We have the weirdest situation going on in all fields of human life. The best authors could not have envisaged all the intricacies of this amazing, all encompassing, ingenious, multi dimensional chess game being played out now on Earth. It takes the mind of Source, combined with higher dimensional awareness and quantum knowledge from the light force on Earth and other dimensions.

It is so much fun imagining the variety of possibilities that could occur in any given moment, while realizing there are likely thousands more bizarre events possible. Staying free of 3D details that pull us into the matrix and viewing it instead from a broader perspective of game playing, helps us release anything stopping us from becoming who we really are.

How incredibly clever it all is. To pull off a complete change of reality across an entire world population comprising many nations, cultures, beliefs and patterns, while at the same time….. removing all dense energy, corruption and the corrupted; waking up an entire population in a way that allows soul growth because people choose themselves to let go of a reality they had previously agreed to after discovering it is now unacceptable; the continual increase of revealing lies and fake scenarios - carefully arranged in such a way  as not to traumatise or overwhelm; preventing a large dumping of negative energy by too many people at once - which would be detrimental to the light goal of continually increasing light; and to  minimize wherever possible - deaths, trauma and chaos; to effectively use AI to fake many situations that appear real - to assist the waking up process; the brilliance of using clones and masked actors in so many public held and influential positions where the originals have died or been jailed by military courts for crimes against humanity; cleverly offering lesser jail sentences if the original corrupt person agrees to play out their role but now with a light plan while being carefully monitored; slowly taking over control of media and social platforms while not making it obvious (except for Twitter) creating change that continues to help wake people up; many steps bringing the downfall of the entire corrupt fiat money system while expertly preparing to replace it with an alternative tracked gold backed currency that can’t be used for corrupt purposes; to have trained good top banking personal to ensure a smooth changeover; encouraging people to begin growing own food free of chemicals: encouraging new projects that help humanity; helping people gain more compassion and understanding; helping to let go of old patterns and stop judging; bringing together many factors to assist souls move from ego based to spirit based.

How exciting it is to contemplate the different options that may unfold for the highest good for humanity. Even the possible big events to occur in the last few weeks before the 5th November 2024 US presidential election. The election could be a pivotal point. Biden may step down and Kamala Harris (the vice) takes over. Kamala’s actions may bring great concern and people may demand she goes. Or if she wins the presidency, people may demand a full investigation of possible election rigging. And that investigation could unveil the true 2020 result.  

Expanding one’s thinking and being able to imagine many possible path options to achieve the goal of Earth, can help us become the spiritual being we are who is capable of holding broad universal concepts. No matter what we dream up, we may not be anywhere close to what actually happens. It is all up for grabs with anything possible, even way out stuff. It is a very exciting time. Perhaps a mother ship could land on the white house lawn, or a hologram of Jesus (looking very real) could appear in the skies. WW3 may start, the world military might take over, the power and internet could go down worldwide (Cuba - all 10 million just had 2 days of complete power loss) or the EBS emergency broadcast occurs (which will not create fear).

It is incredibly expansive to push our own boundaries by imagining what might be, while remaining in a space of accepting any outcome as divine order. It is an act of surrendering to however the pieces come together to reveal the corruption of society and bring humanity to the Light of Source/God.

I was discussing with some friends yesterday how exciting, fun and expansive it all is. A friend of mine, Scottie, suggested that excitement is possible because I am detached. And that may be the key. I am detached from everything taking place on Earth. I can discuss it, reveal it, ponder on it but I know I am not part of it. I do that also in my personal life. I hadn’t connected detachment as being a reason one is able to enjoy the scene being played and have fun posing ideas of possible ways it could happen. What my friend had said was true. When we are detached from events and its detail and can let go of personal wishes and desires and have no judgment of any of it or the people involved, we are able to expand into who we really are. We are choosing to step free of the matrix with its limited patterns by accepting that anything is possible and surrendering to whatever occurs as being the best way to achieve the higher divine goals.

It could probably be summed up as truly trusting the universal divine process and our role in it. That act brings a higher, broader, overall perspective of higher life in the universe and enhances our awareness of our own higher Self. The soul shifts from Belief into its true state of Knowing. We are so much greater than the part of us that incarnates into 3D limitation to gain growth. So, we let go of that old reality and we move on to experience the higher dimensional frequencies of light and the beauty and growth it offers. That is the magic happening on Earth right now.

Love and detachment,

Sandy Stevenson

21st October 2024