Awakening is an exciting continuing process of growth of a soul's increasing awareness in an ever advancing journey of discovery as new concepts offer higher horizons. 

Many people feel they are awake when they realize life extends beyond the normal view seen by humanity. They might become aware of the existence of UFO’s, or realise other dimensions exist beyond the visible solid 3D world, or awaken to the existence of corruption, deception and lies in various aspects of human society that emanate from a dark agenda of global dominance.

The awakening of souls in 3D incarnation happens when the soul is ready to take its first steps on the rungs of a ladder of increasing consciousness. It is a personal and individualised journey for each soul. Much is pre-planned before incarnating because we arrange some specific events to help us gain wisdom, compassion, understanding and love. The full spectrum of 3D learning for humanity is in a precise mathematical etheric blueprint that assists each soul reach broader understanding that the billions of events and interactions we become aware of are integral and necessary for our learning.

There are many rungs to the ladder, but awakening has no time frame, Souls move at their own pace and timing. We may think fast is better, but that is not the way the universe works. It is neutral. The benefit of increasing our consciousness would be that we live an easier life from increased understanding.

It is difficult to decide where we are on the awakening ladder, but it can help to know what fully awakened really means. If we feel we are not there yet, we can work on further awakening until we see the entire picture. We need to increase our vibration of light and that occurs when we work on taking responsibility, ensuring our thoughts and actions are positive, accept only what resonates as truth for us, act with integrity, become aware of being in service, aware of the needs of others and remember not everything is about us.

So, what defines being completely awake while incarnated in a 3D realm?

Awakening consciousness is a universal process that transcends life on Earth. In its ultimate state it is a full conscious and knowing awareness of the entire universe. But while we are in 3D, even if fully awake, we need to hold on to minimal limitations to maintain those elements that allow us to function and interact in 3D. We want to stay grounded and somewhat real to others, so we can continue to function and communicate. When we leave Earth, we can release those limitations.

Being fully awake is a place where we know life exists on multi dimensional levels and are aware of ourselves as multi dimensional beings on a universal journey of enlightenment. Reaching higher levels of truth voids our previous concepts of life and alters our entire being. Our sense of self expands beyond the ego and concepts of duality. Our values and understanding of life’s process completely alters. We become very detached from the stories, events, dramas and emotions enacted out in the everyday world and see them as variables of the same thing, delivered in different ways all offering learning and growth.

We know everyone is on a journey of learning and that we all help each other to grow. We no longer take sides, make judgments or are negative. We have reached a place of neutrality and detachment because we understand the game. We are content and at peace with ourselves, with a love and acceptance for self that is awareness and not from an ego perspective. We can energetically embrace life, sense the rightness of our moves, enjoy interactions and have fun but are no longer caught up in a need for it. We know and trust the higher picture and see the perfection of events in our life and don’t wallow in drama and negative responses. Our initial response to events is to see why we experienced it and what can be learned from it. A quite a different approach than the normal human response of seeking external reasons and blaming and judging others.

Ultimately when you are really awake, you sense great clarity and connection with everything on a deep level, but are no longer attached to anything or anyone. You are free to move on when it is time. You understand yourself as a creator and not a victim. You are immersed in the present moment, stepping free of a time continuum, understanding what has occurred in the past to bring you here but not interested anymore in the details of that history. You know what is needed in the moment rather than storing data for the sake of it. You are grateful for life and appreciate and respect the various nature kingdoms need for life.

We encompass a new compassion for all souls on this journey, inherently realizing the difficulties souls undergo through their life and they are all doing the best they can with the knowledge, experience and understanding they have acquired to that point. This is spiritual compassion, quite different from the emotion laden compassion experienced in 3D.

The world becomes one of beauty with a mathematical precision of synchronicity on many levels that evokes within us great awe, gratitude, wonder and admiration of this magnificent divine blueprint that so beautifully enables our ongoing voyage through the universe.

With love,

Sandy Stevenson

20th January 2025