Discernment - Keep it Light ..... continued  on this page 


Partial truth                              

The opposing forces generally deliver their misinformation very subtly disguised in with 98% or 99% truth. This means you can feel very excited and resonate with most of the material - which will ‘feel right’ to you. It is the other 1 or 2% that will contain the misinformation designed to throw you off track. You need to be very discerning to spot it.

Light resonates                                                                                                               

 Let go of any belief patterns you may have that assume the negative forces will display material that is easily spotted as such. They don’t say ‘Hey guys, here comes a load of misinformation!’ Give them a little credit (not much!) They know you’re not stupid and that they’ll need to do quite some disguising and keep it very subtle so you will accept it Just feel your way through it and listen with your heart. Be determined to get it right.

A diversion                                                                                                                      

So, in with all this wonderful truth they give, they slip in something that is designed to do major damage to the Light Plan. By the way, this truth has always been a million times before by many other people. It’s impossible to cover the different variations here. The material may divert your energy by ensuing you use their name or photograph. That ensures your energy goes direct to them. This is a major one. Or by telling you something that sounds quite feasible such as, ‘you need to put your attention on the poor, suffering people of this planet and really help them.' Now that sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? It must be right. Wrong! True compassion, love and Divine service is on a higher level than that. It is best to lead from a position of strength, not weakness, sadness and pity. These are just judgements that keep us aligned to a lower picture of life.


 When could we ever solve a problem in life by being a part of that problem? In order to solve something, you need to detach from it so you can see it more clearly. That is why, in order to think more clearly, we often go away somewhere when we have a difficult situation in our life. The real help we can give the people of this planet is to align with Source. This raises your vibration above the third dimension of Earth, thus marking a pathway for humanity to harmony, peace and non suffering. Then you just follow what makes your heart sing and do what you came here to do.

Be yourself                                                                                                                      

Before I leave this area of discernment, I may as well add some points about other areas that need reviewing. Everything! No, just joking. There are different reasons why people want to be able to ‘channel.’ Here the use of ‘channel’ is defined in this instance as ‘to be in some form of telepathic contact with a spiritual Being. Many people feel they are somehow inadequate if they can’t ‘channel.’ Some people feel it is a good way to become important or to make money. But for most, there is a genuine desire to help and a belief that channelling is an avenue to gain access to higher truth. Of course, it can. It is however, only one way of many. Ultimately, you are everything and everything is you, so by being yourself you will know all you need to know. That is another subject. For now we will stick to channelling and discernment.

Everything in its right time                                                                                             

First, the natural order of things say that ‘you will begin to channel if you are meant to, when you are meant to and with whom you are meant to’. What does that mean exactly? Well, it probably means that if you do have an agreement to channel a high Being of Light with a high level of truth, it will happen when the time has arrived. You would also need to be in the right vibrational space to handle it spiritually and mentally. If you force the issue and it is not a part of your actual task here, you may end up channelling lower dimensional Beings. They will usually tell you they are of a higher level!! You and your tasks here may well suffer through this distraction.

Follow your excitement                                                                                                  

If it’s in Divine Order, you will feel excited from the heart (not the ego or mind) and the synchronicity of events will present themselves in your life that will lead you to become a ‘channel’. If this proves to be the case, discernment is still needed all the way. If you decide to go to a ‘learn to channel’ workshop, please choose one that resonates. Don’t go for one that ‘impresses’ or ‘because everyone else goes there’.


Before you ever ‘open yourself up’ to allowing contact with any Being,  invoke the Light - "I invoke the Gold Ray of Christ for my total protection" to be said 3 times. It is your responsibility to do this.

Many people mistakenly feel that their guides/angels automatically protect them. This is not possible under Universal Law, unless they are requested to do so in that instant. This is part of evolution and learning. The Law is called Free Will and Choice - it is the Right of an individual to establish their own evolution. It is true that you don’t need protection unless you have a 'belief pattern' that you do. So, if you are certain that you’ve removed any such belief, then protection isn’t required. If you do still have beliefs in that area, it would show up as ideas or feelings that you are vulnerable in some way, e.g. people can drain your energy;  you can be 'gotten at'; someone can invade your space; you can be psychically attacked or you can be affected by bad vibrations from people and places.

Higher levels of Light                                                                                                       

There is so much to this subject, but this article isn’t meant to be a manuscript! So I will briefly cover a point that I see a million times over. It is wonderful to be trusting, but on the subject of discernment, I think ‘streetwise’ is a lot more useful to this planet. If your reason for channelling is truly to receive a high level of Truth, you will need to be in touch with high Beings of Light. They would need to be at least in the 5th dimension, preferably higher. The 7th is the realm of the Ascended Masters of Light and the 8th is the realm of Cosmic Beings, such as Sanat Kumara. The 9th is possible, but rarer. You need to establish which level you have. You do this using Universal Law. You will need to do it every time you communicate, until you KNOW the vibration of that Being or consciousness, beyond any shadow of doubt. It may seem a bit of a nuisance but it is important. You only need to do it until you are able to recognise the vibration of the Being you are in touch with.

The universal challenge                                                                                                   

 One example of a Challenge would be ‘In the Name of God, I challenge you under Universal Law and ask, are you a Master of Light from the 7th dimension or above?’ You need to ask this 3 times and you need to receive 3 clear affirmative answers, e.g. Yes, Yes, Yes. (The full procedure is covered in Discernment - The Key Word article on this site.) This could be sufficient to allow a communication to occur, but ultimately every word should resonate as true and you should never do anything that you personally don’t feel excited about or does not resonate deep within.

The ego                                                                                                                 

Beware the ego booster of someone saying ‘you are so vital to this planet, only you can do it.’ Watch out for the type of communication that is designed to put you out of action such as, ‘you only need to be still, because you holding the planet in balance.’ Then there is the one that makes sure you never get hold of the truth ‘this is so special that you mustn’t tell anyone what you are doing’. I’m not even scraping the surface of the variety of possibilities presented by lower dimensional Beings or the negative forces.

There is a large amount of mis-information circulating within the Light Force and further contamination is occurring daily. Discernment is not being adequately applied to all the channelled, written and tape materials. The reasons for our lack of discernment are varied. People get impressed when they think they are in touch with a ‘glamorous’ being. Their ego is delighted. A lot of people lack self confidence and trust in their own intuition. Many people aren’t sure they are helping enough and want desperately to help in some way. They often then hand their power over to someone they think, or hope, may be helping.

More discernment is needed from lightworkers, networkers, book and magazine publishers and workshop organisers. The situation can easily be changed. We just need to each trust in our inherent gift of intuition.

Free will and choice                                                                                                         

 It is a fact that any Being can claim to be anyone they like. This is universal ‘free will and choice’. Just because someone says they are an Ascended Master, the White Brotherhood, Jesus or a Cosmic Being, doesn’t mean they are. They could be anyone at all, from the ‘anti-Light brigade’ to Fred, a Light Being from the Astral Plane who is having great fun fooling you. Just a  point here - re asking someone ‘Are they of the Light?’ It doesn't necessarily help to give us an accurate picture. For example, you are of the Light. Have you never told a lie or deceived anyone? The same datum applies to Spirit or Spirit guides. With anyone you are in communication with, to ensure Highest Order occurs -  you need to establish their vibration = evolution = wisdom and level of understanding and truth. The lower the dimension of the Being, the less the overall picture is seen and so a lower level of truth is forthcoming.

No shoulds or musts                                                                                                         

Carry out your tasks, doing whatever ‘feels right’ in the moment from your heart. Use your inner guidance and always trust it. Don’t allow the mind to dictate your actions with its ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts.’ Don’t let the ego decide with its - ‘what will people think’ and ‘what will make me look good’.

A state of stillness                                                                                                            

Use discipline on yourself to merge your mind and ego with Spirit. Some people allow their mind or emotions to run their life. They allow their life to be a never ending stream of thoughts or plagued with emotions that are ‘out of control’. Bring everything to a state of stillness.


Decree for fully aligning with Divine Creation

Perhaps you don’t need to do it, but what the heck! Just in case! One day we will all be standing together, viewing this planet from a higher vibration. It will be nice to know we did our best.

Read it first - you are only changing anything that is NOT in accordance with God/Divine Order. Before saying the decree, become still in thought and body. Surrender to God - All That Is. Thy Will be Done. The decree needs to be said 3 times to follow Universal Law requirement and the Power of Three.


By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, ‘I AM’ One with Divine Creation and through this Presence, I hereby invoke the Sacred Violet Flame, to transmute in this moment - every thought, condition, link, pattern, attachment, alliance, connection or allegiance to any negative Being, energy or object - that I have made - knowingly or unknowingly - in this Universe, where this is not in accordance with the Highest Source of All Creation and the Divine Plan for Earth. ‘I AM’ now fully aligned in all my lower and higher bodies to the Highest Source of All Creation.

I further state that I give permission under Universal Law, for any and all sacred codes and mathematical programmes that I am responsible for, that I carry, have carried or will carry, to be brought NOW into a state of purity in accordance with Divine Order and to be held in such a state forever, in accordance with Divine Higher Will.

       (Repeat the entire decree a total of 3 times - to comply with Universal Law.)

SO BE IT.  IT IS DONE.  (Say this after the decree has been said 3 times)


In Light Service, Sandy Stevenson 1/1/98


Updated 19.4.2007


              More information on Discernment is available on this site in:

              Discernment - The Key Word article           Freedom through Discernment
              The Awakener Book                                     Discernment Tape
              Mastery and channelling Tape                     Starseed Announcement 2                  

             The Power of Words







©Copyright Sandy Stevenson