We blithely walk among discarded beliefs and broken dreams
now scattered to the winds across a field of 3D reality.
Visible, this pain of a crumbling world finding truth
disappearing ego’s that longed for success, compliant with desire
so cleverly placed, urging us forward into a cage of deep waters,
and the trap of a material world, a fake place of things.
Compassion for the sad, distraught and confused. So much seems lost,
before understanding a higher destiny of replacement.
Light is weaving, braiding into hidden crevices of a life that was,
expanding widely, flooding rivers, becoming an avalanche
sweeping unceasingly into depths of earth and breadths of nations
embedding love into the hearts of every man, woman and child.
We bear witness to destiny, this precious moment, a birth,
like the touch from a fingertip, the Light of all Creation.
Sandy Stevenson
25th August 2024