As we know, we have been processing all the information revealed to us. We have examined and researched a great deal about the corruption that has unfolded daily. Greater understanding occurred among those awakened, once we saw a higher plan that would lead humanity to discover its true nature. We gained a more balanced and less judgemental view and reached our own conclusions. It was a different package without the initial drama, confusion and many questions. The conclusions we made were passed from each individual into the etheric energy field of human consciousness. This is quite a commonplace event, but we are not so aware of it consciously once incarnated.

The milestone that seems to have been reached is that the Light Force (white hats) has now reached the required amount of balanced information concerning Earth event that was needed to be passed into the human collective consciousness. This was needed to lessen the impact of large amounts of humanity’s negative reactions entering into Earths energy field after the corruption is publicly revealed. This could mean a faster reveal will now take place.

The media has been slowly drip feeding corruption information to the public over the last couple of years. One example would be stories of a few child traffickers being caught by police, then it was a dozen, then a ring of 200 including some politicians, then an international ring. Then the media talking about large numbers of unaccompanied children who had entered illegally across the USA border (an act encouraged by Biden). People were told by the White house that the children had been placed with families, but when asked by journalists were told no records available of their whereabouts. This type of slow leak information has helped dampen the impact of future reveals.

It has all been done on a gradient to minimize shock to people and lessen negative energy into Earth. We don’t know how much information is going to be revealed, at what pace or in what detail. But that reveal is speeding up now and mainstream media are beginning to offer more truth. The attempted assassination of Trump appears to have been a trigger point to kick-started mainstream news into a positive view of Trump. I believe we control the MMS and have been continuing to show it in a dark way to help the awakening. With Trump now high in the polls and with us getting closer to bigger changes, maybe the media received the OK to back Trump and start to divulge more truth. Straight after the attempted assassination, worldwide news seemed to be from another planet. They were suddenly 100% pro Trump. CNN, all channels, talk back shows, etc. A quite an amazing sudden change. My local radio did 3 interviews including one from our ex PM, all majorly praising Trump! Even Zuckerberg did! We know that seeing Trump’s strength of handling that situation increased his popularity. He showed himself to be a real leader.

I had previously thought it would be better if Biden stayed as a presidential candidate. I had thought a new candidate would attract extra votes from people thinking it may bring better changes. However, looking at the idea now of Kamala Harris, she would be seen as a fairer fight. I have a feeling it would be a lot better for Trump to be elected by popular vote, rather than get in by default. To win against someone with dementia is not a good look. A President by default would not bring the same joy, happiness and excitement (which all adds light to Earth) to many millions that would be achieved by a landslide win.

Kamala did a lot of damage by not investigating and handling the border situation! I’m sure Trump won’t fail to mention that! In fact, I expect we have evidence of criminal activity and poor performance of whoever ends up as the replacement.

I also had felt the rigged 2020 election may be exposed just before the 2024 election. That would mean no election would take place. But the same criteria applies. Exposing that now would also not show a clear winner who won by current popular vote, fair and square. So many things can be seen a different way when situations change and we have to rethink our strategy. The 2020 election result will be exposed, but may be after Trump gets in. That will make a stronger presidency and more respect because he was fairly elected. PS. The many people who officially placed bets on Trump winning the presidency in 2020 would still get paid out whenever the true outcome is released.  

It certainly is the Greatest Show on Earth.


Sandy Stevenson

23rd July 2024