An unprecedented Dispensation to the Mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form,
have been given permission to intervene in the process of Humanitys physical
transformation in a way that has never before been allowed by Cosmic Law.
The Mighty Elohim have been given permission by our Father-Mother-God to
amplify our greatest efforts of transformation - a thousand times a thousand -
fold. This literally means that every thought, word, action or feeling we express that is
designed to transform our Earthly experience into Limitless Physical Perfection will be
increased - a thousand times a thousand fold - by the Builders of Form.
It is impossible to fathom with our finite minds the magnitude of this
Sacred Gift, but when we ask for and accept the assistance of the Mighty Elohim, the
significance will become abundantly clear.
Extract from newsletter by Patricia Cota-Robles
On the Eve of the Millennium
I saw in our amazing New Millennium (Hey, we made it!!!! All those
lifetimes! - and we lasted through it all - blazing Light all the way and
here we are with our goal intact and it's all happening - an ASCENDING PLANET - YES! YES!
On New Year's Eve, coming up to midnight on this warm summer evening - I
was standing in the Pacific ocean in Byron Bay in New South Wales, Australia - a major
Lightworker town with many roles, one of those roles being to assist the world blueprint
in the concept of unconditional love. Byron Bay is the most easterly point on the
continent of Australia and therefore attracted a large crowd wanting to witness the first
moment of the Light of the New Dawn.
Standing in the warm water, receiving and sending coding via my amazing
Atlantean laser crystal - my heart leapt in joy as a message of Divine Glory rang out
across the skies. Across the ocean on the horizon - for 30 minutes - lightning played its
grandest symphony. In each new second the sky was lit in a most amazing natural Light show
- each blaze of Light showing a new part of the sky and cloud formation. Showing all the
facets of the world of the world, previously hidden, coming together in wondrous harmony?
Lots of gasps of wonder from the many people sitting under the stars
along the beach, sharing a new dream for the world. What a show!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As if that wasn't enough, there was also a wonderful hour long parade
through the town with many beautiful floats of angels, lanterns, space brothers, Shiva,
etc. - plus hundreds of drums along the beach, beating the minutes to midnight.
Expecting an extra 48,000 into Byron Bay, (incidentally it has a policy
of alcohol-free streets and beach), while all residents received free permits, the
non-resident cars were parked outside the town and those people were brought in by bus.
Everything was well organised and ran perfectly. Extra police were on duty.
In addition to the sheer beauty of the evening and all that went to make
to make that such a beautiful and special night - one of the memories that will never
leave me was the wonderful relaxed, friendly police force - every one of them sporting a
large glowing red heart in the middle of their uniforms!!!! They were also giving them
away to people. Lots of police men and women also had glowing starfish on the shoulders of
the uniforms. Where else but Byron!!!!! WOW!
By the way, there was only harmony and love and co-operation (and no
hassles whatsoever) - as this incredible diversity of people from every age and culture
streamed into Byron to share this special day for the planet.
I was so grateful to be there and I thanked God for what we all saw that
night - not only in Byron Bay - but throughout the media the next day a world that
came together as each country put on the greatest show on Earth.
So here we are in a New Dawn.
Sandy Stevenson
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