I was recently asked
to write an article with important key points that make a major
difference in our individual evolution and ascension. I’ve done
similar articles before but this may give some new insights.
We often rush through when reading
articles. But maybe instead of squeezing this in between coffee
and the family wash load, we take the time to listen to the
message with our hearts and make a positive difference in our
Many paths are
available. Choices to suit everyone: sacred geometry, work on
our light bodies, breath work, meditation, guidance by the stars
/moon/ channels/ masters/ famous workshop presenters, books,
various methods of meditation, prayer, chanting, yoga, martial
arts, fasting, sweat lodges, dancing, decrees, listing goals,
pilgrimages, sensory deprivation, oxygen, visualization,
affirmations, herbs, forgiveness, inner child work, past lives,
worship, silence,
acupressure, dowsing, alchemy, alternative medicine, angel
contact, astral projection, astrology, Bach flowers, tapping,
shiatsu, reflexology, breatharianism, Qigong, colour therapy,
yoga, retreats, crystals, divination cards, hypnosis,
vibrational medicine, I Ching, iridology,
Feng Shui, subtle kingdoms
and essences - or one or
more of the thousands of spiritual practises and procedures.
You can think of more, I bet.
But are we moving beyond such paths?
All these paths are here at the right
time. How lucky are we? We couldn’t have planned it better. Oh
that’s right, we did plan it: all the many paths so we can each
choose the right path in any given moment. All we need to do is
follow the signs and not let any doubt creep in to deter us.
What signs exist on our
special path? The things that most interest us; our excitement;
our feeling of rightness; our knowingness and intuition (inner
teaching.) The signs we don’t follow are our thought patterns
such as; … It worked for my friend…. Better try everything in
case I miss the right thing…..Everyone else is doing it…..I’m
desperate, I’ll give it a go… It’s not expensive….It was
recommended, etc.
Perhaps the
best lesson we get is to be intuitive.
As we
know, the universe is pretty consistent. Isn’t it wonderful when
we experience a leap in our awareness and gain a deeper
understanding. A new level has been reached.
New states of awareness are great, really great - but
they aren’t the end of the road. We’ve all done it. We have some big
realization and think we’ve solved everything. Then we sit back
in our knowing space, feeling very pleased with ourselves at how
wise we’ve become. Maybe we even let the ego kick in, feeling
smarter than other people. Ha, that won’t last long. The
universe is about to blast the ego to bits. It takes swift
action and gives our reality a big jolt, forcing us to reassess.
reason that has to happen is that any stagnation on our part
prevents us moving on to higher levels of truth.
So what’s the lesson? Don’t set your
truth in concrete
I will cover
here the key spiritual concepts that I know made a big
difference to my own journey. Yes, we have all heard them
before! And possibly at times, given a big sigh and thought “I
am so far past this basic stuff. Give me real truth - some big
mind blowing universal truths or spectacular spiritual event in
my life to let me leap to new heights.”
I have some
news. Those basics we keep hearing (and will go on hearing until
they are fully integrated and we are living them)
are those mind
blowing universal truths. If we integrated and applied them and
didn’t think ‘I know all that,’ they will take us soaring to new
heights with an awareness and understanding of the perfection of
the universe. This is, was and always will be the only way to
have a happy, healthy life that will lead us home. You can be
brilliant at working out the mathematics of the universe but if
you still get annoyed when your child knocks over a glass of
milk, you’ve missed important steps.
Lesson. There are always higher
levels of truth.
To fully
integrate spiritual concepts requires some attention. We have to
discipline ourselves until we
get it. For example,
be aware and detached enough to notice when we think a negative
thought. And then to be disciplined enough to do something about
it, rather than shrug it off. I find we usually know when we’re
being negative but can get so caught up in the ranting and
emotion of it, we just let it pass. The idea is to stop right
there and handle it. Take responsibility for our action of
injecting another piece of negative energy into the world. To
handle the thought, we can flood the thought with light which
transmutes it to a positive energy or we can say the word
‘Cancel’ as we hold our attention on that thought. That isn’t
hard to do. We have many great abilities we never use. It’s a
decision we make - an intention. Decide you won’t allow negative
thoughts in your communication. You need to make the same
decision with all the spiritual concepts that make our life run
better. When you notice you’re not applying some spiritual
aspect to your life, make a commitment, an intention to do
better in future. Your intention and self discipline has great
power. It will help your life tremendously and also the lives of
people around you. You may think only Masters can do these
things. Well, that’s true, because you are one. So, now there’s
no excuse! Walk your talk, as we say. You’ll be far more
effective when you advise others to do these things if they see
you live as you suggest they should. Then we’re teaching others
a truth rather than just a belief we have.
often reminds us of tough times, possibly punishment at school
or criminal and parental rules. The Free Dictionary defines
discipline as:
expected to produce a
specific character
or pattern of
behavior, self control, especially
training that
produces moral
or mental
Lesson. Put in the time in to change
your life.
Is there one simple
truth that answers everything? There probably is! ‘Be yourself’. After so long incarnating in this
dimension, most of us ‘long termers’ have forgotten who we are.
And if we aren’t applying spiritual basics in life, life can
seem complex. This makes us think the answer must be difficult
to learn.
It’s not true and
the heart tells us a different story - if we just listen. It
quietly tells us, ‘BE the beautiful light being you are. You
don’t need to be caught up in the ‘earth story’ any more - that
time is past.’ Now is the time for letting it all go and ‘Be.’
‘Being’ doesn’t mean to lay around drinking coffee and doing
nothing - but it could! You might be lucky!
We know many of us
are tired and want to rest! By the way, tiredness is just one
more thing we need to release. What being
you means is to
remove everything that isn’t really you - that means all the
fears, patterns, doubts, judgments, hurt and pain - and
Surrender to Divine Order in each moment. After learning how to
control every part of our life, it’s going to take real
determination on our part to surrender it all. What exactly are
we surrendering to? We may say “Can I be sure things will work
better if I’m not in control. Because I’m pretty good at it now.
I have family, work, play, etc. all pretty balanced now”. Well,
what you’re surrendering to is to Divine Order, your
own higher self
connection to the Oneness that guides All That IS and has no
constraints in this 3D world of thoughts and ego. I think it’s
easier to surrender once we can see the universe as perfect.
Even if we only have the mental idea that we’re continually
being shown the right action to take in every moment.
Surrendering means to
stop fighting, stop
resisting the flow of Divine order. That is what we do when
finally realize that everything works a whole lot better when we
keep the ego away and stay out of our heads.
only get in life what you attract. If something exists in your life,
you’ve attracted it. For that to make sense, it needs to
be understood in a broader sense. You choose your thoughts. Your
thoughts create your world, regardless of whether they are
carried thru from a past life or newly created in this life.
To begin, I’ll
devote one section to explain how it works.
In a previous
incarnation, you saw a lot of children suffering from diseases
no-one was able to treat. You made a decision to become a doctor
to find out how to address these diseases. But something
prevented you from becoming a doctor. Maybe you strived all your
life but never made it. Maybe you died disappointed. Or maybe
you became a doctor but never discovered how to treat those
diseases. They all add up to a thwarted goal. They all have
emotions attached. The thought sticks. It stays with you, never
being addressed or released, sitting quietly in your mental
body, lifetime after lifetime.
In this life,
one day you’re watching TV and see a programme about babies
dying in Victorian London because medical science didn’t yet
know the cause - or maybe about children suffering horrible
treatments for polio prior to Elizabeth Kenny’s radical new
treatment for it in the 20th century, or something else that
brings this old thought pattern to the surface again. You can’t
believe how angry, upset and sad you feel watching this
programme. You can’t stop talking about this show for days. It
really affected you.
Positive handling.
If you’re applying spiritual concepts to your life, you notice
your reaction to that TV show. You know how the universe works
and that reactions are brought to your attention because they
need to be addressed. You understand the message is for you to
clear those negative patterns and emotions that arose and by
doing so, your life will be better. You’ll be happier and your
work more effective and you won’t need to go on attracting
similar situations to show you these same emotions. So, you
immediately focus your attention on flooding light through the
thoughts and emotions that came up. If you’ve been disciplined
enough to have been doing this for a while, it may now be
natural and you don’t need to think about doing it. It’s a part
of you now. And you know that when you let go of patterns, you
don’t have to experience that again. That means that situations
that reflect your negative patterns happen less and less.
There’s just no reason for you to attract them anymore. And if
you really release ALL your negative reactions, no such events
will happen again.
Negative handling.
But mostly, people ignore their reaction and blindly continue.
Because the reaction is not grabbed and handled (even though it
was clearly reflected to you by life’s perfect mirror - and you
saw it!), what happens now is that the original thought (and the
attached emotions) is left up on the surface. The reason it was
triggered further up into your conscious awareness could be
because this old thought has been showing itself for a while now
and is already affecting your life - and you have been getting
signs for a while. Or it may be that it holds too dense an
energy for your forward progress. Generally, we don’t
consciously think ‘I’ll watch this TV show as it will help show
me what I need to release!’ But from a higher perspective, you
(often with your spiritual guides) create an energy of interest
or create the circumstances to get you to watch that TV show. It
isn’t accidental. By the way, it’s not vital to handle it
immediately. It’s best, of course, so you can move quickly on.
But you can also address it later. Just recreate the idea of
what triggered it, so you feel the same emotions again and then
flood light into them.
If you didn’t handle the emotions you felt, you will usually start
displaying the thought and emotions that were created in
connection to that original thought.
There are any number of feelings that could start showing. You
may start feeling some underlying sense of dissatisfaction with
your current work. It’s possible you were already feeling that
but now it will be stronger. You might feel sad you’re not
helping children more. You may feel bad every time you see a
baby or child looking pale or sick - or even feel bad if you
only hear of one! You may start to get interested in articles
that offer health solutions or you may put more attention on
your children’s health. Perhaps you start boring others with
advice for their children’s health. The list is endless of how
your behaviour may be affected. It’s impossible to describe here
what behaviour patterns and emotions may be present - because so
many different circumstances may have ended up being a part of
that earlier thought. You may have left your family behind so as
to carry out that goal; you might have gone to a foreign country
to study a disease and died there; you may have poured every
penny into it and ended up penniless; you may have attempted to
treat children but accidentally killed some. You may have become
very disillusioned with the medical profession/the governing
body meant to fund research and the poor facilities offered you
for your research. Friends may have thought you were crazy to
give up what you were already doing and you may have suffered
derision and negative judgements about the idea you could even
be a doctor. Whatever those feelings are; upsets, trauma,
judgements, loss or frustrations, some or all will now be
present in your life.
It’s worth
noting you probably had some of these feelings prior to the
triggering received from the TV show. The TV show would not be
the first time the universe tried to show you these buried
thoughts and emotions. Generally, the sequence starts off with
little reminders which you may or may not notice, depending on
how much you are in the now. If you’re spaced out (always losing
things and late for appointments!) or your head is full of
thoughts of what you need to do next, you can miss some or all
the signs.
Your daughter mentions a child in
her class was sick and had to be sent home. You vaguely register
what she said and get on with other things.
You ignore the sign.
You collect neighbour’s children for the am school run. One day
you’re told not to bother collecting the Jones children as all 3
are sick. It may be mumps but no-one is sure exactly what it is.
You ignore the sign.
While out shopping, a child in your checkout queue doesn’t look
at all well. You feel a moment of sadness.
You ignore it. A week
later, you have to pick up your granny at the hospital and you
walk past a child in a wheelchair. Another moment of sadness.
You don’t handle it.
And so it goes on. You work for a Courier company. One day
you’re told to deliver a parcel to the Ward Sister in the local
Children’s Hospital. You see a lot of sick children. You go home
that night still thinking a bit about the poor kids suffering.
You tell your partner about it.
You don’t handle it.
One day, the traffic comes to a standstill and holds you up for
ages. (You get impatient - but that’s something else to
release!) You wonder what the hold up is and then see a
demonstration going on - its parents with placards demanding the
government makes available some new drug they’ve heard helps
child leukaemia. (Don’t believe everything you hear in the news
about drugs.) When you get back to work, you have a conversation
with your workmates about how disgusting it is that the
government won’t help the children (you bought the hype but
that's another belief story!). Your hopes to be offered a
management role at your work don’t happen. They give the
position to someone else. You’re devastated. You’d counted on
it. You feel the same frustrations and upset as you had in the
lifetime of trying to become a doctor.
You don’t handle it.
And so it goes on, getting stronger each time. It gets stronger
and closer because it has to - you aren’t getting it! There is
stuff for you to release. It’s important. The signs go on.
PERFECT. And so we arrive at …..‘One
day you’re watching TV and see a programme about babies dying in
Victorian London’.
If you keep on
failing to handle, events come closer to you in denser and more
real form. Next, your own child falls ill and gets taken to
hospital. For a while the hospital tests can’t find what’s
wrong. Your child gets better but no-one is ever sure what was
wrong or the correct treatment.
You don’t handle it.
You started being shown many external signs but that didn’t
work. The universe now has to show you signs in a form that will
definitely get your attention - pain in your physical body.
Various thoughts and emotions affect particular parts of the
body. The frustration, resentment, anger, disappointment, etc.
connected to the thought pattern of your desire to be a doctor
in that lifetime will show itself in the corresponding illness
or condition you will get. For an in-depth list of thoughts and
the illnesses they create, see Louise Hay’s book 'You can heal
your life'. Another book
called ‘The body is the barometer of the
soul’ by Annette Noontil lists things that can go wrong with the
car and what thought pattern that shows us.
It can also happen that a family member, close friend or even
your beloved pet (old soul) has made an agreement with you to
get the illness instead of you. Maybe they owe you something or
else they just chose to help you. It can happen that they die
from this condition. This is in Divine Order.
Perfect. The thought
pattern and its attached feelings the universe has been trying
to show you, are always right there for you to see. Let’s hope,
it’s handled long before that level is needed.
It’s your
choice; it’s your evolution that is affected. If you’d rather
put it all off until later, that’s fine but of course ‘events’
will continue in your life. If you aren’t noticing things that
are being shown to you (the mirror) - or you’re noticing but
ignoring them, you will
go on creating situations to help you learn. On some level
(usually unconsciously) you’ll keep attracting them in some
form, until you handle what it’s trying to show you. That’s
Universal Law.
Lesson. The heart knows the way.
Most of us
at some time have taken great comfort in old programmes such as
predictions, star signs, birth dates, numbers, crystals, card
divination, dream analysis and other people’s interpretations of
our life events. These were useful guides while we learned how
to operate in our own mastery. It was all in Divine order and a
part of our evolution. But those old dependencies also made us
slaves as they categorized and boxed us into groups and
personality traits. We’ve gone beyond entrenching ourselves in
beliefs that we’re still influenced by the moon and stars or
anything that takes us out of our heart or our knowing - any
belief that it’s all controlled by outside external influences.
We’ve relied a lot on the way-showers, those people who gave us
their knowledge of paths we could take. It was very useful and
part of our growth and I know I’m grateful for every step I’ve
But that
time is over. We’ve moved beyond handing our power over to other
people or to systems that prevent us attaining mastery. The idea
is to become co-creators with Source with no intermediary. If we
feel we’re still relying to some degree on systems or on guides,
way-showers or our I Am Presence, it may be worth a rethink.
Lets look at the now - where we are in our evolution and see if
we’re holding ourselves back from our own knowing, mastery and
Lesson. Trust your own mastery.
Key points ahead.
See how many are incorporated fully
into your life.
Act with integrity
at all times.
2. Life is a mirror.
Everything you experience, see or hear is a lesson for
Understand you’re
a creator.
Thought creates your world. You’re not a victim.
Let go of all
expectations and outcomes. Act intuitively, then let go of
any result.
Don’t judge or
criticize anyone or anything, including yourself.
6. Handle ego.
Whether inflated or deflated, stop it every time.
Detach from
everything and everyone.
While being connected in love and compassion. If you were
told you were leaving tomorrow, what would keep you here?
Let go of belief
patterns. (See section ahead)
Love everyone and
everything unconditionally. Love without conditions.
Stay balanced between heaven and earth. Feet on ground - head in
Be you. Remove
everything that’s not you.
Trust yourself. YOU know what’s right for you.
Learning and evolving on Earth is a ‘do it yourself’ affair.
Let go of neediness - i.e. thoughts you can’t live without someone
or something.
We’re all One. We are also the life form we harm.
Intuition. Get out of your head and into your heart.
Look for the signs. Where is your attention and interest drawn?
Don’t give your power away.
19. Surrender to Divine Order. Go with the flow. Stop resisting.
20. Breathe. That is always in the Now. It’s our connection to the
Universal Breath.
Choose what you prefer and not what you don’t prefer.
Trust the Universal process of Divine order. It’s always perfect.
Be grateful for
everything. Shifts you out of ego.
Thought. Our thoughts
create our life.
That may seem a
lot to remember. In fact, too much. Luckily, the idea is to
fully embrace them into our being, so we don’t need to remember
them. These concepts
are a part of who we are as spiritual beings. We’re
lightworkers, we know this stuff. It’s our natural wisdom, our
understanding of the universe. To get them to be a part of us
again we need to keep on doing them, over and over, until they
are us. It will end with having the happy fun peaceful life we’d
prefer. We can do anything. We’ve just forgotten how.
We’re not
climbing a ladder to some other level or place.
We are already there.
We arrived here - ‘already there!’ We took on ‘a story’ for the
planet so as to help create a blueprint for humanity. That’s all
covered in The Awakener (eBook $3.50) Now, that the blueprint is
created, we’re letting go of ’the story’ and becoming ourselves
again, in readiness for returning home.
All the
clearing and cleansing we’ve been doing these past years is only
letting go of everything that isn’t truly us. We are releasing
things like judgments, criticism, beliefs, patterns, conditional
love, being out of balance, bad ethics, wrongdoing, negative
emotions, negative thoughts, attachments, past relationships or
upsets, ego tripping or feeling inferior.
As spiritual
beings, we don’t need approval, thanks, a perfect body image,
admiration, respect, gifted children, perfect partner, perfect
life, to be rich, successful or happy. We don’t inherently need
any of these things. However, our egos may like to hang on to a
whole bunch of those!
Lesson. Being yourself helps
I wonder if we
realise just how many beliefs we adopt in our lives that we get
from family, friends, peers, school, work, education, media and
so on. Take one example, ‘weather’. Let’s look at how many
different thoughts we have connected to just that one subject
and its associated parts. Heat, cold, storms, lighting,
sandstorms, hurricanes, fire, avalanches, rainbows, sleet, snow,
thunder, sun, rain, hail, wind, fog, storms, thunderstorms,
snow, tsunami, tornado, monsoon, frost, sleet, clouds,
bushfires, floods,
And then how
many other millions of subjects and sub parts of those are
there, such as - religion, law, police, foreigners, work,
friends, philosophy, family, sex, love, partners, romance,
children, babies, lawyers, houses, sickness, money, age,
elderly, animals, furniture, medicine, doctors, operations,
drugs, art, business, education, countries,
Government, music, politics, Science, sport,
technology, TV, movies, aged nursing care, hospitals, computers,
email, Facebook, Windows, internet,
murderers, Google, city and country dwelling, history,
criminals, drug pushers, movie stars, food, alcohol, culture,
habit, customs, religion, media, funerals, school, university,
So, we can see
by this list, just how many thoughts might be stored away in our
mind. If we had to sort out all those, we’d be here forever. But
that’s not necessary. We don’t need to remove every pattern;
just the obvious and visible ones. If you want to know what
beliefs you have, look at your life. What you believe is all
around you. You are being shown it all the time, so you can
re-choose your life.
Lesson. Let go of the story.
It’s the role of the
Lightworker to help and we all have an urge to help this planet
in some way. I’ve watched people struggle and I used to suffer
along with them. I’ve seen the unceasing perfection the universe
gives each individual, presenting to us over and over what we
need in each moment. The universe doesn’t give us what we
prefer; it gives us what we need. I’ve seen answers constantly
presented to people that could use to make positive changes in
their life and often seen answers ignored.
I don’t have a crystal
ball. I don’t know what it will take for someone to grasp that
everything occurring in their life is perfect. It took me ages,
obviously not a quick learner! I’ve been walking a conscious
learning path for 50 years, grasping at truth wherever I find it
and trying my best to stay fluid enough to allow higher levels
of truth to replace what I have. These days, people can learn
much quicker because the Earth’s vibration is so much higher and
there’s no longer a need to create that learning path blueprint
many of us have been doing since Atlantis.
But it still takes
discipline; we need an intention to do it. We need to take every
opportunity to knock our ego on the head and step back into the
Divine moment. We know when ego kicks in. It’s when we feel a
bit of pride and think we’ve done it all ourselves. We happily
bask in what a marvellous thing we did. The idea is to put spirit
back in control, rather than our ego. So, observe the ego, stop
it and centre yourself back into your heart space again.
Something I’m really
happy about as time has gone on, is working at putting ego in
its correct place, second to spirit. I find it’s usually ego
that wants recognition or all the detail. I’ve felt less and
less any need to know details. I often say I operate in life on
a ‘need to know’ basis. I really only want the minimum
information I need to get the job done. I have absolutely no
need to know why I do something. Nor have any desire to explain
why I’m doing something to myself or anyone else. For me, it
comes down to ‘If I feel it’s right, I do it.’ I try to follow
that to the best of my ability. I don’t always get it right (not
a saint yet then!!!), but I don’t judge myself. If I stuff
something up, I look at what I needed to learn and decide that
I’ll do it better next time - and I let it go.
Looking back, one of
best things I ever did was to decide to use Bach Flowers to
cleanse my aura to remove existing negative patterns. These
essences gave me a big leap in my own spiritual progress.
However, that was quite some years ago and we have arrived at a
time now on Earth of developed self mastery where we can just
flood our aura with light.
After working for
years on releasing patterns from my emotional body, I’m reaping
the benefit. I’ve stopped suffering along with people. Now
rather than though feeling the sadness etc. in my emotional
body, I sense compassion and care for all life via my spiritual
self. Moving from compassion felt in the emotional body, I
experience a far greater level of care and compassion over a
wider band beyond the Earth. I’ve learnt to detach from
everything. That means no attachments. However, we can still
stay connected and caring and can achieve all we need to do here
just as effectively. I’ve stopped thinking I know what’s best
for others. I realize people know what’s right for them. Every
action they undertake is right for them.
The universe is
perfect and I absolutely know that.
Example. If someone has a lack of self worth, they may attract a partner who
controls or abuses them. Low self esteem is a pattern they
haven’t addressed, but it needs to go for their own evolutionary
progress. The abusive behavior of the partner can help make
their low self esteem more obvious.
Perfect. By
attracting such a relationship, they get the chance to ask
themselves why they got into such a relationship.
Perfect. If they
quickly realize they did it to show them their lack of self
confidence - and they handle this, then they can leave the
relationship and move on.
Perfect. If they go on suffering and putting up with the
abuse, it continues until they get the message.
Perfect. If that
relationship ends (hopefully not violently) without them
understanding the lesson, the next relationship they choose will
also be abusive. Perfect. By failing to handle, each time the intensity of the
lesson increases to
help them see their lack of self worth.
Perfect. So they
start attracting people into their life who are experiencing a
similar situation. They will also see this situation more often
on TV, read it in the papers and hear others talk about it. More
and more and more. Many people take the increase of this
scenario in their life as a sign that abuse is really common.
But it’s just them being a creator. Other people they see with
the same problem are creating that same reality. Incidentally,
they will also be shown a few partnerships that are working fine
where both have good self confidence. It’s another hint being
offered! Perfect. One
day, they’ll have had enough and realize they deserve better
than this. They’ll start to see they’re a valuable human being.
They’ll step into a new understanding of their worth and release
the pattern. If it’s fully released, they’ll no longer need to
attract anything into their life to show them this pattern.
Nothing! No similar relationship, no friends with the same
problem, no TV programmes, no news, nothing.
Perfect. If they let most of it go, but a few lingering bits
remain, they’ll still get things in life showing them these last
bits to release. But it will probably be a different scenario,
one that more aptly reflects just the remaining bits.
I realized some
years ago how important it is that each of us decide their own
evolution - to walk our spiritual journey in our own way and own
time frame. In our desire to help our fellow human or indeed any
life form, it’s easy to want to jump in and save people. Quite
often it’s our mind, ego or emotions that direct this. In these
instances, it’s not help we are giving, its hindrance. So, to
make sure it’s right, we need to ensure our actions comes from a
place of intuition - not from our emotions or ego or thought
patterns. If we are in the moment, at one with the natural flow
of Divine Order, we can intuitively sense when to act or speak
and when not to. This is actually where it’s all at. This is the
answer to being, to happiness, to life, to fulfilling our role
here, to returning home, to reuniting with our twin flame, to
love, to having fun and to our future.
And maybe instead of
just a good life, we can have a brilliant life.
We can paint
with all the colours of the wind.
Sandy Stevenson
