A view about dates
for events that don’t happen.
Whether we realize
it or not, we are all in the process of detaching, mentally and
emotionally, from the third dimensional reality as we move toward 5D.
When we are given dates of events that don’t happen, it doesn’t mean
nothing is happening. Actually, WE are happening!!
Logic tells us it
would not be clever for white hats to divulge real dates for events and
thereby alert the dark hats. But because we so much want something big
to happen, we push logic aside and pin our hopes on the dates. Totally
understandable. We want it all to happen - now!
Remember when we
were first given dates for events and we got excited and attached
ourselves to the outcomes, with great expectation (and popcorn) we duly
counted the days to events that might bring an end to it all. When they
did not eventuate, we were disappointed, upset, apathetic and maybe
began to doubt the plan. Whatever we experienced individually, there is
no doubt a range of thoughts and emotions surfaced throughout the light
force. Was that a gift? Let us see.
I wonder if we
realize how much we have grown because of those dates that led us month
by month, offering hope and helping to keep us going. We have worked our
way past many dates now and I believe have reached a place of
understanding of a bigger picture and are trusting Divine Order. We have
detached from expectations we held that had the power to undermine us
when they didn’t happen.
In addition, we have
been letting go of ideas things have to happen and now! We began hearing
a couple of important dates in a month and were impatient with that long
length of time. Now we are able to think months ahead with some
acceptance. We are letting go of TIME!
The reactions we saw
in ourselves of feeling let down, has shown us we were giving our power
to ideas that made us vulnerable and could throw us into dense energy,
lower emotions and thought patterns, causing us to roller coaster and
reduced our light until we managed to get ourselves back on track.
It has taught us
discernment and that not everything we hear is true, regardless of who
says it!!
It has also helped
us learn the need to get truth from within and stop requiring answers
from others. Regardless of how much we love or trust someone, blindly
believing what they say does not help our personal mastery or increase
our vibrational frequency. Imagine if all external sources of
information suddenly disappeared and we had to rely solely on our inner
knowing. Would we be able to remain calm, centred and balanced, holding
the light and relying on our inner knowing.
We are currently
learning to let go of the third dimension and all its attached parts;
its history, stories, fake, superficiality, distortions and lies. We are
even learning to let go of loved ones and allowing their choice and the
path they wish to walk. We are releasing everything and starting to live
in the flow of the moment, doing what feels right and trusting Divine
For most of us who have run the gauntlet of dates, when we are now told
a date, we are able to stay in a detached place with a good balance of
light. We can still get excited and anticipate. We can still add our
energy and light to proposed events we feel are good for Earth. They
raise our vibration and help the planet. But now we are detached from
it! A big difference than where we were before. Now, we won’t plummet
emotionally when something does not come about. We are way more chilled
and laid back, willing for it to happen but equally able to allow it not
to happen, if that is best in Divine Order. We are learning to trust.
Dates will come and go, but now
we are more in our own mastery and power. We can stand strong and not be
drawn down into story lines, fears and old patterns.
We are now holding
the light at a stable high frequency across the Earth as people awake.
We are trusting the Divine Plan and that it will give the best outcome
for the whole world.
Love and blessings,
Sandy Stevenson
15th November 2021