are no accidents - what does it
may have read or heard the expression "there are no
accidents", implying that everything that happens to us is meant to
be. I present an idea of what this can mean. See how this explanation
feels to you.
of us are aware we have a choice in every moment, about everything.
When deciding on any action or non-action in our lives, we have two
We can choose to follow our intuition-heart-spirit-inner knowing-gut
feeling of rightness. This route could be called the most optimum way to
experience life – giving us the least hassle and struggle and the
gentlest learning and growth.
We can also make a choice by 'thinking' something out or letting our ego
decide. An ego based decision is made from what
we think of ourselves or what
we think others will think of us. Choosing via the head or the
ego could be seen as the least desirable path for us to follow, as it
involves a great deal of learning and additional trauma for us.
example: We are asked to a friend's place for dinner to celebrate their
Our initial feeling is of not
wanting to go. Perhaps we had something planned for that night
that we are excited about. Perhaps we had nothing planned, but we still
don't want to go to. By the way, we
don't need to know 'why' we don't want to go. Our inner voice
is our guide. It shows us how to stay in the most optimum flow of Divine
order. Everyone has an inner voice (you aren't an exception). This is
quite clear if we care to
Until we get used to tuning in and listening to our
inner voice, it is wise to check
whether it is truly our inner voice we are hearing, or our emotions or
ego responding. The mind or ego can jump in, e.g. you may have had an
argument with someone who will be going to that dinner or maybe an old
flame will be there who you don't want to see - and you react by
thinking 'I don't want to go'.
need to feel the difference between responding from an intuitive place
of the heart or responding from emotion or thought. The intuitive route
will be gentler, easier and will flow better. The emotional or thought
route is not ideal for us. So, it's worth getting this right. Emotions
and thoughts are totally fine and can help us in our life, but there's a
way to use them. The best way for us to live is to use intuition (or
spirit) as the main guiding force in our life. This means trusting our
gut feeling will lead us to the most beneficial route. We can use our
mind and emotions as a back up.
can confuse us. To be certain you make the right decision, put your
emotions aside. Understanding the difference between intuition and
emotions isn't difficult, it just takes some practise and honesty.
you feel an emotion come up, just acknowledge its presence. Say to
feeling fear (embarrassment, worry, sadness, anger or whatever.) I'll
now put that feeling aside for the moment so I'm not governed by that
fear when making my decision.' Then put the fear aside (and any other
emotion or thought that pops up). Then check again with yourself, 'Does
it feel right for me to go to this dinner or not?' Listen to the real
putting aside the ego/emotions, you may see that it still feels right not
to go to the dinner. Fine. Maybe this invitation is just the universe
giving you a chance to see that you have emotions or buried pain that
needs releasing and you were never meant to actually go to the dinner.
(An easy method of releasing our reactions is in the article 'The
Greatest gift of Love' on website listed at end of this article.)
don't fool yourself. Make sure the emotions have truly been put aside,
i.e. that you are not afraid to go to the dinner. Because ultimately we
are creators, it's quite easy for us to incorrectly convince ourselves
that there are no emotions still left affecting our decision. That sort
of thinking doesn't help you at all. We grow wiser through our learning
and the way we learn is to be very honest with ourselves. Don't convince
yourself that you have put your emotions aside - i.e. that you feel OK
about seeing your old partner again at the dinner and that is not having
any affect on your decision not to go. By not being honest with
yourself, the only loser then will be you (oh yes, and the rest of the
a good idea to spend that extra couple of minutes getting it right. It
could save you a great deal of hassle. And remember that decisions you
make affect other people. In addition, it can also be karmic. Is it hard
to define just how far reaching our decisions can affect others as it
extends out into the whole universe, because ultimately we are all
the dinner party example, let us assume you were not really meant to go
but you went anyway. That decision could affect everyone present at the
dinner party plus the people connected to them (family, friends) and so
on. Here's an example in case that sounds far fetched. Maybe someone who
was meant to be going hears that you are going and decides not to go
because of it (that alone can have thousands of repercussions). Or maybe
your old flame brings his new girlfriend and she sees you there, gets
jealous, has a fight with him, storms out and they split up (no, you are
not supposed to say 'good!') - when actually they were meant to stay
together! Then there are all
the people involved in whatever and wherever it was that you were really
meant to be at that time (regardless of whether you know what that was
or not). More thousands of repercussions - or even many millions! And
that would include any people you met as you travelled there or on your
way home..... and so it goes on.
you have a choice in every moment.
say that you end up with a clear understanding that it doesn't feel
right for you to go to this dinner. But as the days go by, you think
about it and you let your thoughts or emotions get in the way, e.g. 'my
friend will be really upset with me if I don't go;' 'maybe I can just go
for an hour or two'; 'if I dress up maybe my ex will see me looking
wonderful and will want to get back with me' etc, etc.
So, you listen to the mind and you make a new choice. You decide
to go.
have been clearly shown by the universe that this dinner is not where
you can best serve yourself or anyone else, but you fail to trust this
clear signal and decide to listen to your own or other people's thoughts
and emotions - and you decide to go.
As the night arrives, it's quite likely that things will not go
smoothly because you are stepping out of the flow, so neither the flow
(or the force!) is really with you. Your dress may have a stain, you
have an argument with your parents, a friend who borrowed your car gets
it back to you late, etc. This
can also be the universe trying to stop you, to get you to change your
mind and step fully into the flow.
the question arises - if you have a car accident on the way to this
dinner, is it accidental or are there no
such thing as accidents.
You made a choice to go to the dinner; you chose which route to take and
what time to leave to get there. You made many choices that ultimately
put you in that space on the road at that time. So,
is there any way this can be seen as an 'accident'? I think we
can agree there's not.
In addition, there may be other choices you made, such as not to have
the car serviced, not checking the tyre pressure, driving too fast on a
wet road, hurrying because you are late, having your attention on how
hungry you are, changing CD's, thinking about a problem at work, looking
at the attractive guy/girl in the next car - oh! the choices are
make choices and they have consequences. If we choose to be in a
specific place and something happens to us when we are there, then it's
not an accident. As we choose everything, there can be no accidents.
this instance, we made a choice that was not in our best interest and we
had a car accident. But having said that, it still wouldn't have
happened to us unless there was something we could learn from it. The
lesson may be simply to teach us to trust our intuition next time. And
more can be gained from it. You can decide it is a positive experience
(incidentally, everything is!). You can be cheerful and not moan about
it; you could gain more patience and compassion by being a patient in
hospital (or learn how to sleep through loud noises!); maybe you can't
work for a couple of weeks and so discover a new and profitable hobby.
Everything that happens to us can be looked at in a positive way. The
key is our attitude to it. And our attitude is also a matter of choice.
what if we acted intuitively;
we had followed 'the flow' and driven down a road at a certain time
because it felt right - and we
still have a car accident? Is there any difference? Is this one
think as we made choices in both cases, we have to stick to 'there is no
such thing as an accident.' But there may be a difference. If we had a
car accident even though we followed our intuitive feelings - it would
seem we planned it to happen. We had, for some reason on a higher level,
chosen this for our greater growth and learning. Even though it seems
unimaginable that we would actually choose such a thing, it's a fact
that we often choose even more uncomfortable things than this. The
possible reasons you could have attracted/arranged this accident are too
many to guess at. It could be karmic. You could be choosing to balance
out the energy after having caused something similar to others in the
past. You could be working on gaining spiritual qualities such as being
willing to receive help or learning more patience and compassion for
others in pain and suffering. It could be an agreement you made with
your parents or partner or children to help them balance out their karma
by helping you; it could even be the way you chose to meet someone who
was involved (although there would probably be other reasons as well) -
and hundreds of other possibilities.
Remember that some things are chosen by us prior to entering the
incarnation. We generally choose our key family members, often our major
life partner(s), children and key events in our life. The reason for
choosing some things before we get here is because we wish to work on
enhancing particular spiritual qualities or learning specific things -
and we don't want to waste the lifetime by leaving our really important
goals up to chance. These usually need planning and they involve other
people. Agreements have to be made as to how it will all unfold
throughout our life and many people have to incarnate at the right time
to match the age/location requirements, so they can be a part of each
others lives. It is rarely possible to plan out an incarnation without
some other people being involved.
the planning that takes place, you each look at the lessons and
abilities you personally wish to increase. You then fit all the timing
and scenarios together so each of you has the opportunity to gain your
own goals. For instance, someone could look over their last couple of
lifetimes and see that whenever anything got too tough, they did a
runner. So, one of the goals of the incarnation they are now planning is
to learn how to stay through tough times and grow stronger. So they
arrange to marry a certain person, have two children together and little
money. The plan is that when the children are still very small, the
partner is to leave them with no money. The person planning the
incarnation feels that having the responsibility of two young children
will help them stick it out and assist them to gain the ability they are
seeking. Both sets of grandparents agree not to step in and help, so the goal
can be attained. Every family member involved, including the children,
agree to this.
that is one example of a possible pre-planned part of your life. Most of
us find it hard to imagine that we could plan such apparently unhappy
things in our lives - but it's the human part of us that can't
understand. As spiritual beings, we are interested in acquiring greater
wisdom, trust, growth, integrity, awareness, compassion, tolerance, joy
and love.
in summation, there are no
there may be a difference in things that happen to us from decisions we
made from our 'thinking or 'ego' and those we made intuitively. It seems
likely that those made from 'thinking' or 'ego' could have been
prevented if we had chosen intuitively instead.
concept is not easy to write, so I hope it makes sense! The divine
universal process is perfect. Actually nothing happens that does not
have a purpose, anywhere, anyhow. So, even those things that happen to
us when we make decisions from our ego or emotions (that we think were
'not meant' to happen) are also part of Divine order. For our greater
good, maybe we needed a reminder to help teach us what can happen if we
move out of the flow and don't follow our intuition. Maybe the sole
reason for the accident is as simple as that, to teach us to trust our
intuition more in future. If we hadn't needed it, it wouldn't have
happened. Other things will have happened in our life trying to show us
the same lesson, prior to having the accident. Lessons always begin
gently, gradually increasing in intensity if we don't get it. And each
time we are shown it is better to trust, we are one step closer to
living life fully in the flow in the now.
So, it is all perfect - and meant to
be - and there are no such things as accidents.
How wonderful that we have this great opportunity while we are
incarnated to grow in wisdom and move ever closer to our goal of
unconditional love for all life. Let gratitude for our beautiful gift of
life bring us all joy and contentment.
March 2007