We are the artists drawing our own lives. We are the directors and the producers. We do the casting and we are the actors. We create with our thoughts and beliefs! At every moment we are deciding how our individual and collective lives will play out. This is not a fanciful idea. It is a law of the universe. It is ‘The Law of Creation’. There’s no escaping it. Whether our thoughts are negative and fearful, positive and loving, we are creating everything that happens in our life. What we think, say and believe is what we get. Our world is exactly what we are designing it to be, all the time. This is how a soul learns and grows. We come from source to experience and learn. Our personal evolutionary progress is dependent on us grasping this concept, so we can apply discipline ourselves to create consciously.

We need a true and deep understanding of this concept. It isn’t enough to pay lip service. We need to live and breathe it. When we don’t realise we are creating our world through our thoughts, things seem random and confused. The universe assumes we know we are powerful creators, so nothing is adjusted to allow for errors. Our world expects us to know that what we think and say is what we get. The choice is whether we want to create consciously or unconsciously. Simple, but profound.

Being consciously aware means taking responsibility for all thoughts, about ourselves, others and the planet. We need to understand the immense power of thought. To know that aligning our thoughts in a creative positive way creates more light. And agreeing with anything fear based reduces our light.

The alternative is to believe we are victims of life and at the mercy of others who are solely to blame for our uncomfortable and traumatic situations. When we see life this way, the negative energy of our experiences cannot discharge. Only truth can discharge negative energy and transmute it into a positive frequency. Being unwilling to accept that in addition to the good things - we also create unpleasant things, can have a huge detrimental impact on the soul. Judgements of others, guilt tripping and seeing ourselves as just a poor victim, creates heavy energy that stifles the increase of light in the soul.

Our emotions and thoughts surrounding unpleasant events create dense energy. When that is not discharged, it keeps building up. Continually failing to acknowledge life’s events as our creation can cause us to become overwhelmed. This is a situation where we try to maintain control but barely manage to hold it together.

Being around a person who is not accepting any responsibility for their life can be extremely difficult. They are already overwhelmed, so even suggesting a slight change in routine or asking them to rearrange their day to collect a sick child from school, can cause their survival mechanism to kick in and they lash out. That often includes reactive behaviour with extreme outbursts of anger, grief, verbal abuse and blaming others for everything. Others are made to feel wrong and the ones at fault. By continuing to ignore signs that can help the soul see they are creators of life, may result in an inability to handle life and eventually in a complete breakdown (or even suicide). It is similar to anything on Earth that receives an overload of energy; it creates a short circuit, resulting in failure or a fire. Sadly, this behaviour can cause family rifts and break down relationships. The reactions, emotional upset and unnecessary trauma derive from refusing to accept responsibility and to realize we are not victims. The universe does give us many different signs. I think most people have probably often heard or read that we are the creator of events.

For those people who believe they are victims of life, they may benefit considerably by reviewing the possibility of creatorship, to prevent further build-up of dense energy.

If you are connected to someone, perhaps a partner, family member or friend who behaves this way, it can help you to understand why. The solution is to bring truth into the situation.  If possible, help them consider it from the viewpoint of a soul who has come here to learn. And to see how we could create uncomfortable situations to make sure we gain the specific learning we desire during the incarnation. If a person remains adamant they are right, then perhaps we are not the right person to help them resolve it at this time and we have to walk away. They may not be ready to look at it yet. Walking away may not be easy to accept as we might feel we are letting them down, but perhaps in another time and with another person, a resolution can be found.

Naturally, we also need to review our own reactions also and release them, but don’t automatically accept the accusation that it is all your fault. Your responsibility is to ensure your light remains stable and you stay in your mastery. Trust yourself.

The same lesson applies to many situations we encounter in our personal relationships. We all have many patterns, beliefs, conditions and attitudes that dictate our life. As we proceed though life these come to our attention and we see they are detrimental and are not who we really are and so we let them go.

Let us walk our path in a vibration of love, compassion and empathy for all, including ourselves. Help wherever we can but only when it feels right to do so. Make sure you don’t destroy yourself. The third dimension is not an easy road, but it is a very worthwhile one. So much wisdom and soul growth can be obtained from the incredible range of learning offered on Earth.

Love and gratitude,


Sandy Stevenson
