I am Archangel Metatron. I wish to bring
further clarity to the present situation on Earth.
On the 21st December 2012, upon the completion
of a 26,000 year cycle, Gaia (the Being who has had Earth as her
physical body) planned to ascend to the 5th dimension with her light
bodies. Providing humanity was ready for the transition to that
dimension, she intended to include her physical Earth body in the
ascension process. With the heavenly impetus of light energy entering
the Earth over a long period of time, it was feasible the human race
could reach the vibrational level required for her planned ascension on
the 21st December. If the
ascension included her physical form, Gaia would then remain in the 5th
dimension along with that physical form, providing continued higher
learning for the newly ascended humanity.
As this pre-planned time drew closer, a
considerable number of humanity were not yet prepared for such a
movement, so the plan was adjusted. She decided it would be in divine
order for her to depart without her physical body, thereby leaving a
physical platform for humanity to complete its ascension process. With
the entry of the Golden Age and vastly higher frequencies of the next
universal cycle now entering the Earth sphere, she anticipated it would
be a brief period before both humanity and her physical body reached the
required vibration of light and also ascended.
Using existing vortices on properties owned by
Starseeds on several continents (one for each continent), that had been
under their skilled care and guardianship for many years, these vortices
were then greatly expanded to incorporate the changes. These huge
pillars of light arising from the vortices allowed an organised
departure of billions of beings from the Devic kingdoms on Earth. With
the departure of these vast numbers, other new and much fewer in number,
Divas and elementals entered, to continue the management of the physical
structure of the New Earth.
The vortices also allowed entry of the new
Guardianship team arriving to assist on the planet while the Light Force
fully anchored the Golden Age. Parts of the planet are fully established
in the new higher frequency, some sections are well on the way and
others are catching up. And all the while, more and more light
continually floods in as the Golden Age becomes a reality of peace and
We have a New Earth. If you are reading this,
you are standing on it. It is a planet vastly different that the one you
are used to. Your mind, in the main, has not yet adjusted to the new
residence you are in. It is of a greatly higher frequency of light with
an entirely new grid system fully activated in crystalline light and
contains most of the elements, with more occurring all the time, to
bring about a rapid and complete change in human consciousness. The
planet is infinitely different. Billions of facets of its existence have
completely changed. Many are experiencing that. If you are not, put
aside any mind set you may have that says because you see something
solid in front of you, then it is still the same as before. Go beyond,
go to your Self. Feel the new frequency; understand the molecular
structure has completely altered and everything on Earth is registering
a new harmonic. It is singing a new song and that song is being raised
in crescendo every moment from now on until all is singing to the total
vibration of the 5th dimension. What awaits as the planet fully aligns
to the 5th dimensions, is a beautiful and harmonious experience with all
life knowingly creating in the moment. A peaceful existence of higher
learning with no pain or suffering of any form.

I have spoken so far, mainly of humanity and
its continuing role of evolution. I now speak to those of the Light
Force who are still on the New Earth. Little has changed regarding your
departure and return home. Those whose work had fully completed and had
prepared sufficiently, have left. Those who had planned to leave prior
to the Earth’s ascension point did so. Some left on the 21st December,
returning home. There is no significance to departure timing; such as
people were more prepared than you. It was simply their plan. You have
yours. Those of you who have chosen ascension and been preparing
yourselves for your return to the higher realms, are still ascending in
the moment you have chosen for yourself. Nothing has changed.
If you had personally aligned your thoughts to the idea that your
own ascension would take place on the 21st and you are still here, you
will need to transmute the alignment/attachment you made to that idea
and re-align to your Higher Self and seek the truth of your own Divine
plan. There is no need, other than one of personal curiosity, to know
the time you have chosen to make your ascension. It may be in this next
minute or perhaps one year or two or more. In highest truth of course,
everything is in this moment. What is important is it is of your
choosing. You know what you are doing and the why of it from your own
profound and exquisite higher perspective. While you remain here, focus
your attention on what draws you in each moment. In this way, the
anchoring of the new Golden Age will move more and more rapidly,
sweeping all of humanity into its loving embrace. What is upon us now,
is a most wondrous time as all that is not of highest quality falls
rapidly by the wayside - a time we have all long anticipated and dreamed
Gaia is currently residing in the 7th
dimension, having no need at this time to be in the 5th.
She knows her previous physical body of Earth, now altered to the
increased light frequency of the entering Golden Age cycle, has been
left in the trusted hands of the new Guardianship team and the Light
Force on Earth. She is immensely grateful to the Light Force on Earth.
The role you have all played in bringing this about is beyond words or
measure. For so long the dedication of this evolved team who came to
Earth so willingly from the higher realms, has been paramount to the
actualization of this Ascension and the bringing in of the new Golden Age of
Peace. The recent events all over the world on 12.12.12 and 21.12.12
were the culmination of the pure joy and love you have continually
embraced and were vital to the smooth transition that occurred.
It is you who now moves into your own full
mastery of creatorship to bring in the finality of this resounding
victory. Bring forth your trust and joy and your love for this exquisite
planet and her beautiful life forms and all of humanity. Raise yourself
above all judgment and confusion now in this moment, for it is you who
lay the tapestry of brilliant colour along the path that humanity walks.
That tapestry must be of pure light, shining like a billion brilliant
stars lighting the way for all humanity to dance their final steps as
they and the New Earth Go Home.
Adonai to you, Rainbow Warriors of Light,
Archangel Metatron
29th December 2012
channelled through
Sandy Stevenson