The ability to perceive energy is a spiritual awareness. We can sense the vibration of energy and can thus decide what to align with and what to avoid. Sometimes our ego changes that spiritual perception by adding a negative judgement to it by deciding it is bad or wrong. This alters it and drops it from a spiritual gift that allows us to join, walk away or challenge, into the duality of 3D energy.


Many of us are now being awakened to different realities. Deception and corruption are being revealed as part of the evolution taking place for humanity and Earth. We are remembering the truth of who we are as spiritual beings and releasing all that is not in alignment. This includes letting go of millions of 3D patterns of reality and beliefs we have accepted over lifetimes. All of humanity is achieving this goal with every step.


We’ve heard many things lately we found unpleasant and some have judged them. We seem to judge people and situations so often, it seems normal. We can fail to see the part we play in events or accept where we failed to stand up and take responsibility.  We say ‘we didn’t know’. But if we think about it, we did know a lot!


We are in a different time now on Earth and need to change aligning with negative concepts. We need to expand our thinking beyond the old fixed boxes and view life from higher perspectives. Our actions, words and thoughts hold an energy frequency. As spiritual beings we can sense or know when our words and ideas are focused in light and helping the overall planetary vibration, or when our focus is adding dense negative energy. If we are honest with ourselves, we can easily see if our thoughts are aligned to love, understanding and compassion, coming from the truth of the soul. It is time for us to become our higher level of being.


For some people, what I am about to say may be unreal. But there are many millions who have heard this. At this stage, we can’t absolutely know if it is true or not, but enough information has been presented that warrants us to consider it as a strong possibility. The point of bringing it up is it because it is causing an avalanche of negative judgement. As we know, energy permeates the planet and human consciousness. I am speaking of an idea that an invasive alien species arrived on Earth long ago and stayed, usurping a great deal of control. This species is considered more advanced technologically than us, but is devoid of emotion and compassion. It seems they consider humans to be a lesser species and have no concern about causing us harm. Some people may feel outraged by this idea, but perhaps our negative reactions could be tempered if we look at the fact that humans also consider many species inferior to themselves, and that it is OK to kill or eat them.


We know when we discover additional factors in certain situations, it can help us see things from a different perspective and change our views. While it is uncomfortable to consider things from a karmic point of view or from our own possible contribution to events that take place, it may help if we consider our own treatment of ‘inferior species’. This isn’t a rant from an animal protection group. While it may not be pleasant, it is an undeniable truth that we could examine in a responsible way and it may lessen our judgement of others. This is not to make us feel guilty or bad but to help us see a higher perspective and become wiser about decisions we make for our future.


Human consider animals and insects are inferior to themselves. This appears to make it acceptable to kill them. This is done for multiple reasons including meat, hide, bones; as trophies in game sports or the testing of chemicals used in cosmetics and drugs. Most people consider this treatment acceptable and rarely give it moral thought, attention, revision or compassion. Treated as commodities, many animals are treated inhumanely, being crammed together with little space, natural light or stimuli. We allow such practices as battery chickens; cattle having throats slit and dying slowly; sheep transported hundreds of miles to be slaughtered in tightly packed cages; deliberate dehydration of animals transported for slaughter; caged birds; laboratory testing for medicines and cosmetics on monkeys, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc; fish farming; dog and cock fighting; being chained or tied up; debeaking of birds; animals kept in confined spaces; zoos; mental abuse and trauma; abandonment; lack of food, water and shelter; torture and maiming; fur farming; dehorning and puppy farms. We may think we only kill cattle, fish, sheep, pigs, rabbits, chickens, goats, ducks, geese and turkeys but it is far more extensive than that. We kill bears, tigers, elephants, wolves, foxes, deer, water buffalo, mules, minks, fish, lobsters, prawns and whales. We kill feral animals which include cats, wild dogs, goats, foxes, hares, rabbits, pigs, buffalo, wallabies, kangaroos, donkeys, horses and camels; native and non-native game birds such as quail, guinea fowl, partridge, peafowl, pheasant, spotted dove, turkeys and magpie geese; some  native waterfowl black duck, wood duck, chestnut teal, corellas, galahs and ravens. It varies slightly from country to country but only slightly.


We also have a widespread practice that involves killing any creature that inadvertently gets in our way, such as mosquitoes, ants, spiders, bees, cane toads, wasps, snakes, rodents, bugs, crocodiles, sharks, etc. You could say that whenever we encounter a realm of life we consider inferior to us, it’s perfectly normal and acceptable to trap, cause pain, harm or kill it. Official figures estimate we kill 70 billion plus land animals a year for food. If we add the billions of marine creatures, it possibly totals 150 billion each year.


And humanity is generally thought of as a race of caring people with values about injustice and who have strong emotions and compassion to help guide our right action and integrity.


So, it would be reasonable to ask what is the difference between us considering animals and insects as lower forms of life and therefore OK to kill – to another species considering the same of the human race.




Sandy Stevenson


Adapted and revised 7/7/2024