We are at an important time in the history of Earth. All the circumstances of Atlantis are being re-enacted to give people an opportunity to choose again what they prefer for the future of Earth.

As we know, under Universal Law, the higher realms are not permitted to interfere in any planetary matters unless they are directed to do so by the incarnated planetary inhabitants.

Under Universal Law, the Light Force on Earth holds a Right to Decree. This allows Lightworkers to make a request to Divine Consciousness on behalf of the various soul families on Earth.  

You can create decrees using your own wording, but it always needs to be aligned to the highest vibrations of  light, e.g. God; All That Is; Highest Light; Source; Creator; I Am that I Am, etc. Even if you feel close to a particular master or guru in life, it’s wise to stick to the names above. This ensures you retain the universal energy and power aligned to these words.  

Here are several differently examples of that:

1. By Divine Decree, in the name of the Holy Christ…

2. By Divine Decree, in the name of The Divine Mother/Father God….

3. By Divine Decree, in the name of the Source of All Light…

Sometimes you may not be sure of the best way to handle something. When you’re wording a decree where you aren't sure, it’s a good idea to add the words - ‘under the Law of Grace’. In this way, you cover yourself from creating karma, by asking that Grace covers you for any error. 

We can’t always see the 'higher picture' of an event, but we can still always help by making a decree. If we’re not sure what to ask for specifically, just ask for what is 'in Highest Divine Order.'  For example:  ‘By Divine Decree, in the name of God, under the Law of Grace, I ask for Highest Divine Order to take place …. (add here whatever you wish to ask for). E.g. a) help the whales’ or b) ‘regarding the current conflict between ‘specific country’ and ‘specific country.’

Be as specific as you can with the details, so the exact situation is very clear. Adding a time and location can assist this. An example would be - ‘concerning all aspects regarding safety during the Harvest festival taking place in Los Angeles California, USA between 7th and 14th May 2014.’ (Note: This is a fictitious example).

You are giving your Right as an inhabitant of Earth to God/Source to act on your behalf to handle that situation. When deciding to do a decree, check that your own  ego, emotions, beliefs or thoughts don’t influence what you ask for. Be still, align to the Light, ensure you are doing the decree from an intuitive place of love and that it’s not just a desire or thought stemming from your own belief patterns.

You are giving your Right as an inhabitant of Earth to God/Source to act on your behalf to handle that situation.

A Decree is a request or demand. Therefore it doesn’t need to include the reason you are doing it. An example of including a reason would be - when asking for help to correct the whales sonar abilities, you then added ‘because the whales are getting beached.’


When deciding to do a decree, check that your own ego, emotions, beliefs or thoughts don’t influence what you ask for. Ensure you are doing the decree from an intuitive place of love and that it’s not just a desire or thought stemming from your own belief patterns.

Before you begin any decree, become still in thought and body. Surrender to Source - Thy Will be Done. Make sure your feet and hands are not touching (i.e. don’t form a circle). Providing you are in a clear space when you say a decree, saying it just once (but 3 times through) is sufficient, unlike an affirmation which needs to be said often as we are re-programming our thoughts.

To comply with Universal Law (Holy Trinity - Power of Three) a decree needs to be said aloud 3 times using precisely the same words.  It is a mathematical procedure, so if  you slip up on any word while saying a decree, it’s essential to start again from the beginning of the first run through for it to be effective.  It will not work unless done correctly.  To avoid making a slip up when saying a decree, it’s an idea is to read it through once aloud just to make sure you are familiar with the words and their pronunciations.

After the decree has been said 3 times, you complete it by sealing it. You can use the words …..'So Be It. So It is. So Mote it Be. It Is Done'. You can add 'Anchor Lock and Seal’ if you wish.  The sealing words only need to be said ONCE (not 3 times).


If you ask for it from a place of love and it is highest wisdom for the Ascended Realms to act, it will be done. You are giving your Right as an inhabitant of Earth to God/Source to act on your behalf to handle that situation.  The higher realms are able to see a higher picture of the event than we normally can from our incarnated perspective, and they will choose the most optimum way to help. That help may not always be the way we think is best. It’s a good idea not to hold any fixed ideas of what you think the outcome should be. If you do that and it doesn’t happen that way, you may feel a loss or think the decree didn’t work. That can affect you doing them in future.

After you’ve decreed, just let it go. You don’t need to think about it anymore. Don't tie up your energy following it along. Simply intuitively decree when it feels right to do so. Then, having handed it over to the higher realms, let it go. Let Go and Let God, as they say. In that way, you can be fully present in each moment, ready for the next right thing to say or do.

Moving in the Divine flow is a moment by moment following of spirit, saying and doing only that which springs from the heart, bringing us a feeling of rightness, interest or enthusiasm.


Doing the 6 Decrees in this first PERSONAL SECTION should clear your space and give you a fresh start.

                                                               ENSURE YOU HAVE READ HOW TO DO A DECREE IN THE BLUE SECTION ABOVE



First say the following invocation aloud 3 times:

I Invoke my Mighty I AM Presence.

Mighty I AM - Take Command.


By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I AM the Sacred Violet Flame, and I transmute in this moment, any negative or misqualified energy or contamination in any form, affecting myself or my role on Earth, where this is linked in any way to any negative being or energy, to be done in a manner of grace and ease and where it be in highest Divine Order.

So Be It. So It is. It Is Done.



(This helps override lower decisions we made that are not done intuitively).


By Divine Decree, in the name of God, under the Law of Grace, holding the Right as a Lightworker on the Ascension Mission to Earth, I ask the Ascended Masters of Light, that where it be in Divine Order, to support me in a way I would wish for myself from my highest spiritual perspective, that is in alignment with my highest spiritual intention to successfully complete my role on Earth, to include steps to maintain an appropriate light frequency and prevent contact or influence from negative or dark force beings, in any form or dimension, where this is not for my true and highest good.

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done




Say -

“I invoke my mighty I Am Presence of my highest evolution"

Then say -

Mighty I Am - Take Command”

Then the decree 3 times through

“By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I connect now and forever only to the pure light of God/Source of all creation and to only the appropriate highest realms of pure light as befits my level of evolution, where this be in highest Divine order.

I state that any and all sacred codes and mathematical programmes that I am responsible for in this incarnation,  be brought now into a state of purity in accordance with Divine Order and to be held in such a state forever, in accordance with Divine Higher Will."


(Say the following line once.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.

Then say (with power):

Let this focus of highest light be eternally sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding.



By Divine Decree, in the name of God, under the Law of Grace, holding the Right as a Lightworker on the Ascension Mission to Earth, I request the Ascended Masters of Light, to make null and void any vows, agreements or contracts I have made, where this impedes my ability to carry out my light work on Earth or my ascension process, where it be for the highest good and in Divine Order.

So Be It. So it Is. It is Done.



Karmic Absolution has been offered to the Light Force on Earth. Free will and choice means that in order to receive it, you will need to ask for it. Providing it’s is in highest order for your evolution as an individual, it will be granted. If it is granted, it will only be up to that moment you ask and it doesn’t, exempt you from any future karma imbalances you may create.

The steps to take to accept Karmic Absolution.

Be centred, still, peaceful and calm and in your power. Focus your attention on the Etheric Flame within your heart that connects you to Source. Providing you are sufficiently in your power and centred enough to contact your I AM Presence, you only need to do it once.

Invocation as follows:-

“I invoke my mighty I Am Presence and by the grace of God I accept the Divine dispensation of karmic absolution.”

Then say once - ‘So be it. So it is’.

A note regarding Karma. Many of our ‘karma balancing’ agreements have finished, some are currently in progress and other karmic situations are winging their way toward us. Therefore I suggest you continue on to a second step as follows:-


“Through my mighty I Am Presence, where it be in highest Divine order, I request that all beings I have outstanding agreements with regarding the balancing of my karma - be contacted now and asked if they are willing to release these agreements, where this be in Divine order.”

‘So be it. So it is’.

This whole procedure gives you optimum handling, but still leaves intact anything that needs to remain in place for Highest Order to occur.



‘By Divine Decree, in the name of God, under the Law of Grace, as a Lightworker on the Divine Ascension Mission to Earth, I ask the Highest Ascended Realms of Light to dissolve any agreements I have made that reduce my own wealth and abundance, where this no longer serves me in highest Divine Order.’

So Be it. So it is. So Mote it be. It is done.







“By Divine Decree, In the Name of the Holy Christed Light of God, I command that the Divine Blueprint for the Ascension of Earth, as designed by the Highest Creation All That Is, be brought now to a state of Divine Perfection as intended, and placed in a Permanent State of Being.”

(Say the following once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.


Say once - In the name of the Cosmic Light of the Almighty 'I Am That I Am' I hereby invoke the pure light of the God Most High.

The decree.

By Divine decree, under Universal law and under the Law of Grace, I call forth the appropriate Cosmic Light being or Ascended Master of Light from the 7th dimension and above, to assist me with .... .....(enter what you need help with) be done in a manner of grace and Ease  and where it be in Divine Order and for my greatest good.

(Say the following once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.




First say the following invocation aloud 3 times:

"I Invoke my Mighty I AM Presence.

Mighty I AM - Take Command.

I AM NOW PROTECTED from making any connection on any level with this Being, through the intent of others or while I am participating in any handling or mention of this individual."



"By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I AM the Sacred Violet Flame, and I transmute in this moment, any negative or misqualified energy or contamination in any form, affecting myself or my role on Earth, that is linked in any way to the Being known as ‘………’, where this be in highest Divine Order.

(Say the following line once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.



Say 3 times. "I invoke my mighty I Am Presence of my highest evolution"

Then say once –  “Mighty I Am - Take Command”

Then the decree 3 times through

‘By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I connect now and forever only to the pure light of God/Source of all creation and to only the highest realms of pure light as befits my level of evolution, where this be in highest Divine order.

Then say (with power):

Let this focus of highest light be eternally sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding.

 (Say the following line once.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.


“By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I permit the appropriate Ascended Masters and Cosmic beings of Light from the 7th dimension and above, my Guardian angel and my beloved Twin Flame to work with me to assist healing and transmuting unwanted dense energy patterns within my physical, emotional, mental and lower and higher spiritual bodies, in Divine Timing and a manner of Grace and Ease, where this be in highest Divine order.          

Say the above three times.

(Say the following once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.


In the Name of God, under the Law of Grace and if it be in Highest Divine Order, I Decree that all souls on Earth have the right to freedom of Choice, without suppression or hindrance.

(Say the following once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.


By Divine Decree, In the Name of the Holy Christed Light of God, I command that the Divine Blueprint for the Ascension of Earth, as designed by the Highest Source of Creation, be brought to a state of Divine Perfection in Divine Timing and placed in a Permanent State of Being.

(Say the following once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.



This is rather long but covers a lot.

By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, I AM One with Divine Creation and through this Presence, I invoke the Sacred Violet Flame, to transmute in this moment - every thought, condition, link, agreement, contract, pattern, promise, vow, attachment, alliance, connection or allegiance to any negative Being, energy or object - that I have made - knowingly or unknowingly - in this Universe, on all levels and dimensions, where this is not in accordance with the Highest Source of All Creation and the Divine Plan for Earth.

I state that any and all sacred codes and mathematical programmes that I am responsible for, that I carry, have carried or will carry, be brought NOW into a state of purity in accordance with Divine Order and to be held in such a state forever, in accordance with Divine Higher Will."

(Say the following line once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.


Sometimes it is correct protocol to ask for oneself. The command ahead uses our individual ‘Right’ to demand assistance from the Highest Light so we can complete our own Divine plan within the Divine Plan for Earth.


“In the Light of the Most Radiant One, the Christed Light of God, it is my Divine Right within God’s Will that all obstacles be removed in Divine Timing and in a manner of grace and ease, on all levels and dimensions of my total being, for my highest good in alignment with my Divine plan and Divine Order.”

(Say the following words once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So It Is. It is So. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.





By Divine Decree in the Name of God, under the Law of Grace, I ask for wisdom in Highest Light to take place concerning any unnatural or deliberately enforced activity, from any negative source or applied technology anywhere in the universe, on any level or dimension, whether visible or not; regarding earthquakes, earth tremors, volcanoes, fault lines and tectonic plates anywhere on Earth. And to safely discharge or transmute any energy that arises from these sources that is detrimental to Earth or her peoples, where this is not in Alignment with the Divine Plan on Earth and if deemed appropriate for Light Beings to assist from whatever Universe is necessary.

I also request the creation of whatever number of vortices are required to completely stabilize and harmonize the Northern and Southern hemispheres of Earth, including all its fault lines, tectonic plates, volcanoes and other relevant points of contact and interaction between them, throughout all lands and oceans of Earth, now and in the future, and for the Highest Realms of Light to use these vortices in any manner necessary to enhance and stabilize the Earth and its North and South poles, where this be in Divine Order to fulfill the Divine Light Plan on Earth.  

So Be It. So Mote it Be. It  Is Done.


By Divine Decree in the Name of God, under the Law of Grace, I ask for the Highest Realms of Light to take action now concerning the HAARP Project on Earth in relation to any deliberately enforced interference or unnatural or interrupted activity regarding earthquakes, earth tremors, tsunamis, radiation leaks, volcanoes, fault lines and tectonic plates anywhere on or in the Earth, and to all technology on any level or dimension, whether obscured or not, that is creating harmful effects of unnatural frequencies, however they are manifesting on the Earth plane and beyond, where these are not in accordance with the Divine Plan for Earth and if deemed necessary that Higher Light Beings are requested to assist from whatever Universe is necessary.

So Be It. So Mote it Be. It  Is Done.


By Divine Decree, in the Name of God, under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light examine all oceans and waterways on Earth and to remove or de-energize the source of any sonar or unnatural frequencies that are disturbing, or are likely to disturb, the life function, balance or energy of whales, dolphins or other marine life. I further ask that any marine life currently affected by such unnatural frequencies are immediately assisted to comfortably fully rebalance their faculties.


 So Be It. So It Is. So Mote it Be. It is Done. 



By Divine Decree, in the name of God, under the Law of Grace, holding the Right as a Starseed on the Divine Ascension Mission and on behalf of Humanity on Earth and where it be in Divine Order, I ask Lord Metatron of the 9th dimension of Light, to orchestrate in perfect Divine Timing, the harmonious inter-dimensional blending through all time and space, the vibrational bands that contain the continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, and to do this while fully adhering to the well being, on all levels, of all beings operating within those two vibrational bands.

 So Be it. So it is. So Mote it Be. It is done.




 Say 3 times  "In the Name of God, I invoke my Mighty I am Presence of my Highest evolution".

 THEN say aloud ...

 In the Name of God, under Universal and Cosmic Law, I demand that any negative or dark force beings in any dimension, located in my space or my lower subtle bodies – leaves now, never to return and are not replaced. I break all agreements I have made, knowingly or unknowingly,  with any Being whose intent is against the Light.

 So It Is. It is So. It Is Done.



 Say 3 times. "I invoke my mighty I Am Presence of my highest evolution"

 Then say once –  Mighty I Am - Take Command”

 By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I AM the Sacred Violet Flame, and I transmute in this moment, any negative or misqualified energy or contamination in any form, affecting myself or my role on Earth, where this is linked in any way to any negative being or energy, to be done in a manner of grace and ease and where it be in highest Divine Order.

 So Be It. So It is. It Is Done.



 Say 3 times. "I invoke my mighty I Am Presence of my highest evolution"

 Then say once –  Mighty I Am - Take Command”

 ‘By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I connect now and forever only to the pure light of God/Source of all creation and to only the highest realms of pure light as befits my level of evolution, where this be in highest Divine order.’

Then say (with power):

 Let this focus of highest light be eternally sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding.

  (Say the following line once.)

 So Be It. So It is.  It Is Done.



 “By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I permit the appropriate Ascended Masters and Cosmic beings of Light from the 7th dimension and above, my Guardian angel and my beloved Twin Flame to work with me to assist healing and transmuting unwanted dense energy patterns within my physical, emotional, mental and lower and higher spiritual bodies, in Divine Timing and a manner of Grace and Ease, where this be in highest Divine order.         

 Say the above three times.

 (Say the following once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

 So Be It. So It is. It Is Done.



 This is rather long but covers a lot.

 By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, I AM One with Divine Creation and through this Presence, I invoke the Sacred Violet Flame, to transmute in this moment - every thought, condition, link, agreement, contract, pattern, promise, vow, attachment, alliance, connection or allegiance to any negative Being, energy or object - that I have made - knowingly or unknowingly - in this Universe, on all levels and dimensions, where this is not in accordance with the Highest Source of All Creation and the Divine Plan for Earth.

 I state that any and all sacred codes and mathematical programmes that I am responsible for, that I carry, have carried or will carry, be brought NOW into a state of purity in accordance with Divine Order and to be held in such a state forever, in accordance with Divine Higher Will."

 (Say the following line once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

 So Be It. So It is. It Is Done.

 Then say (with power):

 Let this focus of highest light be eternally sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding.



 Sometimes it is correct protocol to ask for oneself. The command ahead uses our individual ‘Right’ to demand assistance from the Highest Light so we can complete our own Divine plan within the Divine Plan for Earth.

 “In the Light of the Most Radiant One, the Christed Light of God, it is my Divine Right within God’s Will that all obstacles be removed in Divine Timing and in a manner of grace and ease, on all levels and dimensions of my total being, for my highest good in alignment with my Divine plan and Divine Order.”

 (Say the following words once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

 So It Is. It is So. It Is Done.







‘I invoke the Gold Ray of Christ for my total protection.’ To be said 3 times.

Note: Protection cannot be given to you as a permanent state. Otherwise we’d never attain mastery. It needs to be asked for in specific situations and will apply only for the situation at that time.


You need to ask this three times and you need to receive three CLEAR affirmative answers from that same being, for example. 'Yes, Yes, Yes' (beware them being ‘evasive’). It is best to accept a simple ‘Yes’ rather than ‘Yes I am - just in case they are quietly saying ‘not’ after the I am.

‘In the name of God, I challenge you under Universal Law and ask you - are you in truth an Ascended Master of Light from the 7th dimension or above?’


                                                      AN ADDITIONAL INVOCATION TO HELP RECONNECT TO THE LIGHT                                                                                                                                                                                         

Blessed ones of Highest Light, raise me back up to my source and re-unite me with the one presence of all life. Bring forth the God energies necessary for me to know only the perfection of God in all life and let me experience only God’s love, life and light in all that I see, feel, speak and do.

In the name of God I Am, I invoke the heaven’s highest light and all from the realms of highest illumined truth to guide teach and protect me.

Blessed ones, I ask you now to find and manifest God’s will in my life.

(Say the following once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.


This can also happen to lightworkers who link in too emotionally to their patients ... and are inadvertently taking on astral plane entities which drain their own energy or they become tired or ill.

Say the following statement aloud 3 times.

"I ask for assistance from the higher realms of light to remove and prevent further entry of any beings currently in my space that are detrimental to my well being on any level, where this is in Divine Order.

I order all discarnate beings to leave my space immediately and refrain from ever entering my space again.

I now choose to add my energy and power to only those who have the highest Light intent.

I now choose to withdraw my energy, power and abilities from all who would, intentionally or unintentionally, render me ineffective in any way whatsoever from my actions to assist them.

(Say the following once only after you have said the decree 3 times.)

So Be It. So It is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done.


To be done in each direction (N, S, E and W) - 4 times

"In the name of Jesus Christ

All devils and demons of darkness

Name yourselves now and be gone forever"