- Light and dark
of us chooses whether we wish to work with light or dark energy. Most
people reading this will have chosen to work with light energy, with its
goal of unconditional love to bring everyone closer to the God Source. Some
people choose to work with dark energy which has a goal to render people
powerless (often through the use of control and fear) – taking them
further away from the God Source. One
of our spiritual abilities allows us discern different energy
frequencies. Thus we can recognise whether a person, place etc is light
or dark energy. If we’re uncomfortable with a person or a process, we
always know or feel this in some way. However, if we don’t trust our
perceptions, we can throw away this gut feeling we have. First
of all, let us ask ourselves if we consciously know we
want to help? Even if we aren’t sure exactly how we’re meant to
help, whether that is helping people, planet, animals or whatever, we do
know we want to help. We are consciously aware of a desire to help. In
other words, we know which energy we have chosen to work with – Light.
It seems that many lightworkers think, that darkworkers have absolutely no idea they are darkworkers. Perhaps the reasoning for this commonly held thought belief is because lightworkers find it very hard to conceive that there are people who consciously and knowingly wish to cause harm and who work at controlling individuals and populations through the use of fear, laws and drugs. Let
us make this really clear. We do have situations where lightworkers get
themselves involved in negative energies (through a failure to discern).
Consequently they can act in a detrimental and negative way. However, they’re
still a lightworker – albeit not a very effective one at that
time. They may need help to clear the negative energies they have
allowed into their own space. They need to get back to operating as a
lightworker. Meanwhile, they can often cause a lot of damage in such a
state. Then
there are darkworkers. These are not lightworkers having a little
trouble. These are beings who have deliberately chosen to work with dark
energy. Your
job is to tell one from the other, as the handling of each is different.
lightworker may need help to clear their field and to learn to be much
more discerning so they don’t get into that negative place again.
Provided it feels intuitively right to you, it is permissible to flood
that lightworker with light. The
darkworker is different. The darkworker has chosen to work with dark
energy. All beings have a right to choose the energy they wish to work
with. That choice is a not a good or a bad thing. To believe that would
be a judgment. It is totally OK that all beings are free to choose their
own methods and their own evolution. If you start to deny anyone their
right to choose, be aware that you are denying your own right to the
same free will and choice. Now, differently to the help you can give a
lightworker who has temporarily misaligned themselves to dark energy,
you have no right to interfere with the darkworker’s choice. You have
no right to flood them with light. If you do so, they have every right
to flood you with dark energy. You will find this can be as extremely
uncomfortable to you, as light energy is to them. You have two different ways to deal with these situations. If it’s genuinely a lightworker behaving in a negative way, they need to be removed from active involvement in your individual or group light projects until the person is sorted out. It serves no purpose to keep making excuses for them and saying they are having a bad day – and to continue to keep them in the group. They may bring disruption and detrimental energies to any light projects they are involved in until they are free of this connection. That doesn’t mean desert them. It means be sensible. They will have codes that are causing harm and they can sabotage your work because they are being influenced by a negative energy. Don’t place trust in them and especially don’t allow them to be involved or in control of group communications. You
need to know how darkworkers operate and be able to recognise them.
Everyone has the ability to do this. It’s inherent.
More commonly than you may think, darkworkers will be actively
involved in light groups/events, giving workshops and writing articles.
What else would you expect them to do? Sit quietly on the sidelines!
Would you? If you were on the dark side, you would be doing all you
could to disrupt any light activity. You would be getting yourself well
known, perhaps writing lots of books maybe even becoming a guru, doing
anything you could to cause the most damage. It is important for us to
go beyond the innocent notion that no-one could knowingly want to cause
harm. Some can and do! It
can help you to learn some of the ways that dark forces get access to
lightworkers. We all know the dark forces often use lightworkers to
channel their false messages and information. If a lightworker has ego
present (and fails to discern negative energy), this can be easy for
them to achieve. What we need to do is to look beyond the person
channeling, to see the energy source using the channel. We also need to
discern if all the material is true and resonates with us. I
recently went to an event where a darkworker (who was of course
pretending to be a lightworker) placed themselves in a key position at
the door at an event, handing out hand painted pictures. They were
nicely painted and were of a subject relevant to the event. The handing
out of these pictures as people entered was accompanied with a sob story
(quite common) of how the person had been up all night for several
nights painting them so everyone could have one. These pictures were
loaded with negative energy and entities. I stood back and watched to
see who would take them. There were close to a hundred lightworkers
coming in through the door. The darkworker had it all going their way.
It was a well painted picture of something the people would love. In
addition, there was a feeling of being obliged to take one as this poor
person had lovingly stayed up all night to do them!! Great trick, that
one. Situations
like this cannot work when you are sitting comfortably in your own
power, wisdom and intuition and have a sufficient level of detachment.
Then you can instantly assess what energy is being presented to you in
each moment. Then, instead of automatically taking something that is
being thrust at you (how often does that happen!), you will have the
presence to say, no thank you. Around
70% of the lightworkers took the pictures without hesitation. Another
bunch took it but with some hesitation. A few people refused it. Having
observed this occurring, I could see these people were going to hold
onto these pictures and take them home. I sat and thought about whether
there was anything I could do to change what had occurred. As you can
imagine, it was not feasible for me to go around to everyone and say,
hey that picture is not what you think it is, put it in the bin!
Realising there was nothing on a practical level that I could do, I
decided to decree for the Higher realms to act for me. This was taken up
by them and was followed through and the negative energies were removed
from all the pictures. Although no lesson in discernment was obtained by
most of the Lightworkers, at least they now had light energy pictures.
The reason this energy could be corrected easily was because the
darkworker had used deception in pretending to be a lightworker. This
deception allowed the higher realms to step in and act more easily, once
they had a decree (mine) that gave them the right to do so. Let me
explain that. Although
the lightworkers accepted the goods, it’s not the same as accepting a
process that had been correctly explained to them. I will give you an
example. I once saw a lightworker audience reduce the light frequency of
their chakras by agreeing to align each of their chakras to the music
tones being played in the room. The vibrational tones being sounded were
of a frequency that our chakras used to be – once upon a time - before
being awakened! So, prior to doing this process, their chakras were a
higher frequency. The people doing that process set their own ascension
process back several years. That workshop was being run by a 100% dark
forces person, so not even a lightworker was being used as the channel.
You could say discernment was non-existent. So, through their own free
will and choice, the participants agreed to do something that was being
clearly displayed to them. They weren’t being told it was something
else. In such cases, they cannot be helped with a decree.
That rule applies in all instances when anyone agrees to a
process or to connect themselves to an energy that has been correctly
explained. Of course, mostly these things are worded in such a way as to imply a connection to the light, but to not actually lie. I have seen various processes promising wondrous things such as; create a light body; get special healing, get a new 12 strand DNA; etc. Often they use names that sound very close to the Ascended masters names we know, e.g. Sanadra, St Germon, El Morea, etc. So, they are not lying. Failure by the individual to discern if these processes are really connected to the light can mean that the higher realms are unable to help you with the outcome. They can’t override your free will and the decisions you choose. Never
forget the incredible power of your ‘Right to Decree.’ Use it
often. It is of great importance that this right be understood and used
extensively to allow the maximum assistance of Light to the planet. It
is a request to Divine Consciousness (All That Is) and can be used by
everyone helping the Earth. Perhaps
you can remind other lightworkers of this. It is vital that you
understand and indeed remember that the Ascended realms, not being
inhabitants, generally cannot act or interfere with a planet’s progress. There are
several exceptions to this rule. 1. If one planet is about to
destroy another. 2. If a planet is holding up the evolutionary progress
of its galaxy. 3. If a planet is about to destroy itself. This
is the main reason that millions of lightworkers incarnated here – to
become inhabitants – so they had the universal right to speak for the
planet. When we see we can’t handle something ourselves, it is time to
make a decree to ask those in the higher dimensions to act for us. The
higher realms have to stand by and wait for Lightworkers to decree
before they can act on important planetary situations. Of course, they
cannot interfere anyway if it will be a greater learning for the planet
to experience it. If you aren’t sure whether that is the case in the
situation you are asking for, you can word the decree in such as way as
to take that into account. Do this by adding ‘if it be in Divine
Order’. 'In
the Name of God, by Divine Decree, under Universal Law, I ask for
Highest Divine Order to take place…. (add whatever it is you wish to
ask for). For example, you could add
the wording ‘concerning the whales’ or ‘regarding the situation
between (name specific countries/places) or ‘concerning the oil spill
in the (When you have said the
decree 3 times, then add this line.) So Be It. So Mote it Be. It Is
Done. It is important to remember
that decrees need to be said three times using precisely the same words. Power
of three /Holy trinity /Universal Law. It is a good idea to write
the decree down to make sure the wording is exactly the same. If you
make a slip up when you are saying it, you will need to begin again from
the start. I
believe most lightworkers feel they are very discerning. This may be
true but certainly not all and you may need to check this area to make
sure you really get it. The
situation just mentioned was one example. I have seen many. I also
watched a person at a major Mind, Body and Spirit festival handing out
dark programmed crystals. This was accompanied with some chat of how
special and rare the crystals were. Playing to the ego clinched it. Most
took them. Understand that crystals can also choose whether to work with
dark or light energy. You may like to check your own crystals to ensure
you feel comfortable with each of them. We
need to fully awake to our own potential and not allow ourselves to be
used through our own niceness and desire to help. We need to go beyond
not wanting to hurt people’s feelings if we refuse their gift or
invitation, CD, book, object, etc. The dark side really cash in on our
decent and trusting behaviour. There
is absolutely no reason to go into fear. These people are so far removed
from Source that they have to rely on people’s gullibility and fear in
order to get a toe in anywhere. Light is the senior power and we are so
much greater. I
take the opportunity of this article to mention another area of
discernment. Although this has nothing to do with light and dark, it is
also important. It’s about discerning or recognising where other
people are in relation to their understanding of life. In order not to
overwhelm someone and perhaps turn them away from spiritual concepts for
years to come, we need to check out (intuitively is fine) what is real
to the other person. If we fail to observe the correct level of
communication to approach someone with, it can be very overwhelming for
them. Talking to someone about cosmic masters or missionaires coming
from other planets to help the Earth can be quite unbelievable to
someone who is just trying to get a grasp on the idea they may have
lived before! If what they need is a basic understanding such as that
presented by Louise Hay’s ‘You can Heal your life’ or my own ‘I
Am Here,’ it can be detrimental to give them ‘way out’ high level
concepts. I know it’s hard sometimes to remember back when we didn’t
know all the things we do now, but there was such a time – even if it
was in another life!! When people tell us things that are far from our
belief patterns, we can think they are crazy. This can cause us to throw
the information away. So, be gentle with what you say to people. Look
and see who is really
standing in front of you. Be intuitive with what you say and assess how
much or how little information they will need to progress. Go
into Mastery instead of fear. Be confident and trusting your own sense
of the calibre of the energy in front of you. May
rainbows of Light go with you always.
Sandy Stevenson