For those who have only recently woken up, like in the last 60 years
(just kidding) much of this information will seem like a weird
fairytale. But as we all continue the process of waking up, our truth
and reality changes greatly and we become aware of a higher plan and an
unseen world.
The term ‘white hats’ could be from old cowboy movies where the good
guys wore white hats and the baddies had black hats. In real life it’s
not as easy to tell the good from the bad. Some people feel white hats
are a fictitious group of unknown people who we are hoping will save us.
White hats definitely exist but they are not a small unknown group.
White hats (lightworkers) are a combination of multi million of amazing
souls who incarnated with the specific purpose to help Earth and
humanity during this extraordinary evolutionary period. The term
includes multidimensional beings from higher realms, all united with one
goal - to unravel 3d reality, clear all dense energy and take earth into
a higher frequency of light.
Together, multi millions of ‘white hats’ include lightworkers,
starseeds, starchildren, time travellers, rainbow warriors, space
explorers, system busters, space fleet crew, transition specialists, the
space force, cosmic beings, angelic and elemental kingdoms, the galactic
confederation of worlds, the ashtar command, the white brotherhood,
ascended masters, beings from other planetary systems, such as sirius,
andromeda, arcturus, lyra, and sections of the pleiades. The light force
on Earth are world wide, scattered in all fields, locations and
positions, including three quarters of the military services and
commander in chief. We use incredible skills that we attained long, long
ago, as well as tesla technology, an extensive satellite system, space
fleet and quantum space computers. What a team!
There is a lot of camouflage in play in the massive unveiling and
clearing occurring now on Earth and it’s not always clear what is
happening or who is in charge. We need to think outside the box and
apply logic and intuition to put the pieces together.
In doing that we regain our power, certainty and confidence. We
learn to trust more in our inner guidance and knowing. We learn to not
blindly accept things we are told or see.
We are in the process of creating the most amazing event ever in the
multiverse. We are helping to birth a whole new world and a way of life
we have previously only dreamed about. This isn’t just a possibility we
hope may happen. This is the divine plan. This is 100% happening
worldwide. Nothing in creation can change it. It is written in stone, as
they say. We are all here for this. A fabulous gathering! We have the
determination, diligence, abilities and skills needed to bring humanity
from a world of manipulation, sickness, corruption, wars, fear,
shortages, indoctrination and control to a magical world where we all
work for the greater good and share qualities of caring, empathy, love,
honour, good health, harmony, trust, ethics and integrity. We build new
communities where laughter is commonplace and peace reigns supreme.
Our hearts are filled with love, beauty, joy and a deep and growing
sense of peace as God touches our wings and wraps humanity in the
eternal source of light as it shimmers across a united galaxy.
I align
with the source of all creation.