Remember the excitement years ago when this idea was floated. It reached all those of us who were awake and we were keen and ready for 10 days of blackout and an EBS broadcast that would enlighten the unawakened. A time of popcorn and lots of discussion about whether the EBS was global and if it meant no power. We had our gas bottles sorted, candles at the ready, and heeded the multiple warnings of needing food supplies for 2-3 weeks. The trouble was as time went by, we kept eating our supplies! New warnings saw us rushing off to restock. It was super fun with exchanges of great ideas (well, we thought so!) with awakened friends in the belief it was all liable to happen any minute.

We see that everything is being revealed now at a fast rate and in a way that it makes total sense to an unawakened public. It does not throw them into shock of the unreality an EBS would. They are seeing many government organisations being openly investigated by President Trump and his new team who have already found billions of dollars of taxpayer money given to corrupt companies and people globally. Lists and details of where the money went is available to the American people on the  Doge website ( which is a dept. in the new US system run by Elon Musk. Details on All being done legally with court permissions. No-one has said what is being found is untrue, not even the main media.  It is all proven and factual. All the media and investigated departments are only saying investigations are a violation of their rights. Even though billions are being found given to corrupt sources, which gives it every right to happen and is most definitely right for the American people and they are very happy about it. There is confirmed talk at the moment of refunding US $5000 to every legal registered American and this will happen. I believe it is a start of a whole new system of giving back to the people. It is a wise sum, an acceptable reality. Enough to make a difference but not so much of a difference with corrupt people still out there to uncover and we don’t want to be handing them large amounts of money.

Another current happening is a pending tour of Fort Knox where Government treasury gold is stored. We are expecting that will uncover that the gold supplies are gone or severely depleted. All of this shows massive corruption. I believe Trump and co have a huge storage of gold they obtained hidden under the Vatican. Perhaps that gold will be announced as being the missing gold from Fort Knox - enough to easily create a new gold backed currency. The Vatican may not be announced though. Many Catholics are about to have enough shock as the pope dies. One thing at a time.  That gold backed currency is inevitable and excellent, reverting back to how it once was.

So, why did the EBS get brought in our reality of possibility?

My number one guess as the key reason is it was done for the awakened. It was a very tough time with the unvaccinated getting harassed and abandoned, nothing seemed to be getting solved, court cases were shelved, police were abusive, companies demanded obedience, jobs were lost, health organizations and companies pushed the jab and the main media 100% blasted our selfishness, etc. It was easy to begin doubting that anything would ever be revealed. And bingo..  in came news of the 10 days and an EBS and the excitement and hope soared. It was the one thing we could see that could override all the blocks to awakening the population. Exactly as it was meant to.

All those who were awake were in stages of processing everything they had discovered, handling their reactions and emotions and coming to an understanding of the plan and what was going on. That processed material was being passed into the etheric human collective consciousness to offset the anger that would arise as people discovered what we knew much earlier and had worked through. To deliver that processed material perfectly required hope and excitement - not doubt and apathy! As I see it, the universe provided the means to ensure the future of a positive path for Earth and humanity. We were so excited and in anticipation of the birth of a new world.

In addition, humanity was still in the process of deciding what path they were going to choose for Earth. Corruption or integrity? There was a possibility that an EBS might be needed to assist them make their decision. So, it was put there in readiness.

It has all turned out fine. I don’t imagine there will be an EBS now as the plan is rolling forward rapidly and is doing incredibly well. It is being approached in a way that makes sense to the public as they can see the path to each action and the outcome result. So, it’s likely to never be needed and that is a good thing. This way seems right. But, hey wasn’t it fun?


Sandy Stevenson
