Helped people shift out of stuck patterns and routines
Increased ability to adapt to huge and sudden change
Prepared everyone for bigger changes ahead
Let go of old ideas and adapted to new ways to do things
Helped people realize were in a rat race and on work treadmill
Gave time to review quality of life
Sense of unity with all sharing the same situation
Helped to break down social barriers by experiencing same circumstances
Opportunity for compassion for others
Dissolved many barriers between countries as all in this together
Strengthened many family ties
Realized benefits of working from home
Learning to not judge people
Choice to change job or profession
Time for gardening, art, walking, hobbies and other pursuits
Brought up lots of discussions, viewpoints, ideas and solutions
More free time for family, children, play, trips away and sharing
Gave time to think for ourselves and discover we could
More thought and care given to the elderly, including own parents
Gave time to think about life and direction
People got caravans and motor homes and took the opportunity to travel
Chance to start own business or new career
Tested our resolve to make a choice of keeping job or not
Offered a chance to auto comply or to research mandated vaccinations
Chance to recognise fears about losing job, position and finances
Presented hundreds of thought patterns to be reviewed
Chance to release anger, frustration, impatience, despair, annoyance and
Opportunity to stand own ground with choices of compliance
Created work flexibility and choices for the future
Home schooling helped parents see the content of education dept.
Showed a new way of educating children in easier, more relaxed
Showed individual levels of blind obedience and compliance with
Created fun ways to teach kids at home
Gave ideas of hiring one teacher for group of children to be home
Helped many children leave the system and be home schooled in future
Learned ingenuity and adaptation of new circumstances
Enhanced lives with a new pet for children or for companionship
Realizing we have the courage to rise above political and physical
Many medical people and others became natural health practitioners
Tackled and completed DIY projects at home
Time to clean house and repair things
fulfilled working as a team against a common challenge
New look at house condition and furnishings
and replace with new
Formed lasting relationships
Revealed who our true friends were
Developed our spiritual characteristics
Discovering our rights and that rules and mandates are not law
Learned we cannot be forced to self harm by wearing masks that reduce
A chance to research Sars2 virus showing 99% recovery and lasts only 2
Chance to learn about experimental vaccinations and voiding insurance
Great chance to acquire knowledge to pass on to others
Resolve to cease allowing others to control our life
Realizing we cannot be forced to ingest anything harmful
Helped everyone let go of fixed positions in the third dimension (3D)
Sandy Stevenson
28.12 2023 |