1. First Wave Lightworkers - re the Second Wave 2001

2. Message for First Wave Lightworkers 2003


First Wave Lightworkers - re the Second Wave


Message for First Wave Lightworkers 


Many First Wave lightworkers have either completed or are close to completing the work they undertook so long ago. The First Wave refers to hundreds of thousands of individuals involved in helping the Earth with her Ascension.  

For many of this group, their remaining time on Earth is for standing quietly back, acting as a light anchor for the planet. After such a long period of intense work, this may sound easy! But don’t underestimate this task. It is massive. It will be easy, but only because of who you are. With your universal wisdom and experience, you can achieve such things effortlessly and with little attention. You will, of course, need to maintain your high vibration. You may be thinking "If I’m so wise and experienced, it doesn’t seem to have helped me much lately!" But if your life has been a little tough, there is a reason. The nature of the work you undertook has involved personal emotional upheaval. One of the main tasks for Lightworkers has been to create a blueprint for planetary and personal Ascension. Releasing our buried emotions has helped create a pathway to enable others to release theirs. In fact, you have succeeded brilliantly in creating the entire ascension blueprint for all life forms on Earth.  

The original plan called for the First Wave Lightworkers to bring about one of the greatest feats in universal history by preparing the Earth for her ascension. This presented many difficult challenges, requiring great strength of purpose, much courage, endurance and determination. Everyone did a great job, probably much more than any of us will ever realise. 

Once the goal of the First Wave was achieved, the Second Wave was responsible for the next stage which was to prepare humanity for its ascension. Many Second Wave lightworkers are now actively involved in many global projects designed to bring about this goal. The Second Wave will also continue to increase the light quotient on Earth at an acceptable pace to match the awakening of humanity.  

I have known for a long time that there was to be a Second wave of lightworkers who would begin new projects that took in a global perspective. This appears to be happening. The joy of seeing this occurring is indescribable. In the last couple of months I have been presented with much evidence of these special, globally thinking people starting up projects around the world that defy imagination. Some of the ideas are so big and so amazing that my heart almost stops in a universal gasp! 

In a similar pattern to many First wave lightworkers, many awakened some time ago to a spiritual perspective on life, but have only more recently reached the designated time of understanding and projecting their visions. Some are also only newly awakened and are moving immediately into their work. Some of them are also very young, in their twenties and thirties. Their focus seems to be a global awakening. 

Some of the tasks carried out by the First Wave Lightworkers 

1. Releasing all key energy blocks around the world; in sacred sites, on ley lines, wherever - that was preventing light getting in to the planet. 

2. Establishing and anchoring a completely new planetary higher vibrational leyline system. 

3. Accessing into the planet all the codes Earth needed for her ascension - including all codes needed for humans, animals and all life forms. These came via various methods, including special programmes, being carried by individuals and groups, through the creation of new energy vortexes through music, crop circles, etc. 

4. Releasing all their own buried emotions, patterns and thoughts, to create a new blueprint and pathway across the planet enabling every person on Earth to release their own patterns. 

5. Establishing a new physical body blueprint to allow all beings in the future to ascend with a physical body to take place in the future in the universe. 

6. Bring an understanding and acceptance of the help being given to Earth from other realms - e.g. the help given from the Ascended realms of Light, the star people, angels, and space beings. 

7. Exposing all that was corrupt and hidden on the planet, thus allowing it to become known and taken responsibility for, and so allow the opportunity for change. 

8. Making the people of Earth aware of issues occurring now that are similar to those that caused the downfall of Atlantis - e.g. genetic engineering, technology out of balance with the humanities, etc. The dissemination of this information was to assist people in making different choices this time around. 

9. Creating blueprints for every aspect for planetary ascension. There are many thousands of blueprints. One example would be the blueprint created by the people of Lithuania that allows suppressed countries to go free. 

10. Creating an awareness of important spiritual basics. There are millions of these basics.  An example would be teaching people discernment. Discernment would be accepting only what resonates as truth for us personally. It would also entail being aware of what we agree to support with our energy and power.  

11. Assisting and supporting each other in awakening, clearing and resuming our mastery. 

12. Giving the Earth all the basics she needed for her final leap to a State of Ascension. 

There has been much more achieved than has been mentioned here and still more is to be achieved by many First Wave lightworkers. They will all still need to follow their heart and be intuitive in each moment and carry out actions accordingly. However, they also need to be aware that if their excitement disappears on a particular personal project, it may mean a Second Waver has picked up the task with new energy and a new perspective. Then would then need to sit in the stillness and see where their attention and interest is newly directed. 

This is an important time for the First Wave lightworkers and consequently for the planet. There is a balance needed here by the First wavers. It is not yet time to be complacent or to breathe a big sigh of relief and let go! Yes, it has been a long time! Yes, there is a feeling of weariness and a longing to go home being experienced by people. However, this is just another emotion and thought pattern to be released. So, let go of the tiredness and start to play and have fun. For heaven's sake, let go of the seriousness.  

All has to be in balance and that means you need to be equally happy being here as you are of the idea of going home. At this stage, I think a cautious enthusiasm will do. That means be excited by all means but don't drop the ball! Be ready to hand over the sceptre on any particular project you have, only when and if it feels right to do so. It is not time yet to relax and head for a life on the beach in the Bahamas! There is still work to do, although some of that focus may change. Be willing to stay open and be able to completely change. There is a need to stand back and let the others with their fresh enthusiasm and global thinking, move into key roles doing their specific projects. Until then, the ropes need to be held firmly by the First wave. As with all else, it will resonate if and exactly when you are meant to let go of something. Remember that there will be things that will still have to be held by First wave lightworkers until they leave. 

I suggest we all just keep doing what we are doing, but keep in mind that there is a plan and that plan did include a Second wave awakening. This meant Lightworkers who once the planetary basics were in place, would be able to leap into a global handling of humanity. They hold a vision deep within. Possibly the only help they need from the First wavers is encouragement. But still help when it feels right from the heart to help. So easy to assume that all the wisdom gained from being here for so long (which applies to many of us) needs to be imparted to them. But they will have all the keys they need, just as the First wavers did. Perhaps the difference being the second wavers seem to know they have it, and the First wavers didn't always realise this. After such a long time in a 3rd dimension, it can take a while to get over self doubts and resume the mastery. This is still happening for some First wavers. But this also is perfect and unfolding beautifully. It takes into account, for the purpose of the blueprint, the doubts that will be experienced by much of humanity as they move to ascension.  

By the way, the terms First and Second Wave, as defined above, is the correct name for these groups. These were the terms used in the original lightworker contracts in the Divine Plan for Earth. In fact, there are lots of special names for different groups, such as Starseed and Starchild. These words were originally chosen because they carry great power and energy in the substance of the word. These words act as a powerful connector to a High source of Light. Unfortunately, the word ‘Starchild’ has almost been totally obliterated, having been replaced by an alternative word ‘Indigo’ originated by an American channel and repeated by so many. This has greatly affected the connection of these children.  

May the Strength, Power, Joy and Vision of the Second Wavers change the Earth.  

God Bless them all. 

For the Love of Service in Light, 

Sandy Stevenson   

August 2001

Message for First Wave Lightworkers    2003

Many First Wave lightworkers have either completed or are close to completing the work they undertook so long ago. The First Wave refers to hundreds of thousands of individuals involved in helping the Earth with her Ascension.

For many of this group, their remaining time on Earth is for standing quietly back, acting as a light anchor for the planet. After such a long period of intense work, this may sound easy! But don’t underestimate this task. It is massive. It will be easy, but only because of who you are. With your universal wisdom and experience, you can achieve such things effortlessly and with little attention. You will, of course, need to maintain your high vibration. You may be thinking "If I’m so wise and experienced, it doesn’t seem to have helped much lately!" But if your life has been a little tough, there is a reason. The nature of the work you undertook has involved personal emotional upheaval. One of the main tasks for Lightworkers has been to create a blueprint for planetary and personal Ascension. Releasing our buried emotions has helped create a pathway to enable others to release theirs. In fact, you have succeeded brilliantly in creating the entire ascension blueprint for all life forms on Earth.

The original plan called for the First Wave Lightworkers to bring about one of the greatest feats in universal history by preparing the Earth for her ascension. This presented many difficult challenges, requiring great strength of purpose, much courage, endurance and determination. Everyone did a great job, probably much more than any of us will ever realise.

Once the goal of the First Wave was achieved, the Second Wave was responsible for the next stage, which was to prepare humanity for its ascension. Many Second Wave lightworkers are now actively involved in many global projects designed to bring about this goal. The Second Wave will also continue to increase the light quotient on Earth at an acceptable pace to match the awakening of humanity.

To the First Wave lightworkers

It is time to reassess your inner truth and see what your role is NOW.

If you are feeling a desire to stand back a little (or a lot) and not be as involved as you were, trust your inner guidance. Do not feel guilty. Honour your heart and the feeling of rightness. Perhaps it truly is time for you to take a less obvious role. Maybe you have completed your main tasks and are now needed in a different capacity. Still a vital role, but an easier one.

It is time to let the Second Wavers do their job. Maybe now you need to step back, holding a vast frequency of Light, providing security and stability to the whole planet. From this position you can step in briefly if needed, using your wisdom and experience. This new role is so easy for the highly experienced First Wave lightworkers, that it may seem as though you aren’t doing anything. But you certainly are! You might find time now for personal interests, hobbies or have time to relax.

Equally, there will be First Wavers who are still very excited about being involved. They know in their hearts they have more tasks to complete. It is vital that this knowing is followed.

To see where you truly stand with your role on Earth, follow your heart and excitement. You need to be certain you have finished. Don't assume you have finished because you feel tired. Feeling weary could simply be an emotion that needs releasing.

The work by the First Wave was never meant to go on forever. There was always a finite end to the tasks required. In the original plan, when the First Wave had sufficiently raised the vibration of Earth and everything was in place for the final stage of Ascension, the second team would rapidly move into place. Now the goals of the First Wave are practically completed, the second team have become very active. The second team of lightworkers (referred to as the Second Wave) tend to think globally. They bring great enthusiasm and fresh energy to global projects they either initiate or become involved in. Some of the ideas are huge!

In a similar pattern to many First Wavers, many Second Wavers awakened spiritually some time ago, but only more recently reached the designated time to project their visions out to the world. Some Second Wavers awakened only recently and quickly moved into their work. Some, but not all, are quite young, in their twenties and thirties. The focus of the Second Wave is a global awakening of humanity. What a wonderful task.

With Love,

Sandy Stevenson

28th October 2003


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