Because lightworkers have been interacting with many 3D structures,
patterns and beliefs while here, they now discover they have adopted
many of these patterns and need to release them. In addition, they also
have to re-learn how to view life from a broader, higher perspective,
which will clear limited 3D thinking. They need to stay based in the
heart, without judgement and trust their intuition. Avoid limiting
thinking and ego direction and not let external events drag them into
lower vibrational energy. Everyone on Earth is now letting go of a vast
spectrum of the entire 3D world; expectations, dates, ego, impatience,
storylines, information, the need for others to tell us what is
happening, to be more discerning about what energy we accept and stop
believing whatever we are told. We are also being encouraged to let go
of our fixation on ‘time’. Time is a creation of 3D reality that exists
for learning. As we are moving on from 3D, it will no longer be needed.
The light force is continually working to add light to the whole. When
we get excited about news we think could be a game changer, it increases
our light vibration and that light is passed into humanity’s collective
consciousness. So, raising our own vibration helps everyone. And when
events do not occur as predicted, it gives us a chance to check -
1. If we had a reaction because it did not happen.
2. See if we had attached to that idea.
3. See if we had blindly believed something.
4. See if we took the time to intuitively feel if it would happen.
That can help us avoid future attachments. Humanity has mainly allowed
others to lead our direction in life, e.g. education, job, career,
marriage expectations, making money, etc. When we use our own guidance
we come to understand we don’t have to control everything in life. There
is a natural flow of divine order that exists throughout the world and
we are able to function perfectly and naturally if we surrender to it,
thus avoiding being directed from our thoughts, ego or emotions.
Sandy Stevenson