Each of the souls who came to assist the Light plan for Earth brought an etheric mathematical blueprint designed around their particular work in creating a new world. Earth’s ascension was planned long ago but was scheduled to become fully active in the 21st century. It would bring all Earth, including all sections of society, into alignment with Source. That would transmute all dense energy to create an evolutionary shift of a 3D planet into a higher 5th dimensional frequency.

With unfailing dedication, great determination, infinite courage and a heart full of love and compassion, these space warriors journeyed from afar to enter into a series of incarnations. They worked throughout their incarnations organising and putting everything in place. In the 1960’s, they moved into the fully active phase of transitional change by beginning the huge task of dismantling and breaking down the old restrictive patterns of society.

The 1960’s was a transformative decade, a period of revolution and the questioning of authority. Traditional hierarchies begin to dissolve and make way for the birth of the modern age. There was a great social upheaval, a relaxation of social taboos including sexuality and an emerging generation gap created through the rejection of traditional norms. It was also a time of peace, love, and rock and roll as pop culture trends moved to vibrant colours and styles. A wide range of music and revolutionary ideas emerged. Conscious imagination expanded from drug use. Many sexual inhibitions and restrictions were removed. Dress and hairstyles became more colourful and flamboyant. Miniskirts were born and clothing designed for women in careers embodied feminism. The way people dressed was a clear sign of shifting attitudes. Afros, Barbie Dolls, Bell-bottoms, Beatlemania, Go-go boots, Lava lamps and Pirate radio, sprung into being.

The 1960s was a decade when hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans gave new life to the nation's democratic ideals. African Americans used sit-ins, freedom rides, and protest marches to fight segregation, poverty and unemployment. Feminists demanded equal job opportunities and an end to sexual discrimination. Student movements came to prominence around the world marked by sweeping social change.  It was the time of John Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. There were significant advancements in space exploration and social and cultural shifts such as the environmental movement and gay liberation, plus innovations in computers, satellite communications, pharmaceuticals, synthetics and automation. These innovations transformed the world of work, leading to a rise in service sector jobs. The changing world moved into every quarter, with initial stages of technology evolution, gains in productivity and generally low inflation, precepts of military duty, rapid workforce growth, equal rights, tax cuts, low unemployment and rapid GDP growth. The 1960s may be the dividing line in politics today. Science fiction turned into fact with the inventions of robots, satellites, weather satellites, video game consoles, tasers, and industrial robots and expanded people’s minds to the idea of landing on the moon.

We are now actively completing the work that was begun in the 60’s, undertaking the final dissolving of all structures that need to go.

The entire Divine Plan is fully operational and underway. Once the old is sufficiently dismantled, the ideas will pour forth for the creation of a new way of life. That will be the final phase and will take us into the frequency band of the 5th dimension of light.


Sandy Stevenson
