The Soul’s Evolution
Archangel Metatron
To encourage mastery of the soul, we often stand back, allowing what
will be as we continue to offer opportunities to encourage the soul to
recognise the signs being presented. It is in this way the soul is
offered its greatest learning. Souls are naturally not complex. In a
pure state they are loving and trusting, seeing simplicity in everything
- which is indeed the truth. But there are complexities in the mind and
they are many and varied. The mind is full of old patterns and a myriad
of solutions that were given to old problems the soul encountered along
its journey.
If a soul steps out of perfect alignment with Divine intent in the
moment, it can either recognise this and realign, or seek something to
show it its next step. The most available and easiest place reached is
within the bodies of ego and mind. Thus satisfied it now has an answer;
the soul steps forward on that path. At this point, the universe begins
sending signs (initially subtle) - quietly encouraging the soul to
recognise it has stepped from the free flowing divine path of surrender
to one containing effort and restrictions for the soul.
The further one proceeds along the new path chosen by the soul, the
heavier the energy will become that surrounds it. Universal signs are
often delivered in the form of incidents occurring in life and hold
their own level of discomfort. If the soul does not see or chooses to
ignore the lessons offered, that begins to take its toll on the light
quotient inherent in the soul. The soul begins to descend into an energy
closer to that of matter. The inherent gift of the soul to reflect
light, happiness, harmony and a willingness to communicate with joy is
seriously affected and the soul’s love begins to evaporate. Even this is
still a sign being offered to the soul to recognise the loss of light in
their being.
The universe will continue on its ever diligent path of trying to
recover the soul, and will take it to whatever state is required by the
soul to obtain the learning needed, even to death. The soul’s true
desire is that it continues to evolve. If it is noted that this primary
goal of the soul is in jeopardy, it may happen that a review is needed
by the soul from a higher vantage point. The soul has total control of
the process.
The time to stand still and listen to the universe whisper to the soul
to take heed is available to the soul in each moment. The ability to
hear becomes increasingly difficult as the soul decreases in light
vibration by fixating more into guidance from their mental or ego
It is wise for each soul to pause now and again and ensure the
stillness, harmony, peace and love is present within their being. If
upon examination and honest appraisal, it is seen by the soul that these
qualities are diminished in any way and have been replaced by any degree
of disharmony, fear, unhappiness, obsession, rigidity and a lessening of
love than the soul knows it is capable of and is needed for its own
progress as well as by Earth, it is then highly beneficial
to the soul and to the planet that this is addressed without delay.
For a soul who has invested time and energy and dedication into a
particular path dictated by complex patterns within the mind, it takes
true essence and might of the being to pull itself out of the entrapment
it has created for itself. It needs honesty of self and humility of soul
to truly examine all factors, devoid of the need to be right and the
many seemingly justified reasons offered by mind and ego so as to
maintain its own existence as it attempts to negate the many signs the
universe delivered and instead clutches at straws trying to make them
seem valid to help it continue unhindered.
All Lightworkers presently on Earth are on their own path of self
mastery. The state of mastery is acquired through self examination; self
spiritual awareness; the ability to act beyond the dictates of one’s
lower energy bodies; gratitude; humility; recognising and releasing
negative rigid, old and fixed belief patterns; non judgment; allowing
fluidity and surrender in each moment; recognition of the goal to learn
and grow; going beyond ego rightness; placing spiritual goals beyond
human needs; willingness to change; creating harmony in interactions
with others; spiritual honesty and integrity to self and all life;
finding the silence within; aligning with higher light frequencies and
maintaining a vibration emanating peace and love.
Each is the master of their soul and own evolution in the universe. It
may be beneficial to often take a moment to conduct an honest appraisal
of every aspect of your life. Be still and Know.
Archangel Metatron
through Sandy Stevenson