The word judgement has a couple of definitions but from a spiritual perspective we tend to use it to signify a negative of being judgemental. And this is the reference of how it is used here.

Many of those who woke up some years ago have now had some time to review their original judgments about people who got the covid vaccine. It was thought the vaccinated were doing all the judging toward the anti-vaxxers and indeed there was a lot from that direction, but there was also condemnation for those who chose to get it.

As time has gone on, a little more understanding and compassion has crept in and judgements are being slowly released as people realise the huge amount of pressure that was brought to bear. There was intense fear created by the media; it was portrayed to be needed to protect family and others; people’s own fear of losing their job and not being able to pay rent or mortgages or support their families; many had no other skills or advancing age would make it difficult to get another job; threatened reduced care of existing or potential medical conditions, unable to visit friends or family in hospitals or nursing homes; could not visit dying family; truly believed the authorities that they would be helping others; unable to see family living interstate; unable to travel for business purposes; child care facilities needed while at work; schools affected; could not fly to visit family; no flights or cruises for leisure purposes; restricted numbers allowed in own home; unable to attend cafes, restaurants, gyms, movies, concerts or clubs.

Many now understand the fear it created was too much pressure for a lot of people. Possibly the main remaining judgement would be in the latter three categories - involving socialising aspects.

There have also been some considerations about being better than others by choosing not to be vaccinated. Another judgment that needs viewing. To be in a position of refusing to be jabbed involved many factors. Some found it relatively easy to refuse as they were not faced with many of the criteria others were. They may not have had a job to lose; may not have had to pay rent or a mortgage or had a business to lose; perhaps retired or on a safe pension or income; perhaps they did not have family in a nursing home or hospital; maybe they had the courage to walk away from a job or business; perhaps they had the abilities or skills or were in an age group to find another job quickly. Perhaps some were helped to avoid the vaccination by being informed by friends and family not to, were already awake, were encouraged through life to think for themselves, are a lightworker or had an enlightened childhood from aware parents. Not everyone has those advantages.

What is judgment anyway? It is a 3D matrix negative programmed idea that something is not acceptable in society. It has a very broad coverage including how someone behaves, dresses, eats, plays, acts, works, thinks, says, etc. It more or less applies to everything a 3D society dictates, such as what is good, bad, right, wrong, beautiful, ugly, acceptable or not. This can be altered by local customs. It is common because we hear it from childhood and so don’t consider the negative implication and dense energy it creates. But we are in a new time now and many things need to be considered in the need to release old patterns of behaviour and return to our true self that is beyond 3D and its learning procedures.

On an individual basis, all that is really needed now is to increase our own light. That increase of vibration helps the planet and most certainly is vital for anyone now choosing to leave behind the 3D dense energy world of pain and suffering and resume their own spiritual potential and dynamic in this universe. It is no good hoping this will all go away and you won’t have to find the discipline to act in releasing and taking responsibility for your own thoughts, words and actions. This universe is geared to give back what is sent out. It is like a giant boomerang, you get back what you put out. It is quite an impersonal universe in many ways.  When we take personal action, the universe kicks in to help support that action - whatever it is - it has no judgement. If we sit in judgments with negative thoughts, the message we are sending out to the universe is ‘this is the creation we choose and believe is real’. The universe doesn’t see anything that tells it that we don’t really want the dense energy we have created, so it continues supplying us with more of what we want. Do you know it is actually as simple as that. It is a basic universal truth.

When you start to demolish this type of thought and have the discipline to stop further negativity, your vibration begins to increase in light frequency. The universe gets a different signal and duly responds.

The moment you start taking charge of your own thought creations is the same moment your life kicks into a major reversal of wellbeing, happiness and fun.

It always was, is and will be - your choice. You will have to get there, everyone does. It only depends when you want to start to create your better life.

Enjoy your increasing vibration,

Sandy Stevenson

11th October 2024