Many of those awake would say humanity is ascending to a higher
dimension. But what if it is actually the planet that is ascending and
humanity are being given the choice to go along?
Ascension occurs to any soul who raises its vibration to a frequency
where a finer energy dimension becomes visible and it steps free of the
lower energy dimension.
As souls advance in evolution they take on greater challenges of
experience to gain more wisdom. A soul reaches a point where it can
enter life in a physical body, often proceeding to several parallel
lives or more. How this works is
a soul
holds different perspectives (viewpoints) in several bodies in different
‘time frames.’ This experience increases their understanding of the
universe and expands consciousness and vibration. As a soul continues
its growth, at some point it might become the custodian of a whole
planet. In such a case, the planet itself becomes their physical body.
Incidentally, there are billions of planets in the universe.
There is a Being (soul) whose physical body is the Earth. She is known
as Gaia. Gaia has already raised her own soul light frequency to an
ascended frequency level. She is now in the final stages of her
ascension where she is transmuting all lower energies in her physical
body - the Earth - and raising it to the same high level she has
attained. There are many life forms on Earth and those in tune with the
Earth and the flow of divine order will ascend with the Earth. Most
obvious is the nature kingdom which we visibly see follows the natural
tides and seasons. That includes the insect world, small animals,
snakes, rodents, small birds, etc. Many of these are controlled by just
one soul called an oversoul, as with groups of ants or bees, when a soul
needs experience of how to operate a whole group. Putting aside clones,
some other non-earth species and soulless creatures, the rest are
individual souls. This applies to humanity and many animals, such as
cats, dogs, horses, lions, tigers, elephants, dolphins, whales,
giraffes, large monkeys and other large animals. These souls choose
whether to operate in the flow of divine order or remain guided by 3D
ego and incarnated patterns.
At present, there is a great influx of light entering Earth to assist
its ascension. This event presents an amazing opportunity of a unique
predetermined period of time, for humans and animals to make a choice to
take the steps needed to release their adopted beliefs, patterns,
attachments and negative energy they acquired during their venture into
3D or to stay where they are, which means they would continue
incarnating on other 3D planetary environments.
Souls who are really ready to move on and pay attention to the signs
they are offered, such as showing them their reactions, judgements and
fixed ideas regarding the energy content in their field that needs
releasing, may not be able to imagine anyone choosing to continue in 3D.
But neither choice is good or bad or right or wrong. Such concepts
belong in a duality framework such as exists at 3D levels, where they
present learning opportunities. Some souls wish to spend more time in
this type of learning environment to gain the experience they feel will
help their growth.
Some of those who are
feel the
reveal of corruption
is proceeding slowly
so as not to upset people too much. Others are unable or unwilling to
expand their thinking into a broader perspective and
think it should
all be delivered immediately and it’s just too bad about the people -
they will get over it. Aside from the fact that many wouldn’t get over
it as they would be too traumatised to lift themselves out of the 3D
matrix, it would also cause a mass dump of negative energy across Earth
(that is not our goal!). It also gives humans a chance to remove any
embedded negative energy they have in their mental, physical and
emotional bodies at a pace they can handle - and then work on reaching a
higher vibration. All these aspects apply.
But there is another possible view that encompasses all these factors -
and that is Gaia is unable to attain full ascension unless all the dense
energy currently held within Earth or in any of its living parts - which
includes humans and animals - is raised to an ascension frequency of
PS. Gaia is ultimately responsible for the dense energy that has been
created on her body. Advanced souls don’t vacate created dense energy
areas and leave them to contaminate the universe. It is the Soul’s job
to ensure it is corrected back to a positive vibration and that is
exactly what Gaia is doing. She asked long ago for assistance to help
her achieve that now. And the light force came in answer to that
All that information is not essential and doesn’t change anything. There
is still a Universal plan operating in Divine order connected to Source
that allows humans to ascend - arranged long ago. However, truth is
always better than a ‘not quite’ truth. It allows an expansion of our
understanding and the duplication of truth that transmutes energy to
higher frequencies.
We’ve probably all recently heard the coined term ‘Where we go one, we
go all’ (WWGOWGA), with different ideas of its meaning. Here is a view
that may help decide. Keep in mind everyone has a choice to raise their
vibration or not. Any soul, who is not in the flow of divine order or is
not actively raising their vibration to align with that frequency, will
be unable to remain on Earth. No-one removes them. It is just too much
light for them to be comfortable. It is sort of like getting struck by
lightning. As the frequency increases, we need to increase with it.
There are many other reasons people leave. The soul may have decided
prior to even coming to Earth that they would vacate at this time. They
may be offering a lesson to others. Souls leave all the time when they
complete their role here or achieve their goals, or have sufficiently
raised their own vibration. So, it’s not always obvious why someone
left. With some, it is clear. We may see them struggle with grasping
concepts that could increase their vibration. Others have said they have
finished their work here. Any soul leaving for whatever reason, will
arrange a way to leave. They either head to higher realms or continue
elsewhere in an energy vibration they are comfortable with. Trust they
are all fine. We are all eternal.
Regardless of the reason anyone leaves, Earth will end up with only
souls in a similar higher vibration who are aligned together in a common
active positive future. So, WWGOWGA!
Sandy Stevenson