For the Lightworkers on Earth


Most awake people are aware the current Elon Musk is a white hat replacement for the original who was part of a satanic family line. Similar to many others replaced by lightworkers, he wears a mask to look like the old Elon. The original Elon was known to be autistic and showed eccentric behaviour, which is carried on by the current Elon in his behaviour and communication.

Some of us have noticed that Elon wore a satanic looking costume a while ago and has a photo of himself in it on his Twitter. We also observed the recent black clothing and the gold belt buckle with dark symbol that Elon wore at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania, with him touching his black cap and  saying ‘as you can see I am dark MEGA’. He also pushes his Tesla electric cars which many feel are not good, especially the batteries!  Of course, we know Tesla energy is amazing, so there is more to that story that will no doubt unfold in time. In addition, the original Elon was intent on implanting chips in the brain and the current Elon appears to be continuing that idea, although says his intent is to help people walk again and cure serious disease.

We see Elon doing a tremendous amount of light work, especially with the fast assistance given to flooded areas without communication. His flying in of many Starlink devices recently in Nth Carolina brought instant communication and saved many lives. He also did this a couple of years ago in a small town near Byron Bay in Australia called Mullumbimby. With severe flooding, the town was cut off from all services with its towers down and Elon’s quick action of sending in two Starlink machines helped considerably in locating stranded people. But the other factors mentioned may cause some concern to people.

As we know, the dark force on Earth is being eliminated and all dense energy is being transmuted. We are also in the process of awakening humanity by letting them experience the dark force agenda for themselves. This is to ensure each soul wakes up, releases their own dense energy and gains truth, wisdom and understanding they will need to continue their ongoing journey through the universe and to ensure they never allow this to happen again. In the areas now controlled by the white hats, the original dark plan has been hugely minimized, which provides the learning but without all the consequences. Many dark plans were aborted and many are relayed to the public as ‘going to happen.’ This brings the learning that can increase people power, but is not actually intended to happen.

When we learn of events occurring that appear to be disastrous, we need to not automatically assume they are dark force events. Holding that idea continues to give energy and power to the dark force. We need instead to either remain neutral or understand there are many lessons to learn and the reasons are not always clear for the disasters that take place. And it is not yet time for these things to be known to the public. A huge planetary wipe-out of dark structures and corrupt organisations has been needed, both on and in the ground, to take Earth into light. Sometimes extreme measures are required to eradicate them and unfortunately some casualties occur. To bring about a future that is truly free of all dark areas, all dense energy and the intent that drives it, has to go.

A possible higher reason for Elon’s actions.

This requires some thinking outside the box and a need to contemplate the idea of higher mathematics, the microcosm being used to represent the macrocosm and Universal Law. Regarding the dark energy on Earth that is now being transmuted into light. Earth exists in a 3D duality situation. That means for it to exist it requires a dual polarity - a negative and a positive, just like the north and south Poles and our electrical power current. If we were all completely positive and just pure light, we could not remain in 3D. We have to hold some polarity. So, while we are now in the process of releasing our own negative energy, we still need to hold a bit of negative energy in our field until we are ready to leave 3D altogether. We are capable of doing that without needing to put our attention on it. However, it can be useful to know about it.

While the following concept will be known to many, others will be unfamiliar with it. It is not an easy concept to understand and luckily we don’t need to. But sometimes an individual whose vibration is sufficient to work with Higher dimensions of light, can have as part of their light role here, to act as a Microcosm that can reflect the Macrocosm. That means under Universal Law they can act as a representative for a larger area. Just as the 144,000 can act for their own soul families. Millions of individuals work with higher realms of light, sometimes being unaware of it. But it is part of their work here. It involves using a multi dimensional field of energy and higher mathematics. Acting as the microcosm, is sort of like someone being able to stand in a room in their house and with the help of higher frequencies and mathematics, the room can etherically translate into the entire city they live in. You may have heard of a surrogate healing technique, where a person transmits their energy to another person needing healing, even sometimes thousands of miles away, by using their own body to correct the condition on the other person’s body. This form of healing is actually done quite often. It has a similarity in that it uses energy transference.

So, we know some negative energy needs to remain on Earth for as long have a need to hold a 3D vibrational band to reveal corruption, transmute dense energy and awaken the population. So, it could be that Elon Musk has that role, with his agreement, to align with a higher dimensional light frequency and hold a key element of 3D negative energy within his own sphere. This would act as a stable point that can help offset the massive current planetary dismantling of negative energy going on. This would continue to be needed right up to the moment when only a fraction of negative energy remains on Earth. At the last moment of Earth entering the initial band of the 5D light frequency, with him acting as the microcosm for the macrocosm, he would release the last negative energy element on Earth. There may be others doing the same as Elon, as it is rare to be held by just one soul. It would then all be coordinated to coincide mathematically in a combined final release.

As we know, there are codes and symbology everywhere reflecting truth. I believe Elon is holding a reflection of the dark and is visibly letting this be seen. This in itself carries the energy of truth on a multi dimensional level.

It is just an idea to see if it intuitively resonates with you.


Sandy Stevenson

7th October 2024