I wonder if we have stopped for a moment to
grasp the incredible situation we have occurring on Earth. A planet with
possibly the most extreme opposing realities ever imagined, all coming
together into one reality. Bringing everyone who had previously been on
different frequency timelines within the 3D spectrum, onto the same page
to make choices and release what they do not wish to be a part of their
future life (reality) and in so doing, raise their own vibration and
that of the planet. What a massive undertaking? And some people feel it
is happening too slowly and should all be revealed quickly. And what
would such a thing give us? Perhaps the most confused, overwhelmed,
depressed, apathetic and traumatised population, plus a colossal amount
of shock, fear and sadness arising from it, in the form of negative
energy poured into Earth’s etheric field.
Awakening is a process. It starts on the
first rung of a ladder of increasing conscious awareness and takes time
for us to expand our thinking beyond the limited and obvious 3D view,
allowing us to see a broader multi dimensional plan that takes in
millions of aspects of the entire world scenario. We can help increase
our awareness by being in stillness, meditating, being intuitive, having
no doubts, being detached, stopping judgments, staying away from
negative stuff and people,
doing only what feels right to us and not what we think we ‘should’ do.
To get ourselves to a place
where we trust the divine process and timing and know that every
conceivable aspect in the entire world, on every dimension, is being
addressed for the better outcome for greatest good for all. This is a
universal plan from Source, it’s on schedule and doing exactly as
planned. Many millions of souls incarnated here to help this process.
It is indeed a movie being played out here.
A family trips happily around Disneyland, oblivious to tunnels and
trafficking underneath. Discussions about Biden’s mental and physical
ability to hold the role of president, when he isn’t the president.
People dying suddenly, with grieving families wondering why. Entrenched
in celebrity gossip with no idea that most are masked lookalikes. So
many hundreds holding key positions in all fields are replacements of
the originals. It is all perfect and planned precisely to avoid chaos
and loss, gently unfolding at an acceptable pace. It is ingenious with
millions of moving parts slowly blending their way together to
amalgamate in a final understanding by humanity. An understanding they
are being helped to arrive at in steady divine timing, because luckily
‘we’ don’t have the influence to override divine order and cause
detriment by rushing things. People are being saved from the mental
anguish of intense sudden reactions of shock, etc. that would throw them
back into the matrix. Instead they will keep moving steadily forward,
gently expanding in acceptance, increasing their own light toward a new
harmonious and beneficial existence.
Yes, it is a very, very clever plan.
Sandy Stevenson
19th December 2024