If we are here alive on Earth, with
abilities we can use to help benefit the whole, it is an act of grace
that emanated from somewhere, a source of life. We don’t have a hand in
our own self creation. An amazing element of brilliance happened without
our input - and presto, here we are. That idea can produce immense
gratitude and humility and even a sense of awe at the magnitude of
Most souls experience an inflated sense of
self importance along their path, going through a period where they
think they are very clever and take credit for doing it all single
handedly.Unaware ir has taken not only an act of creation but the
assistane of millions of contributions from others in so many different
ways that gort us to this point.
Ego is concerned about what others think of
them, so during this stage the person tends to make sure people know of
their achievements. Eventually with growth and expanding consciousness,
a soul moves past the ego view of itself and its consistent focus on me,
me, me and own wants and needs. A new awareness eventually births and
brings a heart full of gratitude for the magical gift of life and breath
and we feel blessed for abilities we have been endowed with that helps
us serve others and contribute to benefit all souls. We step away from
self centred thinking and primary thoughts of our own welfare. While
ensuring our needs are taken care, those things shifts to a background
position rather than being the forefront. Our attention goes outwards to
the needs of those around us.
And eventually somewhere along our path of
evolution, our attention spans out to the needs of humanity.
we have arrived at who we are.
Sandy Stevenson