Together - Earth’s Light Force
The term ‘144,000’ applies to the first group who responded to a call
from the Earth Mother - the Being whose has Earth as her physical body.
This happened around the time of Atlantis and was a call for help to
assist with Earth’s evolutionary goal to ascend from a 3rd dimensional
planet to a 5th dimensional planet of Light. The
call went out across the Universe,
initially requesting 144,000 committed and evolved beings who would be
capable of withstanding the dense energy on Earth and were willing to
perform a series of incarnations on Earth to teach and focus Light to
help shift the existing imbalance of energy on Earth from a negative to
The requirement for the exact number of
144,000 involved mathematics as that figure represented the number of
soul families on Earth. By becoming inhabitants of Earth, the 144,000
starseeds would then be allowed to make decisions on behalf of their
soul families. The 144,000 came from different galaxies and planes of
existence across the universe, meeting up and signing contracts.At
the time the Earth Mother asked for help, she did not know if other
Beings would also answer her call for assistance. So, to ensure the
success of the goal, the 144,000 needed to cover all bases.
At that time, there was no blueprint in existence for a planet with the
same level of dense energy as Earth. So, without a workable blueprint,
no path existed that humanity could use to take them to the higher
vibrations needed for ascension. So, a pathway had to be created to help
move people from the lower dense bands of 3D. To be able to create such
a blueprint, every 3D pattern that existed on Earth had to be absorbed
into the etheric energy field of all Starseeds. The Starseeds had to
adopt every ailment, condition, sickness, disease, mental state, pattern
and belief system that existed in humanity and all life on Earth. The
blueprint had to contain everything, so as to create a full pathway. It
had to include the lowest common denominator, which meant the heaviest
condition a person might experience, such as a Catatonia (acute
psychiatric illnesses).
As the conditions were worked through and released by the Starseeds, it
made a pathway that would allow a way for people with those conditions
to ascend. This was done over a long period of time, many incarnations.
It was just one aspect of the overall blueprint requirements. The result
was a Divine Blueprint that all humanity and all life forms could
The term Lightworkers also includes the Starseeds, but was originally
used to define the millions of evolved individuals who came from all
planets and parts of the galaxy to help the Earth Mother. They began
arriving shortly after Atlantis and have been doing so ever since. They
come from both realms, so include many from the Elementals/Angelic
Together, all of us form the Light Force on Earth.
Most Lightworkers on Earth work in teams, whether they realize this or
not. All of us work closely with our ‘off world’ guides, angels and the
Galactic Federation of Worlds and Ascended and Cosmic Being of higher
levels of light.
Together, all of us, incarnated and non incarnated, form a vast Alliance
of Light that stretches across galaxies and worlds.
Sandy Stevenson