The energy on Earth has been pretty full on as hidden areas are raised and information and chaos surfaces. Most of the people on Earth have had a lot to handle with everything that has happened. The collective energy permeating the world is coming from many things but includes high levels of stress from people experiencing some things for the first time, making it harder to grasp and cope with; trauma of a supposed deadly virus, fear, panic, lockdowns, passports, masks, businesses collapsing and being distanced from loved ones.

So, it has been tough on a great number of people. Some are managing OK with this, but some are irritated, tired or angry as this fractured energy invades the world. It reaches us. We feel it collectively. People who are already awake and trying hard to get truth out there, are also often dealing with family or friends who think they have lost the plot.

Some are now feeling exhausted. They know it, but also feel it is important to get the truth out. And it is. But so are you. But if you are feeling wiped out and hanging on by your fingertips, it is clearly time to have a break and look after you. If you go under, you can’t help anyone else. If you stop now, at least your light level won’t drop and you can recover and start again. Just stop! Chill out. Not next week, do it now before you go under! Cut out the stress!! Have a Spa, walk in the forest, get a soothing massage, swim in ocean or river if you can, meditate, drink healthy juices and eat healthy food, strengthen your immune system, take vitamin B complex to rebuild frazzled nerves, listen to light music, sit in the sun and get some Vitamin D, turn the TV off - if you haven’t already, play with your pets, renew areas of your life that you have let slip, read something interesting that has nothing to do with the fake 3D world or the political scene. Don’t do another thing to handle the world until you have recovered and feel refreshed, energy abounds and you have your spark back. We don’t want to lose anyone who is pushing themselves beyond the call of duty! Others will hold the fort while you regain your balance. You are not giving up, you are having a break so your light can shine brighter. You are important too.


Sandy Stevenson

8th May 2012
