We don’t know what is real anymore!

AI, masks, gender identity changes, fake news, green screens, movie sets, unreal scare events, actors, farms banned from growing crops, clones that look human, fake skies, two suns visible in places, two presidents, false wars, empty US government buildings, leaders and popular figures people believe are originals, people we think are dead are alive and people we think are alive are dead, 3 year olds offered choice to change gender, dates that don’t eventuate, new movies with unknown actors or AI, incomprehensible games, people who ‘died suddenly’ are everywhere, many signs, symbols, hidden codes and specific numbers significant, court cases that go nowhere, nonsensical behaviour, a White house in Florida with its own no fly zone, outrageous actions in schools, taking years to flatten the virus 2 week curve, food industries being wiped out, massive flooding, animals being culled, hundreds of 10km deep earthquakes, the 2018 US Trump Executive Orders extended yearly, official paperwork showing USA as a private corporation, millions of jab adverse reactions going unreported by MMS, thousands of eminent doctors views on vaccinations unreported, 1,900 CEO’s resigned in 2023 and 784 so far in 2024, countries scrapping US dollar, gold backed currency entering, massive unpayable national debt, US dollar collapsing and idolization of fake celebrities.

So, is the higher picture becoming clearer?

All that is taking place can be understood if we see it as helping humanity let go of an entire dimension of fixed beliefs, agreements, entrenched patterns and attachments to all aspects of third dimensional reality. We are freeing ourselves of a redundant paradigm of life so we can create a new world in a higher frequency of light of the fifth dimension.

What areas of society have we handed over power to care for us? What areas have we not taken responsibility for? What fixed ideas, beliefs and patterns are we so entrenched in, it would take a massive effort to pry us free? How much of 3D are we attached to? How many things would we willingly release if not forced to? How much truth do we need to see and how often, before we accept it? Have we handed over responsibility of​ our families and communities to authorities, hoping others will get it right? How much research have we done in all areas to see things are being done to benefit people? Have we examined what companies own most of the world? Have we demanded explanations from authorities for failure of taxpayer funded projects? Perhaps these questions apply in the following areas.

Higher and lower education, content of school curriculum, checking policies of potential parliamentary and council candidates, what laws are being passed, justice system, federal and state government, local council rules, acts and statutes passed by politicians, banking, immigration, interest rates, food manufacturing, food content, pharmaceutical ingredients, building regulations, religions, teacher quality, childcare standards, nursing home care, election vote requirements, orphanage practice and ownership, conduct of charities, police, all media, work safety, drinking water safety, river safety, animal care, food manufacturing, child welfare, union control, rising cost of living, social media, weather manipulation, content of movies and music, advertising, technology, hospital drugs, internet, misinformation, various forms of power supply, laboratory experiments, social media, govt. approval of thousands of drugs, government restrictions of natural health products, armed forces actions, abortion practice and legislation, locations of DNA tests storage and ownership, Blackrock ownership, various situations in athletics, secret service depts, pornography and the sex industry.

An idea to consider to better understand the message ahead.

We are souls who incarnate into a physical body to learn within the third dimensional field of a matrix of endless possibilities. When we decide to move out of that dimension, we have to let go of everything that kept us in 3D. That doesn’t mean we are all hooked on everything in 3D. There are many aspects of life we can walk away from, which means we are not hooked or attached to those.  But everything that we can’t let go of, we are attached to. That list is more extensive than we think. We may consider we might be attached to things like cars, house, pets or friends and family. But rarely think of being attached to ideas, habits, beliefs, hobbies, places, objects, food, money, clothes, routines, music, sport, teachers, thoughts, goals, social structures, rules, emotions, medicine/drugs, comforts, nationality or religion. Don’t miss the key point which is ‘BEING ATTACHED’. We can have all the possessions we like, as long as we are not attached to them and can mentally and emotionally leave. If we can’t do that then we are held in the 3D matrix and cannot raise our vibration to 5D. It does not serve us well to assume we are not attached to anything. We really need to think about this. It doesn’t mean we have to remove people or possessions. We just need to handle our attachment to them.

And what about food?

The human race has many heavily programmed areas of addictions and needs. People are consumed by food, often for comfort or are addicted. Considering the bulk of chemicals in most of the food chain, from growth to production, society probably has a chemical addiction. Much of our daily activities are planned around food. We have a major attachment to food. We could conceive that the seeming collapsing of the farming industry (generally chemically grown), farmland purchases, recent agricultural incidents, avian flu in poultry, contamination of food lines, increased laws restricting different foods, fake  and 3D printed meat and cow culling, as a move to help people detach from their obsession and addictions connected to food. 

And what about sex?

We also have a zillion attachments, beliefs, compulsions, obsessions, judgements, opinions, likes and dislikes about almost everything. Sex and gender is a more manipulative and absorbing area even than food. We have fixated strongly into the idea of being a man, woman, a wife, mother, father, etc. and the  roles each plays. This ‘identity’ is drummed into us from birth and we can completely identify with that instead of who we really are. It is how some people completely view themselves. It is a 3D concept and in place initially for the procreation of a race in physical incarnation. It has broadened to include major aberration, corruption and manipulation that keep people locked into the matrix. As children, we are NOT told we are a soul who happens to have a particular gender body in this lifetime and that it is just a body and not who we are!

We could see the current conflicts and confusion around the world about gender and whether someone is a man or a woman could actually be helping us let go of fixed ideas. Sometimes the pendulum has to swing way over, to free us from rigid patterns. There is also a lot of talk recently about whether many women currently in influential positions in society are actually men. We are led to believe this is a dark plot with bad intent. But what if seen from a higher perspective, it adds to the confusion about gender which ultimately causes people to give up trying to fathom it out and so they let go and allow it to be whatever it is. That will do it!

And if you are wondering, yes there is food and sex and male and female gender in the 5th dimension. But it is a lighter frequency. It is not a low energy aberration that is often applicable in the third dimension. It is not compulsive, greedy, a habit, obsessive or being used as a control or selling mechanism. Instead, it spans across levels of light that include balance, integrity, harmony, respect and translates into real love from the soul.

Whatever is going on around the world that could be seen as detrimental and dark, when viewed from a higher perspective it can be quite different. Perhaps EVERYTHING happening now is leading humanity to find itself and its own way, truth and light. I am not practiced in the bible, but have seen many references lately from Genesis which is said to state that everything on this current, corrupted earth will be cleansed and recreated as was originally intended. I believe we are creating a new world. The New Earth is said to be mentioned specifically in Isaiah 65 and 66, 2 Peter 3, and Revelation 21. 

Patterns begin to dissolve as we let go.

Yes, humanity has millions of patterns and judgements about practically everything, though few people realize they have. It is an interesting exercise to list our thoughts about a subject. Perhaps ​it's better to avoid religions and other nationalities or you may be writing for a long time. Thoughts of weather or TV shows could tie you up for a while. It’s OK, we don’t have to find them all. Once we choose to separate from the reality being revealed to us, we start letting go of 3D, and patterns begin to dissolve.

We are in an exciting period as this upheaval takes place. How absolutely incredible this is. We see programmes on TV that show houses being flipped (refurbed) into something beautiful. Well, Earth is being flipped and a wonderful new creation is emerging.

Life here is sure not boring!  Roll with it. Be yourself. Earth is re-creating into a higher frequency. A Master Work Of Art.


Sandy Stevenson

28th July 2024