Truth is a strange thing. We assume every situation has one truth and if
we peel back the layers, we all see the same truth. But it seems we each
see something different as we have our own unique way of viewing because
we create our own reality.
Pure truth begins at Source and that may be the only real truth. Perhaps
from that moment on, it becomes diluted and limited to the agreed
reality. There are many ways we can use to find the truth of our
questions such as 1. do billions of souls apparently separate from
Source Oneness to experience things in their own unique way - and create
infinite perspectives of life to give possibilities for the greatest
growth imaginable in our expanding universe of potential. 2. Whether the
creation of a physical universe of matter, energy, space and time that
continually expands into many frequency dimensions was created as a
playground for souls to experience and 3. and the truth about gazillions
of aspects of life’s continual movement of particles, expanding into
universes, planets, species and life forms.
We all try to define the true reality of 3D life on Earth. Earth offers
us learning through limitation and overcoming obstacles. To achieve
that, we need to forget we are spiritual beings. So, we incarnate into a
physical body and have the choice in creating billions of different
realities and truths to gain experience and growth. Each viewing of
truth being solely dependent on the consciousness of the individual.
Now we are in a new place of transition. What is occurring on Earth is
one of the biggest events in the history of the physical universe. This
sector of the galaxy, including Earth, is changing from a dense energy
3D planet into a higher frequency of light existence we call the 5th
Every individual soul on Earth is choosing whether they wish to
transition from 3D to a new existence in 5D. If that is the individual’s
choice, they need to release all dense energy in their subtle energy
bodies by letting go of all attachments and realities they agreed are
real while in 3D. We are shown what needs releasing, often by our
reactions to situations. These become part of who we believe we are. As
old patterns surface, we examine and reject them. This allows the soul
to begin to align with who it really is and let go of survival aspects
of personality they adopted to function here. Their personal vibration
increases. The moment it equals the frequency of the lower bands of the
fifth dimension, 5D becomes visible to them. Those choosing not to
transition at this time, move on to continue elsewhere. They are fine.
We are going through a confusing time in this huge upheaval. All aspects
of life we thought real and true in society and in ourselves, are
discovered to be quite different than we believed. In this turmoil of
change, thousands of new ideas are being presented, tossed around for
examination and discernment as people try to work out just what is going
on. Billions of people are in processing, guessing, knowing, surmising,
claiming, intuiting and forming their conclusions. All are constantly
revised. It makes it more complicated to unravel because both sides have
similar goals, e.g. both seeking a new world. The difference is the
intent. One is for freedom of the individual and the other is control.
There is a lot of deception on both sides, one trying to hide and the
other not wishing to expose tactics being used to clear the swamp of
corruption. Considering the incredible amount of hidden agendas,
actions, deception, tactics, lies, truth, coercion, confusion and
guesswork, it is amazing that billions of people are waking up. The
world is now seeing a reality which they reject and are demanding
change. Humanity needs to see corrupt scenarios still playing out. So,
instead of us assuming the dark side is still in control, recognize the
bigger picture needed to awaken humanity.
When seeking truth, I have many criteria before I am satisfied with a
conclusion. Intuitive knowing is the most reliable source, but there are
other routes. Much of my life has been involved in understanding the
divine ascension plan for Earth, so I feel I have grasped that part OK.
But how is it to be achieved? Now we are in the midst of achieving that
goal, I have been researching for 4 years to discover the methods being
used. I think even when we reach our conclusions, we need to stay open
as our views can change with expanding awareness and with further
My protocol of establishing truth combines the following - 1. intuition
2. researching down many rabbit holes 3. aligning key light achievements
that point to a clear outcome 4. common sense 5. logic 6. knowing 7. it
exposes corruption 8. releases negative energy on a gradient - so it
doesn’t shock people into fear, anger or panic, (which would add
negative energy to Earth) 9. it needs to be revealing corruption in a
way that encourages people to let go of their attachments and dependency
on an area of society 10. it has to be helping humanity experience for
themselves so they increase understanding and wisdom 11. it has to help
us detach from 3D reality 12. it needs to be increasing people’s
vibration closer to a 5D frequency 13. above all it has to fit perfectly
and mathematically into the divine light plan for the Ascension of Earth
and humanity. These points need to be met before I feel I am near the
truth! And still, it is only my truth. We each have to find our own
truth and guidance.
So, after all my examinations, what have I concluded?
1. The Light is 100% winning the battle to remove all corruption and
dense energy from Earth.
2. The extent of the corruption and dark control of Earth has been of
such proportions as to be almost unbelievable. It has taken some
convincing for many to even accept it is possible. We are now in a major
worldwide sweeping away of all dense energy of lower thought and
corruption embedded in all aspects of society across Earth. And removing
everyone involved in this deliberate creation.
2. Humanity 100% has to see this corruption for themselves. It is no
good just telling them. I believe many of us have witnessed this in
regard to our vaccination warnings. When people see for themselves they
see the truth and begin to reject 3D reality. They start releasing old
dense energy patterns preventing them from increasing their light. They
gain more understanding about being responsible as opposed to handling
our life to every other authority and establishment.
3. The incarnated Light Force of many millions of lightworkers,
starseeds and angelic beings are now awake and doing what they came to
do. Some are fully awake and others in various stages. All are
contributing to the light entering the collective consciousness. For
those who have processed all information concerning corruption and have
let go of emotional and judgemental reactions to it and come to an
understanding and acceptance of the higher divine plan and its perfect
timing, then that processed information is unconsciously passed without
negative emotions, etc, into the collective human energy field. This
means all humanity will have the same information, but subconsciously.
Once the individual starts to awaken, this basic knowing will prevent
dense energies of their anger, shock, fear, sadness and judgements being
dumped in large quantities on Earth.
4. We are receiving massive assistance from many cosmic beings and
planetary systems in other dimensions of Light, as agreed long ago to
help the transition of Earth from 3D to the frequency of 5D.
5. I believe Donald Trump is the President and Commander in Chief of the
USA and has been so continuously since 2016.
6. I believe the USA is under ‘white hat’ military wartime law and
control from the 2020 election period and Donald Trump remains as
President and Commander in Chief. This is kept secret with the
intent to find everyone involved in the deception of global corruption
that has occurred over a very long time. This mission has been called
‘clearing the swamp’. It clears dense energy and awakens the population.
7. The 2020 USA presidential election result was rigged but was
engineered by the ‘white hats’ to record all illegal actions for future
reveal. It was necessary for Trump to ‘lose’ to kick start the huge task
of publicly revealing all corruption on Earth. The corrupt regime needed
to be in power to allow actions to be seen by the public and flush out
all the players. If Trump had been in office and tried to tell people
about the corruption he would not have been believed.
8. I consider the Light Force is now in control of all main areas of
influence on Earth, having now replaced or removed the top echelon of
corrupt power. That includes social media; mainstream media; most world
governments; the three stand alone cities of DC, the Vatican and London
city; WEF, WHO, all royalty and major multinational businesses. All this
has been taken back from the previous dark controllers. I feel we have
control of many middle level people (percentage unknown), but there are
still large sections of ground level workers carrying out harmful
orders. This continues to diminish daily. Remember corruption needs to
continue to be seen by the public, so they gain mastery and wisdom and
self knowledge.
9. The white hats in control are focused on a multitude of areas which
include revealing corruption; flushing out everyone involved; helping
awaken humanity; working on damage control; placing thousands of white
hat doubles/actors/clones with masks in key positions worldwide;
ensuring all doubles carry out the original (tempered) plans of the dark
side until humanity sees it and rejects it; removing any planetary
infiltration by other species; dismantling thousands of dark plans
intended to create fear and subdue; revealing governments changed to
being private companies; showing corrupt intent to reduce population and
maintain control; ensuring information is released in divine timing and
in a way that minimizes trauma to humans and prevents huge amounts of
negative energy being dumped; destroying underground tunnels;
freeing captured children and adults; discovering and dismantling viral
laboratories; placing thousands of threatened people/truthers under
white hat protection including many we believe are dead (been occurring
since 2016 or before); leaving obvious clues for humanity so they can
see what is really taking place; and establishing positive signs for
lightworkers who see outside the box.
10. I believe thousands of secret military tribunals, sentencing and
jail sentences and executions have been occurring continuously since
2016, being held in Gitmo, the White House USA (otherwise empty since
2020) and at other locations. The trials have been fully recorded on
analogue tape (not digital which can be invisibly edited) ready to be
used if required when all corruption is revealed. For those whose
doubles continue to hold key world positions, original trial records
could be used at the appropriate time as though in real time. With many
popular public figures dying of natural causes, such as many royals,
their trial records may never be shown. Or perhaps not until a lot more
awakening has occurred.
11. I believe we have an entire secondary financial system running
parallel with the current disintegrating fiat system. The fiat money
system is a directive from a government that makes it legal. It has to
completely fail as it is fully corrupted. The new system entering Earth
is backed by gold and ready to be fully implemented.
12. The triggering of the ascension plan began intensely after President
Kennedy’s assassination, but actually its planning began back in
Atlantis when millions of incarnated lightworkers began shifting energy
in preparation for higher dimensional light beings to assist the
essential incarnated light force to bring Earth to full light. Note:
Under Universal law only inhabitants can make choices for their planet.
An ingenious, brilliant, sometimes arduous, journey that took into
account every single aspect and has culminated right here, right now.
Now we are remembering. Now we start to understand and trust. We are
coming into alignment with our true self and discarding the rest. We are
detaching from 3D. We are allowing without judgement the choice of
individuals to create their own path of evolution. We are more chilled,
letting go of the idea of linear time, seeing individual choices being
made are OK; understanding no-one dies - only bodies die, doing what we
each came to do, waking up more, letting go of triggered reactions and
continuing to hold the light. We are starting to realize we are
witnessing something incredible happening in the universe, the greatest
show is on Earth and we are making it happen.
Hold the Light. Earth is going Home.
Sandy Stevenson
18th July 2024 (Australia)