You answered a special call to raise Earth’s vibration above 3D. Most of
us thought - easy! We’re creators, we can do that! We didn’t realise
that in coming to a 3D planet, we take on its limitations. We’ve learned
so much and are more aware and awake. However, living with the constant
negativity that 3D planets have, can make us believe things are going
wrong. We can then too easily fall into making judgements, which keeps
our vibration down.
So, how can lightworkers be positive and not form 3D judgements when they
hear bad things? As spiritual
beings we can feel the energy of words and actions and using this, can
choose whether to align
with something or not. But if we change our awareness of energy
by deciding something is good or bad, right or wrong,
we drop ourselves into a 3D
duality reality. It is easy to tell when we do that. We just
judged it. Most people judge a lot. We judge ourselves, we judge people for acting like sheep, the behaviours of
friends, strangers, doctors, politicians, local shopkeepers, the
products we make and buy, the cabal, governments, media, chemicals in
food and water, the education and legal systems, medical drugs, hospital
treatments, chemtrails and pretty much everything else.
Because we knew before we arrived here that much of humanity were not
able to easily see through the lies and choose an effective future, we
obtained the Universal Right to speak for our soul families on Earth and
choose for them. This is a mathematical procedure which allows a
specific number of Lightworkers to represent their own soul family. All
12 soul families on Earth are covered. So,
providing we step into our mastery as spiritual beings and raise our light vibration, we can
speak for them.
We are at a unique point in the evolution of this planet and the
human race. We came prepared to do a specific job. We need to trust and
step into it. We are creators, but at the moment are dabbling at
beginner level. We may feel we are awake but really being awake is a
complete state of being. When partially awake, we are still within a 3D
don’t achieve a higher personal vibration if we constantly judge
everything and everyone. We need to notice every time we speak or act
out any 3D thoughts and patterns. And it is not only world matters we
judge, but everyday things such as how someone dresses, their weight or
how neighbours’ behave. It’s endless – we judge everything, even that we
are judging things.
A lot of self discipline is needed to stop judging and let go of
patterns that limit us. Patterns include addictions, e.g. gambling, TV, food, porn, cigarettes, sweets and anything out of
our control.
We hang onto old patterns, often thousands of them. We do many things
automatically without being consciously present in each moment. We all
set up habits and routines which often start our day. This can include
dressing, eating, driving, work related things and family situations. We
often do this with little awareness. I checked once in a workshop,
asking healers who used a massage table for their clients, whether they
always began their healing procedure the same way for every client, such
as starting at a specific place on the body and following a standard
process. Most agreed they did this. This is an example of a fixed 3D
pattern that blocks intuitive handling. It is one example of thousands.
If we clear our patterns and surrender to intuition, we would likely
find a different starting point and procedure for each individual
client. We could check over several hours and see if we are following a
pattern or being intuitive. Our intuition puts us in the right place, at
the right moment, interacting with the right people doing the right
It requires applying self discipline to look at things we do or say. Our
reactions and patterns are constantly reflected in life’s mirror as the
universe shows us every negative move we make and word we utter.
Sometimes, even when noticing our reactions, we still don’t address
them. They sit there, and we blame others for causing them! In such
instances, we are seeing ourselves as a victim, often without even
realizing it. And so it goes on and on, patterns recurring daily, often
lifetime after lifetime.
We often agree to negative predictions we hear expressed. We need to
stand back and see if we really wish to support this, and if not, then
don’t affirm it. We affirm statements as ‘facts’. We say things like ..
a hurricane IS coming - that place IS going to flood - they ARE passing
a law to… - that politician WILL only be replaced by another just as bad
- they ARE going to artificially affect the climate - they ARE
depopulating Earth - our local shop IS replacing checkout operators for
digital checkouts - people will NEVER wake up. We all do it.
It has to stop so we can speak for the light and not be a voice for a dark
We tend to blame everything and everyone for problems we encounter – we
blame the product, the people, the heavy traffic, the internet provider,
poor quality, lack of information, the cook, government policies, bank
policies, a company, someone else, anything else. Since when were we
victims? What happened to - we create our life? As hard as this may be
to grasp, until we do, we stay in the 3D matrix.
We need to make decisions that
resonate as being a right action. We are then fairly sure we are
deciding from a gut intuition or inner knowing. All other decisions are
from our mind, ego or emotions.
We create something and then hold onto an idea
of how it will turn out. When the outcome is different, we consider it a failure. We have been
programmed to believe success is important and failure is not good, so
we feel a loss and a diminishing of self worth.
We always had two options for this evolutionary period on Earth.
Plan A and Plan B. We are currently running on Plan B.
PLAN A was to step into our mastery as quickly as possible and
our combined higher light frequency would flood the collective
consciousness of humanity and shift them out of 3D. That route allowed a
choice for each individual to work on themselves to reach a level of
light that would provide growth to the soul. They would still end up
knowing what took place on Earth (needed for their future journey) but
that would become known after leaving Earth.
was the option if we did not move quickly into our own mastery. Plan B
involved us awakening humanity; exposing and releasing information about
corruption on Earth. Depending on how quickly humanity grasped that
information and woke up, dictated the amount of information needed. If
the information didn’t wake them up, people would need to experience the
effects of that reality themselves.
It is the obvious next step.
Some lightworkers have expressed the idea we should only focus on
increasing light and not put any attention on exposing the dark agenda.
That would have been fine on Plan A. But with Plan B, passing on
information has been imperative. To not do so, Earth would have remained
in the dark. The public
needed access to the information to empower themselves and make choices
for their future. We need to remain detached when passing on any
information, otherwise we align our energy with that negativity. In fact, we need to detach from the entire 3D reality!
If we had all really worked on raising our own light and stopped
our judging, criticizing and negative comments. If we had detached
ourselves from the negative events and information. If we had not
inadvertently supported dark force plans with our constant affirming
they ARE and WILL do things which enforced that reality, we would now be
on Plan A.
Thought patterns to
let go.
1. We don’t automatically get out of 3D because we help the
light. We have to increase our vibration and regain our own mastery by
working on releasing our old patterns and ego.
2. If we are sitting in some sort of self importance (check if
you aren’t sure) and think our work is more important than anyone
else’s, and think we are almost single handedly saving the planet and
use this to justify our behaviour, it is time to re-examine. If we
‘expect’ others to help us (and judge them if they don’t) we need to
check our ego and humility. Every piece makes up a jigsaw and each are
important components.
If we pass on statements as facts without being intuitive or verifying
them; or make assumptions; blindly believe; or hold doubts about the
Light plan, then we still have patterns to release. In our true state as
a spiritual being, we don’t judge, we don’t argue and we don’t make
others wrong.
We are doing a good job, even a brilliant one, but it’s time to
do better. Let’s stop aligning with the matrix by parroting their
negatives. We are creators. We empower things without always realizing
the energy we create. Stay aligned at all times with
the Highest Source of Creation.
On this incredible journey, become who we really are by ‘letting
go of everything we are not’. We are amazing lightworkers on Earth
bringing about the most profound change in universal history. We are
succeeding, but with discipline of not judging everything, we can
quicken the time line instead of impeding it. ‘Be the Observer’ of all
we say and do. Note our negative words or thoughts - and cancel them.
Check if you are agreeing that something WILL happen, when it is not
what you want.
Affirm 3 times, several times a day, ‘I AM aligned with the
Highest Source of Creation’.
BE the light you are.
Sandy Stevenson
1.1.2024 = 1 = A new