Waking up humanity is a huge task and involves very clever, careful,
step by step, gentle handling so people don’t get overwhelmed or
traumatised by getting too much information at once which would create
negative energy which doesn’t help the divine goal. The awakening is not
only about humanity discovering a dark side of the world and becoming
aware things they believed in are not as they thought. It is during this
growth time, they choose a new way of life as they reject what they see
in their current one. They learn to stand in their own truth and stop
relying on others for information. The awakening is also about growing
wiser about how such corruption came into being and how to counter it
and ensure it never happens again. As the old way dissolves, people will
move forward to create a self-sufficient environment with like- minded
people, acting responsibly together with integrity, learning and
embodying a new conscious living.
Phase 1 was the awakening of the Light force. It was a process of
revealing the levels of corruption to them so they could process it,
correlate all the information and bring it into a less confusing and
emotional place so it could be revealed to humanity without causing mass
trauma. All satisfactory analysis passed into the collective
consciousness. That phase was also the beginning of millions of actions
taken to address the wrongs in all areas of society. That started the
ball rolling to show the extent of corruption and deception, things like
court petitions; Trump’s insistence on not conceding to the 2020
election result, etc. And during that phase, the people who had
spearheaded the global corruption, including governments and corporate
business people, were charged with crimes against humanity, fairly tried
(all recorded in non digital format) and convicted. In the USA, all
their assets were seized under the current USA Executive Order 13818.
These funds go into a pool to be given back to all humanity. The people
who were tried and convicted were then replaced by white hats with
masks. This kept the status quo and avoided causing loss, confusion and
trauma to humanity which would happen if known officials and celebrities
just disappeared from the public eye. A great deal of thought and work
has been put into making this transition as smooth as possible for
humanity, while also giving the power back to the people to make their
own choices.
The present position of Earth could be called Phase 2 of 3. It is the
major completion of the exposure of all areas of negative dense energy
and allows humanity to decide for itself what it wishes to maintain and
what it no longer requires as part of its future world. This will take
some time but is starting to move swiftly. But this period is different
from the last few years, which may have been frustrating for some
lightworkers who could see what needed handling but saw it stalling and
remained unhandled. But every stall we saw was a deliberate part of the
plan to bring awareness to every area of contamination and let people
see just how deeply the corruption was entrenched, from top to bottom,
as well as showing up the corrupt people involved. People needed to see
this occurring under the existing governments, so they could correctly
identify the source of the corruption. It may have been frustrating at
times for lightworkers, but it is a perfect and efficient plan.
This stage will go on as long as it needs to. It can’t be rushed but it
will build momentum and move more swiftly as it proceeds. Once people
realize there is major corruption on Earth, they will stop resisting
listening and start to look for logic, common sense and their own
intuitive knowing.
Earth is being enveloped in authenticity, openness, honesty, integrity,
trust in the light plan and trust in themselves. Truth is being restored
to the soul.
With love,
Sandy Stevenson
30.12.24 |