Every thought, belief and picture has its own
energy that holds it in place. Many belief patterns roll along with us
through lifetimes. Because many of our thoughts are only other people’s
ideas we accepted, they are often negative and untrue. We rarely examine
our thoughts, so they remain with us. When we do look at them, it offers
a chance to see what they really are and we are able to release them.
We have billions of beliefs gathered and
accepted over lifetimes. From the minute we are born right up to this
moment we are still accepting beliefs (and judgements) about every
conceivable thing on Earth. These thoughts make up a major part of our
life. Most probably think they have few beliefs, feeling their ideas
come from life’s observations. However, many things we believe are not
from any observation or perception. Lots of things we consider important
and hold to be true are not the product of fact or reason. Imagine for a
moment how many beliefs we have accepted
food, health, weather, income, appearance, sport, stupidity, criminals,
traditions, nationalities, music, movies, illness, money, medicines,
education, life, death, work, success, religion, partners, celebrities,
family, children and values. These all present some restrictions. Many
beliefs are strange but we rarely stop to question how bizarre they may
You know the sort of thing…. money doesn’t grow on trees… I never win
anything… I’m too fat….responsibility is a burden… I don’t deserve…. sun
fades the curtains…. It saves money… I worry about!.. I expect family to
help me…you should brush your teeth…. it’s not stealing as they have
more money than me ....you should get a job…there’s no way I could do
that….giving is better than receiving…. they’ll leave me in the
end….people are stupid… I have to get a house…. I can stop if I want to.
So, you’ve got the idea.
We carry these beliefs and rarely let them go, often over lifetimes. And
obviously, these patterns greatly affect how we conduct our life.
Beliefs define how we see the world and act within it. Some beliefs
disappear when we enter a new incarnation as we take on a whole new
bunch. Sometimes we just replace an alternative. All in all, we carry a
lot of energy around, stored in subtle energy bodies that sit outside
our physical body. Somehow we muddle through life complying with all our
beliefs. How rigid and controlled our life is, could depend a lot on how
much we adhere to these patterns.
As it seems we can manage with all these beliefs, why address this at
all? The reason concerns our evolution as a soul. We will look at a few
points for a different perspective on the importance of releasing
patterns to make sure we don’t keep incarnating forever.
1. Earth is a great learning school. We are
here to learn. One thing we learn is to stop accepting other people’s
beliefs without applying some rational thinking to it. We also realize
we need to release existing patterns, or many of them.
Example belief: Just one of billions that rule our actions!
He. Why don’t you wear that jacket with the dress? It’s nice.
She. Oh no, it’s green. You can’t wear red with green!
He. Where did that come from?
She: I’m not sure…. you know the saying ‘Red and green should never be
seen’. Maybe it came from my mother.
He: But don’t redheads wear lots of green because it suits their red
hair? And what about beautiful red roses with green leaves and stunning
red holly berries with their shiny green leaves.
She: I never thought about that. I wonder if it’s really blue and green!
2. Beliefs are beliefs. They are not things we know. ‘Knowing’ is quite
different and is way higher on a spiritual scale than beliefs. Beliefs
don’t arrive through a process of deep inner tuition established as
truth. Many can be quite negative or restrictive in the way we behave,
even those we may not consider restrictive. Beliefs quietly drift in and
sit at a subconscious level and are rarely brought to the surface to be
fully examined for rationality and evidence. Being out of the light and
never checked, their energy is often dense and negative.
very important point. We are
unable to advance to higher levels of evolution unless we raise our
personal vibrational frequency (level of light). This is a fact. Earth
is also unable to evolve without raising its light frequency. In fact,
nothing evolves without raising its frequency. To achieve this requires
we release a lot of the stored negative energy. Raising our light allows
us to escape the 3D cycle of constant reincarnation.
How do we release belief patterns?
We take the time to observe our own thoughts
and actions. Many ideas that control our words and actions have been
handed to us from ‘heavens knows where’ - parents, school, friends, TV,
doctors, magazines, books, past life, tradition or preachers. Being
aware of a belief is usually enough to dissipate its energy. We handle
beliefs by becoming consciously aware of their existence and making a
decision to let them go so they don’t dictate our life.
we don’t have to spend years searching for all our beliefs. We can
notice when we say or do something, whether it feels right as the truth
of who we are. If not, then we can release it. Doing this creates a
momentum. We reach a point where our own increased light level begins to
dissolve negative energy in our space.
Divisions created from belief patterns.
We have seen division occur between the jabbed
and unjabbed with differing realities formed.
it seems we live on different planets. But as more truth comes to light
that division should dissolve. People will come together on the same
page and unity will be restored among friends and families (achieved
faster if we don’t make each other wrong!)
However, there is type of natural occurring
division that may not be so easily bridged. As people wake up, their
consciousness shifts and they become more of who they really are. The
soul rises up above ego and mind dictation. We begin to change what we
think is important and valuable. We become more particular about how we
spend our time and energy and are increasingly unwilling to participate
in inane or stifling conversation with people who have blazing egos or
stuck in a 3D plateau with no willingness to reconsider. We are no
longer interesting in many things that once filled our days and now seem
insignificant, such as some social gatherings, alcohol soaked parties
and valueless pastimes. We begin to let go of beliefs and activities we
adopted that don’t reflect who we really are. The need to conform to
society’s patterns disappears and we no longer care what our peers
think. We stop trying to fit with a society we now see as fake,
distracting, controlling and materialistic. We want genuine stuff and to
be around people who are real, truthful and honest and have something
useful to say. We no longer feel drawn to people who blindly follow
whatever they are told.
it can mean the end of some friendships and possibly even family
relationships, and as hard as that may be, it helps us move on. Some
friends stay and we draw new people to us who are awake and share our
values and dreams of something special ahead.
Many have questioned the validity of current world events. Being open to
new ideas helps free us from our beliefs. When confronted with a new way
to view something that may have been untrue, just allowing it as being
possible can help raise our vibration. It is the opening us to other
possibilities that creates a breakthrough. We need to expand our mind to
a broader place of willingness to see things may be different or even
opposite to what we believe. Do you know how freeing that is? That
ability can shift us out of the rigid 3D box. It is the route to
spiritual expansion – a free mind that is fluid and allowing.
That does not mean be gullible or that we have to make a choice one way
or the other. It means just be more fluid to new ideas!! Many of our
fixed ideas have nothing to do with truth and they are only what we have
been told! Much of humanity bears witness to that with wholesale
beliefs! Lies and false beliefs are in probably in all industry,
Hollywood, historical events, religion, pharmaceutical products; the
list is endless. Most of us have realised many things that were slated
to be conspiracy theories in the past have proved to be true. Many
things we now clearly see, we may have scoffed at a few years ago and
thought people were crazy. There may be a great deal more heading our
way that will reveals lies we have accepted. So, the more we don’t
automatically shut off and insist on hanging onto old ideas, the more
chance we have of removing our negative programming and raising our own
frequency of light.
What if it turns out most we believed about life in 3D is actually
wrong? Then it could be pretty smart to grab every chance to consider
something may MIGHT be different than we believe. We have got to help
ourselves out of stuck beliefs and 3D patterns. If we refuse to shift
from rigid programmed thinking, we could stay stuck in a 3D band and
more incarnations.
The main point for us to understand is our
light must increase for us to evolve. Many of our thoughts and belief
patterns contain dense energy so unless we remove much of it, we can’t
increase our personal light vibration. Everything comes down to energy
and light. For us to move (evolve) to the 5th dimension, we need to be
in a similar band of light as 5D.
we keep hanging onto patterns of dense negative energy, we remain in
that band of vibrational energy, which is the band of the 3D matrix.
Meaning it is likely we would continue a 3D reincarnation cycle.
Death and our beliefs around it.
On our spiritual path we keep hearing we are creators and life is
determined by our own thoughts and actions. That means all people,
circumstances, social positioning, nationality, religion, family and
events in our life are all created by us. Many situations we co-create
with others so we can all learn from that experience.
You may have heard people say what they think
will happen when they die. Some think Jesus or Allah will greet and
embrace them; some expect to see a tunnel of light and old friends who
have passed on. Many expect to see the gates of heaven with St. Peter
and believe they will enter an angelic kingdom of bliss at the throne of
God. Others feel they were a bad person so will see the fires of hell
(although not many feel they are bad!). Others feel there is to be a
Judgement day where they will be found either innocent or guilty of not
following God or the 10 commandments. Others feel they will be greeted
by someone they know and are comfortable with, that there is no pressure
and they have time to adjust to what has just occurred (body death) and
then will connect with angelic guides who will help them review the
goals for the incarnation, see the spiritual qualities they had hoped to
gain during life, observe what was learned and what might have been done
differently. Some feel they will simply cease to exist. There are other
possible realities about what may occur after death. The term ‘death’
refers to the death of the body. The soul is immortal.
When we hear views different from ours, we could assume those people
will be surprised to discover a different scenario at death. We may feel
they will see what we believe and that their own beliefs will be
If it is true that all events in life are
created by us, then would our thought creations disappear when we die?
it be that whatever we believed and held to be true, will happen just as
we thought it would?
What happens when your body dies?
Perhaps exactly whatever you think will happen.
So, this brings us to the importance of releasing dense beliefs and
story lines that control a lot of how we live our life, and our ‘after
life’! If we let go of our fixed ideas, we are then free to experience
whatever is meant to take place in highest divine order and best for our
highest good. We would no longer be tied to what ‘we had decided was
going to happen’. Surrendering to divine order allows us to move beyond
the 3D life matrix and out of a continuing reincarnation cycle. If it is
true that our thoughts (and beliefs) decide what we experience in life,
it may be ideal to remove our ideas of what is going to happen when we
die. Maybe it’s time we got out of the way! It might be very beneficial
to trust the universe’s natural flow of divine order to give us what is
best for our evolution.
Something to consider.
Sandy Stevenson