There is a long waiting list for Beings who would love to join you on Earth at this very special time. They see the grandeur of what is taking place from an event that will change the face of the Earth. It has been long in the planning and aligns with the departure and return home to the higher realms of many lightworkers who came long ago to prepare the Earth for the shift in conscious awareness we are now seeing.

It is not always easy to see the reason a particular event is presented the way it is, but each event has a thousand connecting facets that make it difficult to see. It could be bringing about the collapse of a thousand avenues while strengthening a thousand others. In so many instances, the only way to approach the entire operation is as an observer, trusting divine order and timing of each moment. The entire plan is perfection beyond imagination. Many aspects will only be seen when viewed from a very high perspective, visible when you leave.

The key to everything is to know deep in your heart that this is what you all came here for, so long ago. This is not to negate the more recent lightworkers who came here with a singular role such as maintaining light. But many of you have been in this dimension so long they may not remember the freedom of the higher planes. They came to help Earth, they came for the challenge, they came for the experience of what was to be the greatest event in a 3D existence in the universe. A planet was to make a full transition from extensive dense energy held within some of its time frames, to a full light frequency, a magnitude never previously undertaken.

Now you, the lightworkers, are resuming your mastery. You are remembering who you are, not yet consciously or trusting it perhaps, but you are shifting all the blockages and impediments that prevent you reaching full awareness of yourself in relation to source and the universe. You will slowly begin to act more and more in your own power. You may surprise yourself at how far you have already come. Things you have been accepting as matter of fact are really quite amazing changes. Think back on your old reactions and handling of events in the past. Have you noticed how detached you have become to what is occurring globally. Do you see how you are no longer getting upset, fearful, angry or super emotional about things that may previously have torn you apart, often terrible and very sad things. You are beginning to be more comfortable speaking your truth without ego interfering to prevent you. You are becoming more aware of what to say and when and quietly knowing when to simply be silent and allow the choices of others to pass unchallenged. You are getting closer to being your non judgmental true self - a soul who allows for others paths and understands each must walk their own creation.

And from all these resumptions of truth, you continue to raise your own light frequency to the level of a spiritual being who came to Earth one day long ago, when you heard of a planet and the challenge it presented to transition itself from 3D. And you saw you fitted the requirements to come to Earth to undertake this work. To be among the first to come, needed to take the bulk of the load by souls who had previously transitioned through a 3rd dimensional plane of learning somewhere and had graduated to a higher plane. Only they would be able to withstand the dense energy they would encounter when descending from higher light frequencies and would be able stay sufficiently above it without identifying with that energy and so would be able to create the blueprint needed to achieve the divine plan.

And you are now in the process of finding love for each soul, no matter their actions or the stance they portray. This has been the most difficult of all, for it is the path to unconditional love. The greatest challenge in the universe is to reach a place where we can see the actions of others but maintain only love in our heart. A space where on a deep level we know that each soul has its journey where it endeavours to gain the richness of experience in each dimension. Each seeking, as an individual, the best way to grow wiser from the depths of many experiences it undertakes.

Rise above the patterns you learnt; the history you accepted; the indoctrination of a society you were wrapped in since childhood; the traditions you absorbed as important; the ways you were taught to behave; the injustices and actions you believed required a negative response; the many paths you were told you had to follow to receive redemption; the ego always wanting to be the best; being told you were incompetent or lacking in knowledge and needed to let others decide for you; the times your knowing or intuition was dismissed; where you accepted you were not good enough and worthy of love or trust; where you were persuaded from your dreams; where something you wanted was logically explained away; where you were saturated with beliefs about the need for -the lack of -the importance of - the reflection of it meaning success - it being the root of all evil, etc; and when you were betrayed/ignored/made to feel invisible and treated as less than you are.

Relinquish and release everything you are not.

Above all, beyond everything, without question, for eternity, throughout infinity, for ever and always, be the truth of who you are.


Knowing the magnificence of you.

from St Germain of the 8th dimension of light

 via Sandy Stevenson
