By Divine Decree, in the name of God, I state that as a Lightworker on the Ascension mission to Earth, that all procedures, decisions and outcomes made by all existing members of a sitting Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland including its Lower and Upper Houses are aligned with Divine Order and that any violation be addressed under the rules of Universal Law. I demand this to be ongoing for the applicable parliamentary body for as long as required on Earth. I ask Archangel Metatron of the 8th dimension of light to delegate authority to appropriate parties to oversee proceedings and ensure this occurs.


So Be it. So it is. So Mote it be. It is Done.  (say this line once only)


 THE DECREE IS LAID OUT LINE BY LINE AHEAD – so it can be said more easily.

Please read it through so you are familiar with words you may not use often.


By Divine Decree, in the name of God,

I state that as a Lightworker

on the Ascension mission to Earth,

that all procedures, decisions and outcomes

made by all existing members

of a sitting Parliament

of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland

including its Lower and Upper Houses

are aligned with Divine Order

and that any violation be addressed

under the rules of Universal Law.

I demand this to be ongoing

for the applicable parliamentary body

for as long as required on Earth.

I ask Archangel Metatron

of the 8th dimension of light

to delegate authority

to appropriate parties

to oversee proceedings and ensure this occurs.


So Be it. So it is. So Mote it be. It is Done  (say this line once only)



 We are at an important time in the history of Earth. All the circumstances of Atlantis are being re-enacted to give people an opportunity to choose again what they prefer for the future of Earth.

As we know, under Universal Law, the higher realms are not permitted to interfere in any planetary matters unless they are directed to do so by the incarnated planetary inhabitants.

Under Universal Law, the Light Force on Earth holds a Right to Decree. This allows Lightworkers to make a request to Divine Consciousness on behalf of the various soul families on Earth.  

You can create decrees using your own wording, but it always needs to be aligned to the highest vibrations of  light, e.g. God; All That Is; Highest Light; Source; Creator; I Am that I Am, etc. Even if you feel close to a particular master or guru in life, it’s wise to stick to the names above. This ensures you retain the universal energy and power aligned to these words.  

Sometimes you may not be sure of the best way to handle something. When you’re wording a decree where that applies, it’s a good idea to add the words - ‘under the Law of Grace’. In this way, you cover yourself from creating karma, by asking that Grace covers you for any error. 

We can’t always see the 'higher picture' of an event, but we can still always help by making a decree. If we’re not sure what to ask for specifically, just ask for what is 'in Highest Divine Order.'  For example:  ‘By Divine Decree, in the name of God, under the Law of Grace, I ask for Highest Divine Order to take place …. (add here whatever you wish to ask for). E.g. a) help the whales’ or b) ‘regarding the current conflict between ‘specific country’ and ‘specific country.’

Be as specific as you can with the details, so the exact situation you want help with is very clear. Adding time and location can assist this. An example would be - ‘concerning all aspects regarding safety during the Harvest festival taking place in Los Angeles California, USA between 7th and 14th May 2014.’ (Note: This is a fictitious example).

You are giving your Right as an inhabitant of Earth to God/Source to act on your behalf to handle that situation. When deciding to do a decree, check that your own ego, emotions, beliefs or thoughts don’t influence what you ask for. Be still, align to the Light, ensure you are doing the decree from an intuitive place of love and that it’s not just a desire or thought stemming from your own belief patterns.

You are giving your Right as an inhabitant of Earth to God/Source to act on your behalf to handle that situation.

A Decree is a request or demand. Therefore it doesn’t need to include the reason you are doing it. An example of including a reason would be - when asking for help to correct the whales sonar abilities, you then added ‘because the whales are getting beached.’

When deciding to do a decree, check that your own ego, emotions, beliefs or thoughts don’t influence what you ask for. Ensure you are doing the decree from an intuitive place of love and that it’s not just a desire or thought stemming from your own belief patterns.

Before you begin any decree, become still in thought and body. Surrender to Source - Thy Will be Done. Make sure your feet and hands are not touching (i.e. don’t form a circle). Providing you are in a clear space when you say a decree, saying it just once (but 3 times through) is sufficient, unlike an affirmation which needs to be said often as we are re-programming our thoughts.

To comply with Universal Law (Holy Trinity - Power of Three) a decree needs to be said aloud 3 times using precisely the same words.  It is a mathematical procedure, so if  you slip up on any word while saying a decree, it’s essential to start again from the beginning of the first run through for it to be effective.  It will not work unless done correctly.  To avoid making a slip up when saying a decree, it’s an idea is to read it through once aloud just to make sure you are familiar with the words and their pronunciations.

After the decree has been said 3 times, you complete it by sealing it. You can use the words …'So Be It. So It is. So Mote it Be. It Is Done. Anchor Lock and Seal’.  The sealing words only need to be said once (not 3 times).

Sandy Stevenson
