What are these ‘patterns’ we keep hearing we are meant to let go of and why is it important. Aren’t we doing just fine with our life? We are more or less keeping it all in order and under control with our schedules and familiar routines. Isn’t it smart to keep all the beliefs we’ve accumulated about the various aspects of life. That’s learning, isn’t it? That is getting wiser, surely. That’s what stops us floundering about making fools of ourselves. It’s all necessary to help us fit in, to be liked, be seen as real and to communicate with intelligence in discussions and offer advice to help.
We have taken on many facts from society, family, friends, movies, culture, location, media, teachers, social interaction, TV, schooling, doctors, university, science, relationships, others memories - values - morals and standards, religion, authority’s opinions and experts testimony. We’ve formed ideas from the way we were raised; our experience with all nature’s aspects and animals; our hobbies; travels; political and cultural belief systems; gender identity; the people we spent the most time with; our environment; interaction with others; our country of birth and its traditions.
We adopted thought patterns from habits, passions, routines, dreams, perspectives, views, people we have placed on a pedestal, beliefs, our likes and dislikes, celebrities and personalities and the amount of love and respect we have for ourselves, others and all life. And more patterns are created from our roles of being a parent, grandparent, student, musician, teacher, our work, profession, our home environment, associations made, being a member of a particular community and our hobbies or specific interests. And the attitudes that result from our experience that affect our life, such as - I am unlovable, I’m not good enough, I always fail, I am better than others, people are untrustworthy, others always let me down, my work is more important than other people’s, people leave me, the world is a dangerous place, life is unfair, an inability to be wrong, everyone should support me, fear, polarization, people pleasing, people avoiding, etc. Or the ‘don’t you know who I am’ syndrome. Reminds me of a celebrity at Gatwick UK airport pushing to the front of a queue saying ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ The girl grabbed the microphone and announced ‘I have a gentleman here who doesn’t know who he is. If anyone can help or might know him, please come to the Customer Service desk’. Example of beliefs. An adopted child may grow up to believe they are unworthy of loving relationships. Their abandonment might create a deep sense of unworthiness and they act accordingly. Their belief will be mirrored back to them until they release it.
Someone born into a very religious family may have a deep belief in good and evil which may stay with them for their life categorizing their experiences that way.
In fact, many of the thoughts we have about life are based on what other people think. It is said 95% of our thoughts are the same as we thought the day before. Even our life experiences are often filtered and altered by the opinions of others. We get information overload from documentaries, history books, magazines, newspapers, advertising, people, libraries, etc. on everything from what colours suit our skin, to products to eradicate termites, to how to bake cookies. We’ve got a mind full of facts and figures to produce at will. How could that keep us firmly in 3D? Well, how much of our vast store of information is from our inner truth and not the culmination of life’s inventory from others? So what do we do about it? Well, if we are content to continue an ongoing cycle of 3D incarnations, then do nothing. We carry on in the circle. If we decide we want to evolve out of that circle and find the real us beyond the apparency of a 3D identity stuffed full of other people’s ideas, then we need to move past being a mirror reflecting society’s thought patterns. We need to start examining what we say and do. It’s a process that involves surrendering patterns that mechanically run our life and move into a natural flow of divine order. It is surrendering to our higher self, that part of us that aligns in light with the universe.We gain it by shifting from being led by thoughts and let spirit and heart lead us. It is releasing everything that no longer vibrates or resonates with us as truth. As we let go, we create a space that allows the universal flow of intuition to fill the space with truth and a higher view of learning. We are letting go of the control and influence of the mind and aligning with our intuitive instinct and inner knowing and trusting the synchronicities that direct our path. The letting go doesn’t happen in five minutes. We have billions of adopted patterns, thoughts, beliefs, distortions, behaviour, judgements and limitations to let go of. Luckily, we don’t have to find them all! Huge amounts are linked together by type and form. So, with each releasing we gain multiple benefits. Life runs smoother and the biggest benefit is we are freeing ourselves from the confining and limiting repeated incarnations of 3D soul learning. But we need to be careful we don’t replace one pattern with another that may equally limit our freedom. Breaking from orders, rules, conditions and controls stipulated by others can feel freeing.We tend to believe others who are still complying are trapped (pattern). This could warrant some deep examination as often non compliance creates a dependence for food, goods, transport, accommodation and travel on those who are complying with the rules. So, opting out could be seen as just a technicality as it is still being complied with, albeit indirectly. If everyone chose to opt out, a lot of adaption would be needed. What is a pattern? A pattern is anything other than acting intuitively in the moment. Patterns. ‘I always give to ‘homeless people I see on the streets.’ ‘I never give to homeless people I see on the streets.’ ‘I will never….!!’ ‘I will always…..!!’ ‘I will never go to that place again. I always sleep that way. I never wear socks with sandals. I will never speak to that person again. I always change the bed linen on Mondays. I always have casserole on Fridays. The sun causes wrinkles. I always speak my mind and people can put up with it. I know I’m in the right.’ Wash day is Tuesdays. And so it goes on. There are billions. Being in the flow. Walking past homeless people, with no patterns, no fixed thinking or judgements. Just stopping ‘when and if’ it feels right to put some coins in a box. Or perhaps intuitively feeling to pop into the local café and buy someone food. Or giving a smile or word of encouragement or perhaps suggesting a change that could make a difference of how they are being perceived by people passing. Your response can change moment by moment. One day it feels right and the next it doesn’t. Maybe that person’s lesson or circumstances changed. You don’t know why and you don’t need to know. Just be present in the moment. It works perfectly every time. The same application applies to the many situations we encounter all day every day and includes governments and authorities rules and regulations. Let us look at an example of stepping out of the flow. You often walk in your nearby national park. It feels good and you enjoy the nature there. Then the national park authority decides to apply an entry fee. You think parks should be free for everyone (pattern) so you decide not to comply with their ruling (pattern). You decide you will ‘speak for everyone’ (pattern) and not pay and not go there (pattern). You assume everyone feels as you do (pattern) because you heard a few people complain. You also think people are unable to speak up for themselves (pattern). Your mind is now overruling divine order. What if you are meant to go to that park? What if your work is there? You might not know that consciously, but perhaps when you go there all sorts of coding occurs. Or what if you were specifically located by the universe to be right near that particular park for your highest good because it contains the right energy that supports your work. It is common for us to form new patterns that limit our free movement. We do it every day. We go into a shop and the assistant is rude and we decide we will never go back to that shop again. We eat in a café and add a fixed idea that we will never eat there again. A store tries to insist we wear a mask during covid and we never went back. A friend broke something we loaned them and we never lend them anything again. Makes sense, you say. But not necessarily. It may happen that a week later you need something from that shop but now you avoid it and drive to the next suburb to a similar shop. Without that pattern being created, it may have felt right to go into that shop this time. Perhaps a different person serves you who is very polite with a happy smile. If you asked, you may discover the other person was fired or was temporary staff. And why did you experience what you encountered the first time? It’s likely you needed to see your reaction so you could let it go. What really makes sense is to live in the moment without creating more patterns. To respond intuitively in each moment. We may decide not to be controlled by government invasions on our privacy, so we decide we will never comply. Perhaps we don’t register for things they require, maybe we opt out of the network and go off grid, don’t get licences, refuse to use store checkouts that avoid cash and are cards only, don’t use libraries that require digital ID, don’t do car registration, and other similar stands we make. The point to note is whether it is set as a pattern of ‘I will never’! Is that allowing us to assess highest order in the moment? Or is it declaring an ongoing fixed state. What if during the covid period you decided you would not comply to wear a mask or do a PCR test? What if you heard a friend or family member had been admitted to hospital and you know if you go you will be required to wear a mask and possibly do a covid test. Do you not go? Do you respond intuitively in the moment because it feels right to comfort your friend or family member? Or is the pattern of mind so fixed that you stick to your decision regardless. What if it was in divine order for you to help that person that day and your failure to do so had a huge detrimental impact on them. It might be that no-one went to see them. Maybe others were afraid to step outside their door or take a risk of getting infected in hospital. Maybe the person was left alone with no-one to speak up for them or the right treatment they needed. Maybe you were the one with the courage to speak up and would know what was needed. You don’t know the why but you do know you felt to be there! That is being in the flow. That is responding to the flow. Perhaps rather than making a fixed idea, a better way would be to leave it open to do what feels right in each instance. I am only using that as an example, but the same principle applies to every single pattern we have created. It is like a concrete wall around us. We can have preferences. That is fine. But at the same time, we need to be fluid and permeable enough to see what feels right in this minute and then the next minute. We put a lot of thinking and fixed ideas into play that can severely limit our free flowing energy response to all aspects of life and can undermine the role we have on Earth. But there is also another factor involved. When something is in Divine order, the universe provides ways to achieve it. All we need to do is be present and not start an avalanche of thoughts! I will tell you what I did in a similar situation. I had chosen not to wear a mask or have a PCR test because I had researched what happens from the use of each. It was a preference and not fixed in concrete, allowing freedom to respond in the moment. I decided to check online into different types of PCR tests and discovered chemists selling an Oral test (they still do) that you spit into and so did not require any penetration of nose or mouth. I bought one. I was prepared if needed. I went to the hospital and walked straight past the table handing out masks and the do it yourself testing table with all the kit, with confidence and without fear that I would be stopped (makes a difference!!) and said ‘I’m exempt’ and kept walking fast. That was it. That easy. If we want to create an easier flowing life, we need to review our life. Stop creating the prison. We are shown with every word that comes out of our mouth and with every situation we encounter. We can dissolve our old beliefs and ways we have handled things in the past based on patterns we hold. We can build a new life in the beautiful flow of the universe that forever will help us achieve unconditional love. Love,
Sandy Stevenson 21.3.25 |