Well, this is not an easy area to address! But our ability to examine all possibilities is important to reach truth and understanding.

We have two quite different realities running on Earth at present. We have people who are entirely unaware of any hidden dark agenda and are still operating in the older reality.

We also have millions of people who are awake, at various stages of awareness regarding the scenarios being revealed. This can create confusion in the awakened truther community, due to a wide variance of understanding of the higher planetary goal, what it takes to attain it and its current state of play. It’s also taken some time for the light force to understand continual coding used to help the light force stay aware of what is happening so they maintain their light vibration and don’t go into doubt.

Among the corrupt areas revealed, it seems many people in influential public positions have committed serious crimes against humanity. This means those people we may not have met personally but feel familiar. This could be TV personalities, musicians, poets, entrepreneurs, actors, royalty, athletes, pioneers, artists, comedians, humanitarians, spiritual leaders, business leaders and respected politicians. People we admire, hold in high regard, listen to their music, enjoy their movies, watch their public performances and call out encouragement as they score goals in sports arenas. We may even love some of them. Naturally, that doesn’t apply to everyone, but there is considerable proof of a wide range of numbers and fields involved.

We can ask ourselves how could such a thing be possible. And if it’s true, why didn’t we see it? Why did we feel these people were so special and likeable?  Of course it’s possible it is not true or only partially true. But if we research, there does seem to be a great deal of evidence to back it up. We can also check with our own intuition. However, an interesting observation is it does seem the more awake we become, the easier we are able to accept such concepts as a logical step in the world situation.

We are told that the use of masks, actors, doubles, clones and AI have replaced many corrupt individuals who have been charged with crimes against humanity and been convicted in fully recorded military tribunals held in secret over many years. These would include people we have held in high regard, even at the very highest levels. We can understand why this would be withheld from the public. We have ourselves experienced quite some disbelief, shock and sadness from this. We are in the process of waking up humanity to high levels of mass corruption on Earth, but are doing that as gently as possible to avoid shock of receiving that information at once. Even just one highly regarded UK entertainer Jimmy Saville, caused shock waves when found guilty of mass paedophilia.

So, how did all these people suddenly become so evil? Or did they? What if the majority of these people were exactly who we thought they were - nice, kind, normal people? And if so, what changed? Well, this requires a stretch of imagination, but what if another planetary species, a reptilian race, infiltrated Earth many decades ago. This is thought to have occurred. A wild and incredible idea - unless you have watched Star Trek!! but for those able to consider it, it certainly answers this many questions.

Humans are souls who incarnate in a physical body. Every soul is attached to its body by a strong cord and can’t be easily forced out. However, under cohesion or extreme conditions, a soul may agree to leave. What if this invading species used these methods to remove souls and took over the body and identity of many influential people in all areas of society. So, in addition to those previously mentioned, that would include prime ministers, presidents and key personnel in departments of justice, police, security, banking, medical and education. So, it is possible that many people of influence around the world are no longer the individuals we believed them to be.

This reptilian race is thought to be more technically advanced than humans, quite large in size and without emotions. They are carnivores which means they are meat eaters. I mention this, as unpleasant as it is, because it is thought to be a factor in the considerable numbers of missing people, particularly children. We find this totally appalling. But we are talking about a species who consider themselves superior to humans. In a way, it could be seen as similar to humanity considering themselves superior to the entire animal kingdom. We know humans prefer to eat baby animals and pay extra for young sweeter meat, choosing veal (baby calf), lamb, beef and suckling pig as preferences.

But this whole situation may not be as overwhelming as we may think. A major divine plan consisting of millions of lightworkers have been working for the restoration of light on Earth for decades. We believe extensive numbers of corrupt people have already been removed, including most of the top and middle echelons of this dark satanic structure. We understand a great deal have already been sentenced for crimes in military court tribunals and either jailed or received the death penalty. Remember the original person (the soul) has passed on, so it is the current soul in that body who committed crimes and was charged for them.

Those who are more awake realise many influential people are now being played by actors and the originals are gone. However, when referring to these people in social media posts, they don’t bother to add the fact the original has gone. They assume everyone knows that. So, they mostly speak in the same reality context held by the unawakened public. They make comments such as ‘Biden looked stupid in the interview’ or ‘did anyone see the police ankle monitor on Oprah’s leg in her interview with Harry and Megan’ (incidentally those two are also doubles!!), while totally acknowledging the real Biden and Oprah were arrested and sentenced long ago and that lightworker doubles now play those roles. But their comments inevitably prompt hundreds of instant responses from the ‘newly awakened’ to inform them the person is dead. The new kids on the block haven’t yet realized this fact is assumed to be known.

And there are further complications. We are unable to tell if the original was a good person or not. Some were born into satanic families and have done really bad things. So, we have many possible reasons that could explain why many people we now see holding influential positions might not be the original person. This could be confusing but actually it is sufficient for us to simply understand it may not be the original person.

So, we have about 6 possible scenarios.

1. Many originals we think are dead are still alive and in white hat protective custody. Where this can assist the light plan then doubles (in masks) play their role. This could apply to many of our favourites who were good people but whose life was in danger, such as Michael Jackson, John Denver, JFK Jnr, etc.

2. Then we have the situation of many of the originals in major areas of influence, who were removed and replaced by reptiles. Most of these reptilians have now been tried in Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) military courts for their crimes. In order to help as gentle a changeover as possible, useful when transmuting a planet from dark to light, those people are then replaced by white hat actors with masks on. Masks these days are incredibly sophisticated and undetectable. However, occasionally you will see edges of masks on some people. This is a deliberate move by the white hats to show us the truth and maybe help people notice and wake up.    

3. There are also quite a few ‘clones’ of originals out there. Clones are artificially created duplicates, made using the DNA of the original human. It appears this is quite common. Some actresses have mentioned on TV they accepted being cloned to avoid doing boring parts of their work. If you research you will find many USA states permit cloning and list the companies doing this.

4. There are also well known people in every field of society, from TV newscasters to governors, who have been tried and sentenced for their crimes against humanity but were given the choice to continue their public life role in exchange for a more lenient sentence, generally life imprisonment instead of the death penalty. They have to follow white hat instructions to the letter. So, this helps make sense of seeing popular people suddenly doing and saying good things that do not fit their previous behaviour patterns. We have also seen many being publically arrested, such as Weinstein, Epstein, Saville, P Diddy and many politicians and financiers.

5. There have also been many originally good key position people who have been blackmailed to support dark agendas of pushing vaccines and climate change, etc. Epstein blackmailed many key people after coercing them into situations that were videoed.

6. And then we have AI which is like a hologram that looks real. This has been used extensively for a long time to make it appear the actual person is there. It’s called Green Screen, a powerful feature that uses artificial intelligence to fake movies, events, war scenes, TV shows, news and weather reports. It is applied to events, small or large. A rally with virtually no attendees can be made to look packed, planes can land and take off, long queue are added and locations are falsely created. All fake. This is used so often, it is hard to know what is real anymore. This is of great benefit to help humanity let go of a very fake 3D reality.

Hopefully, this may help us see it is quite possible those people we loved and admired, often for a large part of our lives, may have been worthy of our love and we were not naïve in our assessment. Also, to realise that although this is a very complicated area to understand, we have done exceedingly well working it out. As each person awakens further and begins to understand the overall Divine goal of completely cleansing a planet of all negative energy, while at the same time helping the soul learn tolerance, patience, how to divest themselves of old fixed patterns, achieve an unshakeable truth through self experience, how to move beyond a box of limitation, the realization that all souls are immortal and there is no actual death, feel the joy of surrendering to source of light and discovering  the truth of who they are. This expands the growth of every soul and helps it proceed on new and higher paths through the universe with greater wisdom, love and understanding gained from its journey overcoming the barriers presented in our 3D life on Earth.

Perhaps not quite right now but at some point, a realizations dawns and floods our being like the brightest star emerging from the darkest night, just what a wonderful adventure and totally magical experience this has been.


Sandy Stevenson

6th October 2024