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Glastonbury Tor UK
Christmas is
a reminder we have a gift to offer mankind. Our hearts and
thoughts can create love, gentleness, peace, forgiveness,
gratitude, softness, harmony, beauty, laughter, respect,
compassion, tolerance and assistance for family, friends and our
wider family around the world. It is a time to be moved by generosity,
inspired by hope and uplifted by love, not only for ourselves
but for the whole evolving universe. It’s a wish that every cup
may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path
may lead to peace. Sharing
special Christmas fare, carols, decorating the tree, exchanging
gifts and love. Whether we are by a log fire embracing the
traditions of roast dinners, plum pudding, holly, mistletoe,
mince pies and hot spiced wine or basking in the heat of the
southern hemisphere of Earth, swimming at the beach and enjoying
picnics of amazing seafood, we are sharing fun, joy and laughter
with our friends and family. Everything
has a place and a reason for being and Christmas is such a time.
It can fill our hearts to the brim with infinite serenity,
grace, wonder, wisdom and love. In great
appreciation of Christmas and its special energy of love and
sharing across the world.
May your world be full of:
Snowflakes, laughter, fun, relaxation, peace,
rainbows, special moments, magical sights, new born lambs, crisp icy
rivers, light, sunsets over oceans, seagulls, early morning mists,
meadows, lapping waves, fresh cut grass, hot mulled wine, cobblestones,
log fires, brilliant colours, tadpoles, sunlight, embroidered cloth,
fairies, mountain peaks, squirrels, butterflies, sunrise, temples,
starry nights, wholesome food, kittens, wine glasses, snowmen, pixies,
moonbeams, Santa Claus, friends, ponies, candles, stained glass,
thatched roofs,
willow trees, neighbours, roses, dew drops, joy, holidays, crystals, hot
chips, warm water, campfires, ponds, singing, dolphins, babies, hugs,
special music, tapestry, hands to hold, gems, trust, weddings, laughter,
starry nights, cricket sounds, lullabies, crisp winters, dancing,
romantic nights, wonderful food, kisses, dogs, magic, relaxing, wind
chimes, sailing boats, shells, hay, washing machines, kettles, church
bells, dogs, hailstones, whales, lightning, white sand, blue skies,
birds, full moons, animals, sacred sites, hot water bottles, castles,
flowers, red bricks, loved ones, rugs, travel, summer houses, presents,
mist, unicorns, seals, safe journeys, exquisite skies, hello's, birthday
cake, Walt Disney, a glass of wine, films, light, kind words,
concerts, fun, mistletoe, parents, bees, guardian angels, hot sun,
harmony, salty oceans, grandparents, shooting stars, angels, satin,
holly, pansies, cats, copper pans, lace, hot spa baths, choirs, red
berries, laughing children, trust, companionship, nurses, comets, mud
pies, hide and seek, rice paper, logs, photos, lamps, paintings, duvets,
silver foil, pine cones, golden lights, silk parachutes, comfy pillows,
silver volcanic ash, laser paper, streams, smooth round stones, moments
of pure love, teddy bears, close family and friends.
Sandy ![]()
Thich Nhat Hanh
Never put anything or anyone between you and Source
We are all helping each other
My favourite Rumi quotes
![]() Rumi started the Whirling Dervishers
TAP Portugal and ANA airlines wished their passengers a
Merry Christmas at
in an unique way!
Between stimulus and response there is a space, in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom. Viktor Franki.
'Man's search for meaning 1959.'
A MOMENT OF LOVE Every person in the world has a heart.
Every heart has a place within
Let us connect with that
Let us take a moment now http://www.momentoflove.org/wordsoflove
May we always strive to go beyond
intolerance and judgment
To be who we really are.
For in this space of pure truth
We Know
In this
place of being
We find we Love unconditionally
Our Tolerance is complete
Compassion - a natural gift
And we become the JOY of simply
Sandy Stevenson
Angel creation by www.spiritnetwork.com - used with permission
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