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      Message from Archangel Michael

                  on Twin Flame CD

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Dearly Beloved Ones of Light,

I am Michael, Lord of the Sword Excalibur and Master of the   Blue Ray of Love and Service to all. I ask you to go deep within your soul and bring to your conscious mind an understanding of something you once knew - a memory held for ages past.

You were once part of a great force, the power of All That Exists. Within this existence is a friend, lover and eternal mate. This love you have longed for and sought - over ages past. At times you have come together and rejoiced and at times you have separated and continued on your path of learning.

There is a special time occurring on our beloved planet, heralding a new awakening and placement for many within their Divine roles to help bring an understanding and enlightenment to the people of Earth. You have long awaited this time and even more so, because of a promise you made to your beloved ones in the Light of the Flame - which was to play your part in a gifted way and bring about a completion and re-union in the blending of the spirit of the dual flame of the Holy Light within.

Seek you now in your heart an understanding of my words - for I am here to call upon you to re-unite with the one you left in the higher realms of Existence to watch and guide over you as you carried forth to give your Service to this world.

Go deep within the Golden Flame of Love and Wisdom in your heart and let go of all that would interfere with exacting that which is now due to you. Release all deterrent or fear that may prevent this connection, so long awaited. Release it all now, my children. Know that nothing stands between you and that which is truth.

Hold still within this flame and allow it to grow to a great and beautiful flowing, glowing heart shaped fire, bringing all within its sphere to the heart of God.


                        Archangel Michael       





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