This is what I am sensing.. see if it feels right to you.




Everyone who is sufficiently awake is now increasing their consciousness. All those people seem to have moved into some sort of void. It is a space between us letting go of the old 3D patterns but not yet quite into the new 5D vibration. This void is packed with very obvious signs in each of our lives, to see and release everything we are saying or doing or reacting to, that is not alignment with our true self.  

The mirror of life that normally reflects signs to us at its usual steady pace, has gone into super drive. We are being shown every emotion, reaction, judgement, upset, annoyance, sadness, loss, irritations etc. we have still to release. It’s full on now. It is interesting how clear the signs are, more obvious than ever.  

We seem to be on a fast forward to reach a place where we are able to take whatever is thrown at us without it causing us any reaction. That means whatever happens we are not thrown off our centre or into any emotional reaction. How it appears to be playing out is we are each given situations that highlight our reactions we still need to let go. The sequence is we are given something to handle. It can be anything at all but will be something that generally causes a reaction in us that we have not yet handled. Once we are comfortable with that situation and are not fazed by it, i.e. it is not causing any reaction and we are just calmly handling it, then we are given the next thing. Some people may have many situations at once. But we will only have lots of things if we are managing to handle them. A person may only have one situation because they are still handling it and reacting, e.g. emotional, judging, thinking a lot, getting upset, blaming others, impatient, angry, etc. When they do, the sequence will continue. 

And it is also interesting that we seem to have time now to view those things. We are not so flat out busy. That is unless we are working outside of the flow and letting our mind or ego decide how to fill our shorter days. And days are shorter! We are losing time and have been for a long time. Earth is moving out of a ‘time’ frame and into a vibration of the ‘now’ present moment of the 5th dimension. Awakened souls are graduating! Now time is speeding by so fast that people are finally noticing they can’t get everything done in a day. They sit down for coffee and suddenly it’s lunchtime, and then it’s bedtime. You can get everything achieved in these shorter days if you do each action intuitively. Get out of the should's, must's, need to, have to, modes.


Signs are pouring in - from strangers, family, events, anywhere and everywhere. It is happening to all of us. We are getting undeniable signs it is truly time to let go and really raise our vibration so we can step free and create the new. 


Sandy Stevenson - Shantarn

19th January 2024