What a dance


What a dance - the intrinsic movement of chess pieces played across a universe of an illusionary board as a planet acts out a reality in the psyche of humanity. So much thought to be known that is unknown. So much hidden until it is time to know. Offering the apparency of a struggle between dark and light, with the conqueror’s prize a planet and those left standing. Seeming real, this game within a game within a game.

And after it is all over - this divine ending of Earth’s 3D, after we have left the judgment and condemnation, the black and the white, after we push beyond the limited boundaries of this box of learning, finding truth that dissolves the apparency, rejected a way of life once lived, detached in the releasing of agreement to live this experience, when who we believed we were we fades into the shadows and is gone, when we have stood tall and said our piece, after we resume our inherent power of conscious creation and feel the miracle of breath unfold, revealing truth, source and light and once again we become who we are, what then?

A movement to the first rung of the 5th dimension, steps of a new path, a finer and lighter way, joyfully living in a higher frequency of light. Stepping beyond ego and the dense energies of fear, judgement, hate, pain, sadness and trauma. A new wisdom flowering from balance, harmony, respect, connection with everything and the sharing of ideas toward a better outcome. Creation in purity. Bodies increased in light, moving together in laughter and wonder, with broader understanding, consciously creating a new world of expanding wisdom and open hearts. A softer way, with gentle compassion and empathy, but with the fun and adventure of a bigger picture, we will forge an intimate and serene connection with our deepest Self as we move toward a goal of Unconditional Love for all life.


Sandy Stevenson
