18th October 2024
Hi from Sandy Stevenson,
I have done some research, listened to many doctors speak on this
subject, read laboratory papers and Pfizer’s own documents confirming
shedding, etc. and have gathered together the best suggestions I could
find that are most effective in offsetting the adverse reactions from
the vaccine and vaccine shedding as well as help protect against
shedding. These also help build immunity and detox the body from heavy
metals, poisons and parasites. The information found in this email is
also in an attached document. The most important thing is to remain
positive and avoid negative thoughts and judgements that lessen our
light vibration and hence our protection.
Be intuitive to see which products resonate with you. And we can test
products to see if they will be good for us with a form of muscle
testing. Set in your mind the intent that if something is good for you,
you will rock forward. If negative, you will rock backwards. If it is
neutral - meaning it neither helps or hinders - you stay still. Hold the
product you are checking, against your solar plexus on the body. Give it
a second or two to work. You need to NOT have already decided that
something is good or bad! Your thoughts can affect the result.
Hard to single out those most important but certainly Vitamin C, D
and Glutathione.
* Chlorine Dioxide Solution CDS 3000ppm
* Colloidal Silver & Gold
* NAC N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine,
* Lysine, Zinc and Astaxanthin
* Zeolite or EDTA Chelation
* Wormwood Combination with Wormwood, Black Walnut and Clove
* Natural Vitamin C
* Vitamin D3
* Nicotine,
* Licorice Root or Star Anise,
* Glutathione (also Liposomal Glutathione)
* Zinc Citrate
* Quercetin,
* Milk Thistle
* Melatonin
* Pine needle tea
* Fulvic Acid
* Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa)
* Colloidal Silver kills over 650 pathogens
* Neodymuim magnets taped north to the skin to deactivate nanotechnology
in body
* Magnesium
* Selenium
* Epsom Salt baths
* Himalayan Salt Lamps to purify your home
* Meditation and prayer
* Raising your vibration, listen to healing music, 432 Hz, binaural
beats, positive affirmations
Make homemade Quinine by boiling the peels of grapefruit and lemons in
water and simmer for 2 hours with the lid on until cooled. Take with
Zinc. Can add a tin of beans or pulses which helps carry the Zinc
Citrate. Can add the right sort of pine needles into the liquid. Remove
after cooking. Drink a couple of ounces a day.
Protect and Detox yourself and your home to keep your Aura strong and
Use - Orgonite, Shungite, and other Healing Stones to protect yourself
from EMF's and radiation. Effective
anti radiation products can be found here (Australia)
In-Light Vibrational Essences supports Immune System. It includes the
Regenerative Essence, Cell Respiration, Cerebral, Radiation
EMF Essence, Protection Essence, Toxic Assault Essence, Thieves Oil (was
used to protect people from The Black Plague) as well as many essential
oils, Manuka honey, Omos, Colloidal Silver, Vit C, Spirulina, Zinc and
Lugals Solution. It can help dispel chemicals, toxins and heavy metals
within our energy field, that are caused through being ingested,
breathed in, locked in muscle tissue or being applied or absorbed in the
of hundreds of videos made by doctors around the world about the
shedding of vaccine ingredients
Research Chlorine Dioxide Solution CDS 3000ppm ClO2 by Andreas
Kalcker .com Uses Molecular Oxygen to break down and remove heavy
metals, nanotechnology, toxins, poisons, viruses and parasites
Fastest and best way to raise Glutathione
is NAC and Zinc and BioAstin Astaxanthin
Research Broccoli Sprouts defeating Cancer and boosting
EDTA Chelation to Detoxify Heavy Metals, Graphene Oxide, Parasites and
Nanotechnology from the body
Natural mineral Zeolite helps detoxify Heavy Metals and Toxic
Natural Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 and how important they are for a
Strong Immune System
Some Doctors believe all Cancer and Viruses are caused by
Micro-Parasites and to research Ivermectin and Zinc or a natural
alternative to killing parasite called Wormwood Combination with
Wormwood, Black Walnut and Clove
Synthetic Blood Clots caused by the jab learn how to detox Snake Venom
peptides from Dr. Bryan Ardis, research Nicotine, EDTA, Vitamin C,
Licorice Root, Glutathione, NAC, Zinc and CDS 3000ppm
If you are worried about Graphene Oxide study the scientist at La Quinta
Columna and how they are using NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine, Glutathione, Zinc,
Vitamin D3, Quercetin, Astaxanthin, Milk Thistle and Melatonin to boost
Glutathione levels and detoxify Graphene Oxide
Survival Tips by Oliver Botz
Survival Tip #1: Research CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution 3000ppm Water
Purification Drops by AndreasKalcker .com to learn to detox the body
from Viruses, Toxins, Poisons, Parasites, Nanotechnology and Heavy
Survival Tip #2
Colloidal Silver used to be my number one natural remedy until I learned
that about CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution 3000ppm , it is even helping
Autistic Children Recover.
Survival Tip #3
Love is the highest vibration, love yourself and everything imaginable
as if you were one with the creator.
Survival Tip #4
Your subconscious mind knows what will happen seconds before your
conscious mind, learn to follow your instincts.
Survival Tip #5
Before you were born you agreed to come to planet earth, be born to your
parents and experience the things you did do, look at everything from
your higher selfs point of view, learn to become the neutral observer.
Survival Tip #6
You are an infinite being and your time here on Earth is like a grain of
sand on the biggest beach in the world.
Survival Tip #7
Pray for the has power over all things spiritual
Survival Tip #8
Make it a great day everyday, there is no good or bad day, there is a
good day and a learning experience, and every learning experience makes
you stronger and wiser, be grateful for each and every experience.
Survival Tip #9
Orgonite and Shungite have properties in them that deflect and transmute
harmful EMF's and Radiation.
Survival Tip #10
There is always a solution and when your body is properly detoxed and
you are connected to Source Love, all the solutions you seek come to you
Survival Tip #11
Zeolite is said to be a safe and effective way for you to Detox from
Heavy Metals and Toxic Materials.
Survival Tip #12
Nano Soma and Nano Ojas Policosanol Formulas are said to help protect
against Viruses, Detox the body of Heavy Metals and Toxic Materials,
regulate Vitamin C and D receptors and much much more.
Survival Tip #13
Don't forget to Research CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution 3000ppm by
Andreas Kalcker on Rumble .com , Studies show 99.6% effective against
Coronavirus in days and a group of 5000 doctors COMUSAV is using CDS in
an Anti-inoculation Protocol to detoxify from the v÷ס^=.
Survival Tip #14
Some Doctors are saying that Ivermectin, a drug that has been used for
decades with little side effects, could have ended the pandemic and
saved Hundreds of Thousands of Lives, some research shows it could
possibly detox Hydrogel Nanotechnology found in some v.xx1nes and P,C,R
Survival Tip #15
Strong Neodymium Magnets will deactivate nanotechnology or illegally
implanted microchips found in the body.
Survival Tip #16
If you bury an Orgonite Tower Buster at the base of a large tree in
sight of a Cell Phone Tower it will neutralize any Chemtrails being
sprayed overhead and purify the skies above giving you "Blue Skys For
Survival Tip #17
Pray Love into your water and food before you eat and drink, it has been
scientifically proven by Dr. Emoto this changes the vibration and
frequency of the food and water, I Pray Love Into Everything.
Survival Tip #18
It has been proven that Sound & Frequency can help heal the body and
improve your mood and energy, Start by researching 432hz and the RIFE
Survival Tip #19
ORMUS Monoatomic Gold is what the Egyptian Pharaohs and Priests used to
consume to obtain Perfect Health, expand their consciousness and repair
their DNA.
Survival Tip #20
What you think about the most will manifest in your life, Think positive
for 21 days straight to reprogram your subconscious mind, Say Yes often
and imagine yourself already where you want to be, happy for the final
outcome and grateful for the steps or took you to get there, Learn to
enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
Survival Tip #21
Learn about the the Quantum Field and how we are all connected and have
access to all knowledge that exists.
Survival Tip #22
Teach yourself how to Muscle Test asking your Higher Self Yes or no
questions on autopilot.
Survival Tip #23
NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine and Zinc is said to produce Glutathione naturally
helping the body detox from Graphene Oxide and other Toxins.
Survival Tip #24
Glutathione, NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine, Zinc, Astaxanthin, Melatonin and
Milk Thistle are said to boost your antioxidant levels.
Survival Tip #25
From my research the best water filters to buy that remove most
particles, fluoride and other toxins is Reverse Osmosis or Distillation.
Survival Tip #26
Every moment is a miracle when you follow your instincts and train your
mind to give you a great memory every time you follow your instincts
correctly, it creates the frequency of Heaven on Earth.
Survival Tip #27
Have fun, learn to enjoy every experience as a loving experience or a
learning experience.
God be
with you always,
Oliver Botz