Amazing things are happening.
Globally, a huge transformation is underway as every area of corruption
is exposed and begins to disintegrate. Those who would keep humanity
enslaved are exposed daily. Aside from the already exposed major
corporations; pharmaceuticals, social media platforms, justice depts,
media and governments, each new event draws people to show their true
colours. We see who is supportive and who is a part of the old system.
Local courts refusing to set dates; sheriffs, governors, mayors, health
officers, scientists, doctors, professors, police chiefs, police,
companies and local businesses – show us who support human rights.
At the same time we see the old
regime of control and corruption being peacefully and legally
dismantled, an entire new world is being born.
In many cases, the way these
are being exposed is helping to create the new path for humanity. Many
who have lost their jobs and businesses will be catalysts for new ideas
and new ways to live.
TEACHERS. Many of those who
lost their jobs are being employed by groups of parents who chip in to
pay them to teach their kids in someone’s home. This form of home
schooling means kids can still socialize and interact with each other,
allows working parents to continue to work and perhaps saves the sanity
of parents who don’t feel up to home schooling kids.
LAW. Common and Natural law
movements, acting in Sovereignty, are flourishing around the world. They
are intent on removing Maritime Law and re-instating Common Law to free
the people.
GOVERNMENTS. Politicians are
resigning or being replaced. Police chiefs, Prime Minsters and senior
politicians are being served official papers under Common Law citizen’s
rules, informing them of their pending arrest.
Having refused the jab and consequently escaped the corrupt medical
system, we now have so many more qualified people world wide, available
to help with natural medicine and healing practices.
We know the exposure of all
corrupt areas on Earth is very necessary. But naturally, while we are
doing this, we need to remain detached on every level from emotions,
reactions and thoughts it may bring up in us. I think most are aware we
are in a war of dark and light, however we see that.
From the many thousands of
comments I see, it seems many may have forgotten about the LIGHT side of
this war. Maybe forgotten there is a Light Force on Earth! Tons of
awakened people, including lots of key lightworkers, don’t seem to have
caught up with the present and still have the idea the dark force is
running this place! Comments from people continue to affirm the dark
force is in control! Not only is this completely untrue, it gives energy
and power to the dark side. Check for yourself (including your own
thoughts). You will hear comments
such as ‘Covid may be ending, but the cabal have many, many other plans
in store, such as climate change, fake alien invasion, 5G will kill
millions and we need to work out how to get through it all!’ Did it ever
occur to people that the
high frequencies of 5G towers might have been completely removed from
the satellites (not sure about China). Do people really think the entire
light force on Earth and all the higher dimensions of light are that
It may be good if we stop
adding our energy to THEIR PLAN and instead start to trust the DIVINE
LIGHT PLAN. There is one!! And it is working brilliantly. Did we all
forget there are many millions of incredibly powerful, amazing, highly
evolved, multi dimensional Lightworkers all over the globe,
strategically placed to effectively thrash every corrupt area on Earth.
Of course, we have to remain
watchful and discerning until we have weeded out everyone. We are not
stupid. We know there are more people to find. But please can we have a
rethink about exactly who is in control here! I know it’s not always
easy to see when we have white hat doubles and shadow governments in
place, which are there purely to keep pushing the population to wake up.
But it is necessary. I know everyone wants a major reveal of the exposed
information to be given to the public and that would be great except for
one small matter. That would cause the most massive amount of dense
energy as people went into shock when their world and all the
establishments, organizations, charities, religions, governments,
education systems and personalities they relied on, trusted, believed in
and often loved, are suddenly
shown to be totally fake, corrupt and even evil. Our goal for Earth is
to raise the vibration of the planet into a higher frequency, not to
create a global mass of negative energy that would severely damage the
Light Plan and may be hard to recover from. That is why it is all
happening slowly. Because it has to!
We have incredibly, in just a
few years, managed to expose thousands of corrupt systems on Earth. We
have seen many countries leaders ousted and thousands of major company
CEO’s resign. We have dismantled and taken over many major areas and
whole governments. During the 6 hours Facebook and many other social
media platforms went down world wide, there was a complete takeover by
the Light. Did you see the reasons given by CEO’s and technical
divisions for the breakdown. The algorithms disappeared which is as
though that entity no longer existed. Right, it didn’t! And you will
say, but there is censorship still. Of course there is! (Although it has
been dramatically lessened, which many have noticed).
Please keep in mind we are
trying to wake people up. We are allowing events to take place that will
wake people up, that will annoy them enough to get them to stand up and
say no! When they do that, they raise their own vibration of light and
begin their own personal shift in evolution. We have witnessed the most
incredible rising up around the world of people standing up for their
rights and demanding freedom. Individuals are being given a CHOICE to
wake up. That is all the work of the Light Force. That is the Divine
Plan for the evolution of humanity
A few other points.
We have heard a lot of talk
about Earth being flat. It actually doesn't matter whether the planet is
round, square, pink or purple. We are being given many ideas that to
A CERTAIN WAY. Everything has to go. We are letting go of 3D. Just like
the dates we are given for big events that then don’t happen. That helps
us let go of TIME. We were impatient in the beginning, now we have
learned to allow things to happen in their right time.
A point about creating
division. The dark force has been intent on creating massive divisions
between us all, to help keep us separated and under control. It would be
good if we did not continue their plan.
The govt. is already trying to do that between jabbed and
unjabbed. We need to not criticize those who are still asleep. Humanity
has gone through a lot. There has been extensive brainwashing; through
schooling and education, media, movies, the chemicalization of water and
food, religions and the frequencies being emitted to Earth by satellite,
Harp, chemtrails, etc. As well as
fighting against the brainwashing of a lifetime, they are used to
complying with the norm and don’t like confrontation involved in
going against what they are told to do and what the rest of
society believes to be true.
Really, it’s a miracle anyone
can wake up. There are people who say, ‘well, I woke up, so they can’.
Again this is a limited view. Even just looking at that from a 3D
perspective, we all get brought up differently. Some have a better
education than others, wiser parents, some have druggie illiterate
parents and a hard home life. And if we wish to take that into another
realm, perhaps those who are awake have been blessed not to have gone
through all the programming that has been going on here. Maybe they came
here to help the others who sleep and to be kind, understanding and
compassionate, knowing it will be a shock for people as they discover
the truth and need help to get through it.
It is a time for the world to
come together. Covid has achieved that, if you think about it. It was
something that excluded no-one, whether rich or poor, race, creed, birth
place, nationality, occupation, religion, social standing, age, sex or
standard of education. For the first time in history, the world
connected globally, all in the same boat. Then it went on to connect
people even more closely as they began to stand united in protest across
the world. Coming together with a mutual sharing of purpose and reality.
Friendships were forged, respect and gratitude was created and all
thoughts of separation were of no consequence. We were in this fight
together. People who could inform and unite others, stepped forward.
Love began to permeate the Earth.
UNVACCINATED. There is still one division to be healed and that is the
one created by government and media of the jabbed and unjabbed. As more
is exposed that shows vaccines were ineffective, that division will
evaporate. People who have been vaccinated will realise they are no
different to those not vaccinated. That is already being exposed as
several countries are saying the double vaxed are voided and people
needed to get a booster. Friends and family will be reunited. This will
be a major test for those who did not get vaccinated. Each individual
will have a choice - to move forward in love and compassion, making
no-one wrong or stupid, but to simply point out it was hard for any of
us to see through the media brainwashing. Or to stagnate our energy and
path by sinking into our 3D ego and say I told you so and want people to
feel stupid. It’s a choice!
If we are really impatient,
there was a Plan A. That was for everyone who woke up to concentrate on
raising their own light frequency. That increase of light on Earth would
pass into the collective consciousness of humanity (as all light does)
which would help wake more people and more. A faster momentum. The
continual raising of planetary vibration would increase people’s
awareness (out of the brainwashing patterns) which would make it easier
for them to accept the world was not as previously thought. That would
not cause a mass of negative energy to be released from people in shock
and anger.
However, it seems that being in
3D had a greater effect than we thought and we still had lots of stuff
to release ourselves. That meant we were not detaching from the
information we were exposing. We were also tending to judge people and
their crimes, as well as be critical of those who would not wake up. We
became impatient for it all to be over. As we got caught up in lower
vibrations, it was harder to see the broader picture or remember the
power of our own thoughts. We were really good at adjusting quickly to
the continual unfolding of one shocking revelation after another, as we
also discovered the world was not as we believed.
So, Plan B it was. The slow
reveal of corruption, delivered at a pace that gave humanity the chance
to digest something before being faced with the next exposure.
I know people tend to only look at the masks and spacial
distancing as dark control areas. But that also helped humanity to move
out of their comfort zone. They were forced to change and adapt.
The ability to let go and change is needed to let go of fixed
patterns. And the 1.5 metre distance requirement happens to be the exact
projected separation needed by an individual to avoid the shedding known
now to occur from the Covid vaccination.
The whole Covid thing is
ending. I suggest that instead of giving the immense power of our
thoughts to the dark side by deciding it will be replaced by the next
bad event, we instead take it as all being over now. Now maybe it is
time we do some work on ourselves; meditation, light music, walks in
nature, lots of laughter, go swimming, hiking, be in the silence, call
in the angels, create peace around us, use light essences, avoid
aggravation and negative people, have people you love around you, align
yourself to Source, banish anything less than Light and maybe it is time
to love everyone instead of judging and finding fault.
Let us be grateful for the
amazing gift of being here now to witness a miracle, as Earth begins her
journey into a world of love and harmony for all.
Sandy Stevenson