25th December 2019

A decree is a Right held by the Light Force on Earth. For it to work, it needs to be said 3 times using exactly the same words.

This creates the necessary precise sound aligning to mathematics.


Please say the decree out aloud 3 times – using the same precise wording. If you stumble/cough, etc. start again at the beginning.


By Divine Decree, in the name and through the power of Source and the God/Goddess living in my heart, as a Lightworker and on behalf of all people of goodwill on planet Earth, I demand and command the Highest Realms of Light, the Galactic Federation of Light and all alliances -  to neutralize now, by all necessary means, any actions, taken or pending, within the government, the media and all other instances in Australia - connected with any form of divisive control or manipulation of any aspect of the weather conditions in Australia, where such action will be in Highest Divine Order.

So Be It. So it Is. It Is Done. (NOTE: This line is said only once after the decree has been said 3 times through)


Here is the same decree  - line by line  - to make it easier to say.


By Divine Decree,

in the name and through the power of Source

and the God/Goddess living in my heart,

as a Lightworker

and on behalf of all people of goodwill

on planet Earth,

I demand and command

the Highest Realms of Light,

the Galactic Federation of Light

and all alliances - 

to neutralize now,

by all necessary means,

any actions taken or pending,

 within the government,

the media and all other instances in Australia -

connected with any form of divisive control

or manipulation of any aspect

of the weather conditions in Australia,

where such action will be in Highest Divine Order.


So Be It. So it Is. It Is Done.  (Note: This line said once only after saying decree 3 times)


Love and Blessings,

Sandy Stevenson

Further information about Decrees