book and the 'Awakener' is worth it's weight in Gold. And at $3.50 each, these books are bargains. Lee


I loved this book. All it contained resonated as Truth for me. Easy to read, simple to understand, uplifting and accessible for all. It answered many questions I've had concerning the nature of reality, how to raise my vibration and lead a happy life. I wish I had been given a copy of this book as a teenager to guide me, help me make wise choices and give me the encouragement to follow what I intuitively knew. I'm constantly dipping into it, especially at the back where there are wonderful affirmations and practical ideas for living the Golden Way. Inspiring! Marita


Thank you for a wonderful day on the 27th Nov. so many signals letting me know where I should be were confirmed. The first 2 chapters of your book reduced me to tears. I felt the pain of Atlantis in my soul and remembered a dream I had 10 years ago that I now know was Shangrgrila. Valerie


Easy to read, informative and a great book for teaching. Thank you, Lynne


From the author

I believe I AM HERE is a perfect book for anyone who has not yet discovered life is a spiritual journey. It can also benefit people who are quite aware of spiritual aspects, who may have missing basics – or who can be helped by seeing them written another way to assist in taking them as ideas in the mind to their heart and application in their life.

It is an ideal book to give, recommend or purchase, for our friends and family who have not yet looked at life from a spiritual perspective. It is written as a story, uses simple words, is easy to read with short chapters, examples and even large print. It covers most aspects of life. The colours and title hold a special energy.

It also helps with:

1. Ideas and examples of how to talk about different spiritual subjects when speaking to newer people.

2. It is a good book to have on hand to loan to people.

3. The extensive list of positive ways to live/how to raise your vibration (at back of book) is a useful guide both for us and our friends.

4. Having read the book we have a better idea of the people we know that it can help.

5. It makes a wonderful, heartfelt gift. Also an ideal Christmas or birthday present. When people own their copy, they can then easily refer to the seven key points shown at chapter beginnings, as well as the positive way to live list. They may also like to read the book again. With each reading, a deeper understanding is gained.

With the Grace of God, may it make a difference in the world.


Sandy Stevenson

Original paperback copies are available in Scotland. Details at end of page.


A previous cover



Awakener Articles 1995 - 2021



740 pages 

The Awakener was written in 1995 and joining Gateway UK publisher’s queue, it was printed in 1997. Since its publication, the author has written and channelled many articles that reflect the steps on the journey of the Light Force as they fulfil their role in Earth’s Divine Plan. These articles contain valuable and very practical information covering a broad range of subjects from Twin Flames to how to connect to the higher realms of light. The articles are written for the Starseeds and Lightworkers, to help make life easier and more fun as they finish their work on Earth and prepare for their journey home. For the majority of the Light Force this will be their final incarnation on Earth. These articles contain all the information you need to love and embrace the joy of life on this beautiful planet. This book contains articles writen from 1995 to 2021.


A previous cover


Ascension Awakening Articles 2022 - 2024





740 pages 

This book follows 'Awakener Articles (1995-2021).' This book contains all Sandy's written and channelled articles from 2022 to September 2024 (will be updated at end of year).  

The Awakener was written in 1995 and joining Gateway UK publisher’s queue, it was printed in 1997. Since its publication, the author has written and channelled many articles that reflect the steps on the journey of the Light Force as they fulfil their role in Earth’s Divine Plan. These articles contain valuable and very practical information covering a broad range of subjects from Twin Flames to how to connect to the higher realms of light. The articles are written for the Starseeds and Lightworkers, to help make life easier and more fun as they finish their work on Earth and prepare for their journey home. For the majority of the Light Force this will be their final incarnation on Earth. These articles contain all the information you need to love and embrace the joy of life on this beautiful planet. This book follows 'Awakener Articles (1995-2021).' This book contains all Sandy's written and channelled articles from 2022 to the end of 2024.  



Q and A - Spirit Way


Q and A - Spirit Way


A book containing questions and answers regarding many aspects of the Ascension of Earth and the role of the Lightworkers and Starseeds who came to help.

I have gathered some of the questions I have been asked over the years. Some have been covered in previous articles but are compiled here in one place as I believe it can offer a fast way to learn. I can only answer from my own perception so please apply your own of mastery and resonance of truth.  I update the book every 6 months with questions received.









March 2024 



The price for print books vary depending on the supplier and the country

1.     'The Awakener' is also available now as an eBook for all the Readers, as above.   

 USA $3.50   UK  £2.35 (depending on current US exchange rate)  Europe €2.68 (depending on current US exchange rate)


2.     'All That Is Love'  US $3.50. UK  £2.35 (depending on current US exchange rate) Europe €2.68 (depending on current US exchange rate)   NOTE: 'All That Is Love' is an eBook version of  'I Am Here' with a new cover and title. It does not contain any new material.


3.    'Awakener Articles -1995 -2020' contains all Sandy's written and channelled articles since the publication of The Awakener.                   

USA $3.50   UK  £2.35 (depending on current US exchange rate)  Europe €2.68 (depending on current US exchange rate)


4.     'Q and A - Spirit Way'.  2020  Questions and answers regarding many aspects of the Ascension of Earth and the role of the Lightworkers and Starseeds who came to help.   USA $3.50   UK  £2.35 (depending on current US exchange rate)  Europe €2.68 (depending on current US exchange rate)



5.  'Ascension Awakening Articles 2022-2023' is the 2nd book of articles. The first was 'Awakener Articles (1995-2021).' This book contains all Sandy's written and channelled articles from 2022 to July 2023USA $3.50   UK  £2.35 (depending on current US exchange rate)  Europe €2.68 (depending on current US exchange rate).


6.  'Seekers of Higher Truth' Issued as eBook and Paperback March 2024. 500 hundred higher univesal truths based on personal experience by the author, written in a simple, easy to  understand way, mostly one liners.  It is NOT material gathered from other authors.

EBOOK  $3.50 USA.  Seekers of Higher Truth is currently available through the following: Amazon/Kindle eBook; Barnes and Noble; Apple iBookstore; Smashwords; Kobo; Stanza; Tolino; OverDrive; Bibliotheca; Everand; Baker & Taylor; Aldiko; Hoopla; Vivlio; Borrowbox; Odilo; Palace Marketplace and Gardiners.

All 6 eBooks can be purchased and downloaded to all eReaders and computers, e.g. Kindle, Kindle Touch, Kindle Paper, Kindle Fire, IPad, iPhone, PC, Sony Reader and Mac.


Amazon Australia                           www.amazon.com.au

Amazon Kindle E books USA        www.amazon.com

Amazon Kindle E books UK:         www.amazon.co.uk

Smashwords:                                 www.smashwords.com

Kobo:                                           www.kobobooks.com

Kobo                                            www.therawfeed.com/stores/kobobooks-com   offers discounts for many of their books

Apple iBookstore :                         Download iBooks - get free app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch


·         Apple Books

·         Barnes & Noble

·         Kobo (including Kobo Plus)

·         Smashwords Store

·         Tolino

·         OverDrive

·         Bibliotheca

·         Everand

·         Baker & Taylor

·         Hoopla

·         Vivlio

·         BorrowBox

·         Odilo

·         Palace Marketplace

·         Gardners


                                                                     PAPERBACK COPIES OF BOOKS




'ALL THAT IS LOVE' WAS PREVIOUSLY A PAPERBACK CALLED 'I AM HERE'. Copies of the origianl paperback are still available in Scotland. There are also some Twin Flame Cd's there. All can be posted by mail.

Both are in stock in March 2024. 

Contact Alison Grave Tel:  01577 830595     Email: alisonevegrave@btinternet.com


I AM HERE  BOOK  is  £10.99 plus postage.  Postage Costs: UK £3.75, Europe £5.50, rest of the World £7.50 (depending on weight)

TWIN FLAME CD (see the TAPES section for details of this beautiful music that connects Twin Flames

PRICE for UK: £8.17 Sterling - plus post and packing.    USA $25 or AUST $20  P&P costs. UK £2.00    Europe £4.95     Rest of world. £6.95