Countries holding OM events to link at same time with the OM sounding at Wembley



·         A

·         Africa


·         Armenia

      Australia (several events in every state plus 1in Northern Territory)

·         And Aboriginal link-up

 ·        Austria

·         B

·         Bali

·         Barbados

·         Belgium

·         Bolivia  (Large group on top of the mountains)

·         Bosnia and Herzegovina

·         Brazil

·         Bulgaria

·         C

·         Canada

·         Caymen Islands

·         Chile

·         China

·         Colombia

·         Croatia and every Refugee camp

·         Cyprus

·         Czech Republic

·         D

·         Denmark

·         E

·         England

·         Ethiopia England

·         F

·         Finland

·         France

·         G

·         Gambia

·         Germany

·         Greece

·         H

·         Hawaii

·         Hong Kong

·         Holland

·         I

·         Iceland

·         India

·         Ireland

·         Italy

·         J

·         Jamaica

·         K

·         L

·         Lithuania

·         M

·         Malaysia

·         Mexico

·         N

·         New Guinea

·         New Zealand

·         Norway

·         O

·         Pakistan

·         Paraguay

·         Peru

·         Poland

·         Portugal

·         Puerto Rico

·         Q

·         R

·         Republic Dominica

·         Russia

·         S

·                        Scotland

·         Singapore 

·         Slovakia

·         Slovenia and all refugee camps

·         South Africa

·         Spain

·         Sweden

·         Switzerland

·         T

·         Thailand

·         U

·         United Kingdom (UK)

·         United States of America (USA)      All over the USA

·         Uruguay

·         V 

·         Venezuela  

·         W

·         Wales

·         Y

·         Z

·         Zimbabwe