There is great value in paying attention when we are being critical of
something or someone, including ourselves. When we are judgmental or
negative with our thoughts, words, speech or actions, we reduce our
awareness and our light and stay firmly in the 3D matrix. If we want to
leave the dense 3D world, we need to be positive.
Energy follows focus.
So, what we focus on gives it energy. We may prefer to add our energy to
what we want as part of our world and not on what we don’t want. That
includes being in the present rather than adding energy to the past and
its dark agenda. The media continually tries to convince us everything
is bad and out of control. We can choose not to listen. As we gain more
understanding of the overall picture of the light goals for Earth, fewer
people will be interested in the details of how we arrived at the
current position.
The way to free ourselves from the reality of a 3D
matrix is to detach from it. That means letting go of things
we think we need for survival. To
attain higher levels of light, we need to be able to walk away from
everything. It is fine to have relationships and material things as long
as we are not attached to them. Most people don’t realize how much they
are attached to things. Some examples I’ve mentioned before include
habits; ideas; beliefs; patterns; friends; family; routines; music;
destinations; TV; friends; teachers; gurus; family; thoughts about the
world; books; goals; locations; places; people; pets, food; social
structures; rules and laws; false education; gardens; travel; household
appliances; emotional reactions; lies; drugs; medicine; complacency;
emotions; drama; who and what we feel comfortable with or don’t; things
or people we think we need; history; old loves; furnishings; objects;
house; land; colour schemes; furnishings; nationality; religion;
ornaments and material things.
Associate with people of a similar vibration and
reality. When it is right to speak our truth, we need to be
intuitive about when, what, to whom and how much or how little to say.
Let go of temptation to convince others of your beliefs.
There is a higher picture to everything. To create a world free of corruption and bring in a new environment of
harmony, balance, integrity and love, we need to clear out everything
negative on Earth. This is happening in the world right now.
Earth is being shown the hidden agenda of a negative society. Most of what is being revealed was unknown. As
unpleasant truths are revealed, people reject them. As they withdraw
their energy focus, that area loses its power and influence. That raises
the vibration of humanity and society.
As we have seen, not everyone on Earth is waking up. Evolutionary choices are made by each soul, prior and during the
incarnation. This is done in conference with their spiritual guides and
angelic teams. Some souls feel it will benefit them more to continue
learning in 3D. Such decisions made by our friends and family may be
hard to accept. It’s not always clear why people choose what they do in
life, but we are all guided for our higher good. Understanding this can
help prevent us pushing our views on people (unless it intuitively feels
right) or thinking they are stupid. Everyone has the right to choose
their own destiny.
We don’t need to know the finer details of the many
now being revealed on Earth. Often a grasp of the
overall plan is sufficient. Our mind and ego encourage curiosity which
can be a 3D trap. Following our intuition and inner knowing will lead us
successfully through all that is occurring on Earth.
We are learning to trust ourselves. We have an ability to know what is true. We need to trust that.
Eventually, we will become tired of the lies and start to seek truth
within. We will stop blindly believing what we are told or shown. There
is a world of trickery and fakeness world wide on a scale we have not
encountered before. Huge events can now be created using AI technology
(artificial intelligence) that look very real.
We create our lives in every situation we encounter - anywhere, in every area, minute by minute and day by day!
We are here to act intuitively, to spread light, love, humour,
joy and a positive view of everything. Worrying
about the planet, our families, our money, our weight, what we are
eating, relationships, our bodies or how we look keeps our attention
focused inwards. Sometimes we forget how incredibly powerful we are and
that miracles follow our thoughts and words. There is nothing we can’t
make go right. There is nothing too good to be true. And everything IS
going according to the divine plan. We are creating a new world. We are
letting go of an entire 3D world and replacing it with a new way of
life. A light vibrational world is being born in the hearts of humanity.
In our magical world of creation, anything is possible.
Unconditional love for all,
Sandy Stevenson