It certainly hasn’t been easy to walk blindfold through the complete
demolition of a corrupt society on Earth. But perhaps we are beginning
to understand the reason we did not know the details about the
corruption to be revealed to awaken humanity and clear negative energy
from Earth.
Perhaps now we are a little more relaxed about how the process is
unfolding and see its divine timing. During our limited understanding
period there was lots of guesswork and we got a lot wrong including our
certainty it would be revealed any minute, especially the rigged
election! We wanted it to happen now!! And we were so sure that Trump
would win in 2020, many placed bets on that, ready to make some certain
money! But we discovered although he did win, there was a goal to clear
a planet and that couldn’t happen unless he ‘lost’ and everything could
be pulled to the surface for people to see who was responsible! We
suffered from our self created frustration about timing and seeming
setbacks, and our bags of popcorn were stuffed back into the cupboard as
we ploughed through a gamut of disappointment. But I think, deep inside
we really knew it was all fine and in divine order.
There are many reasons why we didn’t know the details of the plan. In
case you haven’t figured them all out yet, here are the main ones.
1. We are all part of a mighty chess game of moves and counter moves
between light and dark, all relying on surprise and unknowns.
2. Those souls who woke up early were always going to wake up first.
They are the millions of light souls who incarnated on Earth to clear a
planet of its dense energy and raise its vibration into that of the 5th
dimension. They knew the goal before they incarnated but not the
details. Most felt they were here to help, but not always sure how.
Lightworkers awakening early was part of the plan. They had to go first
as they needed to hear the information of the extent of the corruption
and process their reactions. That created a path to help humanity; a
blueprint that humanity could easily follow. A multi dimensional force
of light, all with the same goal, had incarnated over many lifetimes to
create a step by step pathway that could lead a planet overtaken by
corruption, back into the light. No blueprint existed for this level of
dense energy, so it had to be created to let all life, from the tiniest
creature, shed the negative energy and walk free. The inhabitants of a
planet choose the destiny of its planet by the majority chosen reality.
So, all humanity speaks for its own future.
The souls who came to help Earth were of a certain level able to
withstand the 3D contamination. Lightworkers set it up to awaken easily
at the pre-arranged time! That may help lessen judgements of people
being sheep for not waking up. Quite simply, they have a mammoth task to
fight through the programming, and you didn’t.
4. As each soul woke up, they had to process the emotions it raised
including shock, anger, fear and disbelief. A lot of thinking and
judgments were made about what was seen and heard. Piece by piece, each
individual worked their way through every new reveal as it appeared,
processing in their own time, researching, filling in gaps, analysing
and talking with friends and finally coming to an understanding and
acceptance that what was happening was meant to be and so they
surrendered to the divine process and its timing. Their conclusions were
minus the original confusion, fear, mass emotion and drama. The final
results were then passed into the etheric energy realms of the
collective consciousness of humanity. That was a huge part of the plan.
It allowed individuals worldwide to get this information, but to store
in their subconscious to await a moment when something they saw or heard
caused an awakening. We have just reached the mathematical tipping point
where enough revealed information has been passed to humanity. Some
lightworkers still need further research to fit the pieces together so
they really understand the full higher picture. We need to trust the
plan and ourselves. Fully awake is ideal, recognising the importance of
their role here and seeing everything occurring fits perfectly into the
overall goal.
The action of passing our analysed understanding to humanity means that
more corruption can be revealed quicker. Humanity can now wake up
without personal trauma of shock, fear and negative energy, which could
have set them back in their own light vibration. This and the gentle
gradient of receiving truth will prevent great anger from humanity when
discovering the truth.
5. Should the bulk of humanity discover the extent of corruption around
the same time (such as from an EBS - emergency broadcast) their shock
and anger would have created huge amounts of negative energy on Earth.
Number 4 above has avoided the possibility of that happening.
Overall, because lightworkers were not aware of the details, they
experienced the exposed corruption information the way they needed to,
with natural responses of confusion, shock and emotions. However,
lightworker’s emotions were tempered somewhat because of their
unconscious pre-knowledge of this planned event, so they did not
experience extreme emotions, such as horror and hate. That helped them
adjust more easily and kept levels of light stable. Our joy, happiness
and excitement of what was about to unfold to rid the planet of darkness
and bring forth a great new world, added a huge burst of light right
across Earth. Especially early on during the popcorn excitement days
when we anticipated it would all be over in days!! Those weeks of real
excitement were also pre-planned to raise our light to help get
ourselves through what was to follow. The entire unfolding has helped
Lightworkers regain their own mastery and trust their intuition. They
are more relaxed now they can see the truth is being revealed to
humanity, it was just happening on a very gentle gradient. That reduces
personal shock and trauma and prevents large amounts of negative energy
flooding all at once onto Earth. Humanity has had to absorb it in small
doses to adjust.
Through it all, the awakened Lightworkers have steadily maintained light
for themselves and Earth. They have also provided a safe environment
where others can come seeking answers and alternative views about what
is happening that appears bad, stupid, weird and real, with negative
media and TV coverage, cities overrun, vaccination deaths, climate
chaos, floods of illegal immigrants, threat of war, devastating election
results, digital control and sweeping powers of the WHO. What is
unfolding is the most perfect plan we could ever imagine. As the swamp
is cleared, and more and more people awaken, we can have more people
speak out, such as Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk and Robert Kennedy, as well
as some TV stations and news outlets.
Glimmering light pervades consciousness and a spark awakens
An ultimate goal is achieved in a billion moves of perfection
Transmuting intense corruption and negative energy.
A mighty task, was this goal for Earth
but nothing is greater than the Force of Light.
No warrior greater than those with light swords raised high
come to defend, side by side with Excalibur
In its divine timing, as always meant to be.
We are reminded by the words of The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of God,
Let Light and love stream forth into the minds of all.
Let Light descend on Earth.
With love,
Sandy Stevenson
3rd September 2024